AI-Categorizer 0.09 Latest
Kwalitee Issues
- use_strict
Add 'use strict' (or its equivalents) to all modules, or convince us that your favorite module is well-known enough and people can easily see the modules are strictly written.
Error: AI::Categorizer::FeatureVector
- no_pod_errors
Remove the POD errors. You can check for POD errors automatically by including Test::Pod to your test suite.
Error: AI-Categorizer-0.09/lib/AI/Categorizer/FeatureSelector/ -- Around line 65: =over without closing =back AI-Categorizer-0.09/lib/AI/Categorizer/ -- Around line 57: You forgot a '=back' before '=head1'
- has_meta_json
Add a META.json to the distribution. Your buildtool should be able to autogenerate it.
- use_warnings
Add 'use warnings' (or its equivalents) to all modules, or convince us that your favorite module is well-known enough and people can easily see the modules warn when something bad happens.
Error: AI::Categorizer, AI::Categorizer::Category, AI::Categorizer::Collection, AI::Categorizer::Collection::DBI, AI::Categorizer::Collection::Files, AI::Categorizer::Collection::InMemory, AI::Categorizer::Collection::SingleFile, AI::Categorizer::Document, AI::Categorizer::Document::SMART, AI::Categorizer::Document::Text, AI::Categorizer::Document::XML, AI::Categorizer::Experiment, AI::Categorizer::FeatureSelector, AI::Categorizer::FeatureSelector::CategorySelector, AI::Categorizer::FeatureSelector::ChiSquare, AI::Categorizer::FeatureSelector::DocFrequency, AI::Categorizer::FeatureVector, AI::Categorizer::Hypothesis, AI::Categorizer::KnowledgeSet, AI::Categorizer::Learner, AI::Categorizer::Learner::Boolean, AI::Categorizer::Learner::DecisionTree, AI::Categorizer::Learner::Guesser, AI::Categorizer::Learner::KNN, AI::Categorizer::Learner::NaiveBayes, AI::Categorizer::Learner::Rocchio, AI::Categorizer::Learner::SVM, AI::Categorizer::Learner::Weka, AI::Categorizer::ObjectSet, AI::Categorizer::Storable, AI::Categorizer::Util
- consistent_version
Split the distribution, or fix the version numbers to make them consistent (use the highest version number to avoid version downgrade).
Error: 0.01,0.09
- meta_yml_has_repository_resource
Add a 'repository' resource to the META.yml via 'meta_add' accessor (for Module::Build) or META_ADD parameter (for ExtUtils::MakeMaker).
- has_separate_license_file
This is not a critical issue. Currently mainly informative for the CPANTS authors. It might be removed later.
Name | Abstract | Version | View |
AI::Categorizer | Automatic Text Categorization | 0.09 | metacpan |
AI::Categorizer::Category | A named category of documents | metacpan | |
AI::Categorizer::Collection | Access stored documents | metacpan | |
AI::Categorizer::Collection::DBI | metacpan | ||
AI::Categorizer::Collection::Files | One document per file | metacpan | |
AI::Categorizer::Collection::InMemory | metacpan | ||
AI::Categorizer::Collection::SingleFile | metacpan | ||
AI::Categorizer::Document | Embodies a document | metacpan | |
AI::Categorizer::Document::SMART | metacpan | ||
AI::Categorizer::Document::Text | metacpan | ||
AI::Categorizer::Document::XML | metacpan | ||
AI::Categorizer::Document::XML::Handler | metacpan | ||
AI::Categorizer::Experiment | Coordinate experimental results | metacpan | |
AI::Categorizer::FeatureSelector | Abstract Feature Selection class | metacpan | |
AI::Categorizer::FeatureSelector::CategorySelector | metacpan | ||
AI::Categorizer::FeatureSelector::ChiSquare | ChiSquare Feature Selection class | metacpan | |
AI::Categorizer::FeatureSelector::DocFrequency | metacpan | ||
AI::Categorizer::FeatureVector | Features vs. Values | metacpan | |
AI::Categorizer::Hypothesis | Embodies a set of category assignments | metacpan | |
AI::Categorizer::KnowledgeSet | Encapsulates set of documents | metacpan | |
AI::Categorizer::Learner | Abstract Machine Learner Class | metacpan | |
AI::Categorizer::Learner::Boolean | Abstract class for boolean categorizers | metacpan | |
AI::Categorizer::Learner::DecisionTree | Decision Tree Learner | 0.01 | metacpan |
AI::Categorizer::Learner::Guesser | Simple guessing based on class probabilities | metacpan | |
AI::Categorizer::Learner::KNN | K Nearest Neighbour Algorithm For AI::Categorizer | metacpan | |
AI::Categorizer::Learner::KNN::Queue | metacpan | ||
AI::Categorizer::Learner::NaiveBayes | Naive Bayes Algorithm For AI::Categorizer | metacpan | |
AI::Categorizer::Learner::Rocchio | 0.01 | metacpan | |
AI::Categorizer::Learner::SVM | Support Vector Machine Learner | 0.01 | metacpan |
AI::Categorizer::Learner::Weka | Pass-through wrapper to Weka system | metacpan | |
AI::Categorizer::ObjectSet | metacpan | ||
AI::Categorizer::Storable | Saving and Restoring State | metacpan | |
AI::Categorizer::Util | metacpan |