Catmandu-MARC 1.33 Latest
Kwalitee Issues
- use_strict
Add 'use strict' (or its equivalents) to all modules, or convince us that your favorite module is well-known enough and people can easily see the modules are strictly written.
Error: Catmandu::Fix::Inline::marc_add, Catmandu::Fix::Inline::marc_map, Catmandu::Fix::Inline::marc_remove, Catmandu::Fix::Inline::marc_set
- use_warnings
Add 'use warnings' (or its equivalents) to all modules, or convince us that your favorite module is well-known enough and people can easily see the modules warn when something bad happens.
Error: Catmandu::Fix::Inline::marc_add, Catmandu::Fix::Inline::marc_map, Catmandu::Fix::Inline::marc_remove, Catmandu::Fix::Inline::marc_set
- consistent_version
Split the distribution, or fix the version numbers to make them consistent (use the highest version number to avoid version downgrade).
Error: 1.12,1.13,1.33
- meta_yml_has_provides
Add all modules contained in this distribution to the META.yml field 'provides'. Module::Build or Dist::Zilla::Plugin::MetaProvides do this automatically for you.
Name | Abstract | Version | View |
Catmandu::Exporter::MARC | Exporter for MARC records | 1.33 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Exporter::MARC::ALEPHSEQ | Exporter for MARC records to Ex Libris' Aleph sequential | 1.33 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Exporter::MARC::Base | 1.33 | metacpan | |
Catmandu::Exporter::MARC::ISO | Exporter for MARC records to ISO | 1.33 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Exporter::MARC::Line | Exporter for MARC records to Index Data's MARC Line format | 1.33 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Exporter::MARC::MARCMaker | Exporter for MARC records to USMARC | 1.33 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Exporter::MARC::MiJ | Exporter for MARC records to MARC in JSON | 1.33 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Exporter::MARC::XML | Exporter for MARC records to MARCXML | 1.33 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Fix::Bind::marc_each | a binder that loops over MARC fields | 1.33 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Fix::Condition::marc_all_match | Test if a MARC (sub)field matches a value | 1.33 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Fix::Condition::marc_any_match | Test if a MARC (sub)field matches a value | 1.33 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Fix::Condition::marc_has | Test if a MARC (sub)field exists | 1.33 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Fix::Condition::marc_has_many | Test if a MARC has more than one (sub)field | 1.33 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Fix::Condition::marc_match | Test if a MARC (sub)field matches a value | 1.33 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Fix::Condition::marc_spec_has | Test if a MARCspec references data | 1.12 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Fix::Inline::marc_add | 1.33 | metacpan | |
Catmandu::Fix::Inline::marc_map | A marc_map-er for Perl scripts (DEPRECATED) | 1.33 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Fix::Inline::marc_remove | remove marc fields (DEPRECATED) | 1.33 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Fix::Inline::marc_set | A marc_set-er for Perl scripts (DEPRECATED) | 1.33 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Fix::marc_add | add new fields to marc | 1.33 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Fix::marc_append | add a value at the end of a MARC field | 1.33 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Fix::marc_copy | copy marc data in a structured way to a new field | 1.13 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Fix::marc_cut | cut marc data in a structured way to a new field | 1.13 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Fix::marc_decode_dollar_subfields | decode double encoded dollar subfields | 1.33 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Fix::marc_in_json | transform a Catmandu MARC record into MARC-in-JSON | 1.33 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Fix::marc_map | copy marc values of one field to a new field | 1.33 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Fix::marc_paste | paste a MARC structured field back into the MARC record | 1.33 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Fix::marc_remove | remove marc (sub)fields | 1.33 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Fix::marc_replace_all | regex replace (sub)field values in a MARC file | 1.33 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Fix::marc_set | set a marc value of one (sub)field to a new value | 1.33 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Fix::marc_sort | sort MARC record fields by tag | 1.33 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Fix::marc_spec | reference MARC values via L<MARCspec - A common MARC record path language|> | 1.33 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Fix::marc_xml | transform a Catmandu MARC record into MARCXML | 1.33 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Importer::MARC | Package that imports MARC data | 1.33 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Importer::MARC::ALEPHSEQ | Package that imports Ex Libris' Aleph sequential MARC records | 1.33 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Importer::MARC::Decoder | 1.33 | metacpan | |
Catmandu::Importer::MARC::ISO | Package that imports ISO MARC records | 1.33 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Importer::MARC::Line | Package that imports Index Data's MARC Line records | 1.33 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Importer::MARC::Lint | Package that imports USMARC records validated with MARC::Lint | 1.33 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Importer::MARC::MARCMaker | Package that imports MARCMaker records | 1.33 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Importer::MARC::MiJ | Package that imports MARC-in-JSON records | 1.33 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Importer::MARC::MicroLIF | Package that imports MicroLIF records | 1.33 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Importer::MARC::RAW | Package that imports ISO 2709 encoded MARC records | 1.33 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Importer::MARC::Record | Package that imports an array of MARC::Record | 1.33 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Importer::MARC::XML | Package that imports MARCXML records | 1.33 | metacpan |
Catmandu::MARC | Catmandu modules for working with MARC data | 1.33 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Validator::MARC | Validate MARC records against a MARC21 Schema | 1.33 | metacpan |