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Error: BorderStyles::Standard


Name Abstract Version View
BorderStyle::ASCII::None No borders, but row separator is still drawn using dashes 0.014 metacpan
BorderStyle::ASCII::SingleLine Single line border with ASCII characters 0.014 metacpan
BorderStyle::ASCII::SingleLineDoubleAfterHeader Just like ASCII::SingleLine but uses double line to separate header row and first data row 0.014 metacpan
BorderStyle::ASCII::SingleLineHorizontalOnly Single line border with ASCII characters, horizontal only 0.014 metacpan
BorderStyle::ASCII::SingleLineInnerOnly Single line border with ASCII characters, between columns only 0.014 metacpan
BorderStyle::ASCII::SingleLineOuterOnly Single line border with ASCII characters, outer borders only 0.014 metacpan
BorderStyle::ASCII::SingleLineVerticalOnly Single line border with ASCII characters, vertical only 0.014 metacpan
BorderStyle::ASCII::Space Space as borders, but data row separator is still drawn using dashes 0.014 metacpan
BorderStyle::ASCII::SpaceInnerOnly No borders, but columns are still separated using spaces and data row separator is still drawn using dashes 0.014 metacpan
BorderStyle::BoxChar::None No borders, but data row separator is still drawn using horizontal line 0.014 metacpan
BorderStyle::BoxChar::SingleLine Single line border with box-drawing characters 0.014 metacpan
BorderStyle::BoxChar::SingleLineHorizontalOnly Single line border with box-drawing characters, horizontal only 0.014 metacpan
BorderStyle::BoxChar::SingleLineInnerOnly Single line border with box-drawing characters, between columns only 0.014 metacpan
BorderStyle::BoxChar::SingleLineOuterOnly Single line border with box-drawing characters, outer borders only 0.014 metacpan
BorderStyle::BoxChar::SingleLineVerticalOnly Single line border with box-drawing characters, vertical only 0.014 metacpan
BorderStyle::BoxChar::Space Space as borders, but data row separator is still drawn using horizontal line 0.014 metacpan
BorderStyle::BoxChar::SpaceInnerOnly No borders, but columns are still separated using spaces and data row separator is still drawn using horizontal line 0.014 metacpan
BorderStyle::UTF8::Brick Single-line, bold on bottom right to give illusion of depth 0.014 metacpan
BorderStyle::UTF8::BrickOuterOnly Single-line (outer only), bold on bottom right to give illusion of depth 0.014 metacpan
BorderStyle::UTF8::DoubleLine Double-line border with UTF8 characters 0.014 metacpan
BorderStyle::UTF8::None No borders, but data row separator is still drawn using horizontal line 0.014 metacpan
BorderStyle::UTF8::SingleLine Single-line border with UTF8 characters 0.014 metacpan
BorderStyle::UTF8::SingleLineBold Bold single-line border with UTF8 characters 0.014 metacpan
BorderStyle::UTF8::SingleLineBoldHeader Single-line border (header box bold) with UTF8 characters 0.014 metacpan
BorderStyle::UTF8::SingleLineCurved Single-line border with UTF8 characters, curved edges 0.014 metacpan
BorderStyle::UTF8::SingleLineDoubleAfterHeader Just like UTF8::SingleLine but uses double line to separate header row and first data row 0.014 metacpan
BorderStyle::UTF8::SingleLineHorizontalOnly Single line border with box-drawing characters, horizontal only 0.014 metacpan
BorderStyle::UTF8::SingleLineInnerOnly Single line border with UTF8 characters, between columns only 0.014 metacpan
BorderStyle::UTF8::SingleLineOuterOnly Single line border with UTF8 characters, outer borders only 0.014 metacpan
BorderStyle::UTF8::SingleLineVerticalOnly Single line border with UTF8 characters, vertical only 0.014 metacpan
BorderStyle::UTF8::Space Space as borders, but data row separator is still drawn using horizontal line 0.014 metacpan
BorderStyle::UTF8::SpaceInnerOnly No borders, but columns are still separated using spaces and data row separator is still drawn using horizontal line 0.014 metacpan
BorderStyles::Standard A standard collection of border styles 0.014 metacpan

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