Kwalitee Issues

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If you are using Build.PL define the {requires}{perl} = VERSION field. If you are using MakeMaker (Makefile.PL) you should upgrade ExtUtils::MakeMaker to 6.48 and use MIN_PERL_VERSION parameter. Perl::MinimumVersion can help you determine which version of Perl your module needs.


Add all modules contained in this distribution to the META.yml field 'provides'. Module::Build or Dist::Zilla::Plugin::MetaProvides do this automatically for you.


Name Abstract Version View
Bio::Biblio a bibliographic query service module 1.70 metacpan
Bio::Biblio::Article representation of a general article 1.70 metacpan
Bio::Biblio::BiblioBase an abstract base for other biblio classes 1.70 metacpan
Bio::Biblio::Book Representation of a book 1.70 metacpan
Bio::Biblio::BookArticle representation of a book article 1.70 metacpan
Bio::Biblio::IO Handling the bibliographic references 1.70 metacpan
Bio::Biblio::IO::medline2ref a converter of a raw hash to MEDLINE citations 1.70 metacpan
Bio::Biblio::IO::medlinexml a converter of XML files with MEDLINE citations 1.70 metacpan
Bio::Biblio::IO::pubmed2ref a converter of a raw hash to PUBMED citations 1.70 metacpan
Bio::Biblio::IO::pubmedxml a converter of XML files with PUBMED citations 1.70 metacpan
Bio::Biblio::Journal representation of a journal 1.70 metacpan
Bio::Biblio::JournalArticle representation of a journal article 1.70 metacpan
Bio::Biblio::MedlineArticle representation of a MEDLINE article 1.70 metacpan
Bio::Biblio::MedlineBook representation of a MEDLINE book 1.70 metacpan
Bio::Biblio::MedlineBookArticle representation of a MEDLINE book article 1.70 metacpan
Bio::Biblio::MedlineJournal representation of a MEDLINE journal 1.70 metacpan
Bio::Biblio::MedlineJournalArticle representation of a MEDLINE journal article 1.70 metacpan
Bio::Biblio::Organisation representation of an organisation 1.70 metacpan
Bio::Biblio::Patent representation of a patent 1.70 metacpan
Bio::Biblio::Person representation of a person 1.70 metacpan
Bio::Biblio::Proceeding representation of a conference proceeding 1.70 metacpan
Bio::Biblio::Provider representation of a general provider 1.70 metacpan
Bio::Biblio::PubmedArticle representation of a PUBMED article 1.70 metacpan
Bio::Biblio::PubmedBookArticle representation of a PUBMED book article 1.70 metacpan
Bio::Biblio::PubmedJournalArticle representation of a PUBMED journal article 1.70 metacpan
Bio::Biblio::Ref representation of a bibliographic reference 1.70 metacpan
Bio::Biblio::Service representation of a provider of type service 1.70 metacpan
Bio::Biblio::TechReport representation of a technical report 1.70 metacpan
Bio::Biblio::Thesis representation of thesis 1.70 metacpan
Bio::Biblio::WebResource representation of a web resource 1.70 metacpan
Bio::DB::Biblio::biofetch a BioFetch-based access to a bibliographic citation retrieval 1.70 metacpan
Bio::DB::Biblio::eutils access to PubMed's bibliographic query service 1.70 metacpan
Bio::DB::Biblio::soap a SOAP-based access to a bibliographic query service 1.70 metacpan
Bio::DB::BiblioI an interface to a Bibliographic Query Service 1.70 metacpan

Other Files

Changes metacpan
MANIFEST metacpan
META.json metacpan
META.yml metacpan
Makefile.PL metacpan metacpan
dist.ini metacpan