CGI-UploadEngine 0.93
- extracts_nicely
expected CGI-UploadEngine-0.93 but CGI-UploadEngine is found
- manifest_matches_dist
- MANIFEST (19) does not match dist (21):
- Missing in MANIFEST: Controller/uploadeg, config/uploadeg
- no_pod_errors
CGI-UploadEngine/lib/CGI/ -- Around line 565: You can't have =items (as at line 569) unless the first thing after the =over is an =item Around line 666: You forgot a '=back' before '=head1'
- prereq_matches_use
- Catalyst
- Catalyst::Controller
- Catalyst::Plugin::Session
- DBIx::MySperql
- Moose
- YAML::Any
- namespace::autoclean
- proper_libs
Controller/, Controller/