
Name Abstract Version View
Data::Context Configuration data with context 0.3 metacpan
Data::Context::Actions Contains all the default actions available to a config 0.3 metacpan
Data::Context::Finder <One-line description of module's purpose> 0.3 metacpan
Data::Context::Finder::File <One-line description of module's purpose> 0.3 metacpan
Data::Context::Instance The in memory instance of a data context config file 0.3 metacpan
Data::Context::Loader Base class for Data::Context Loader modules 0.3 metacpan
Data::Context::Loader::File Loads a config file from disk 0.3 metacpan
Data::Context::Loader::File::JS <One-line description of module's purpose> 0.3 metacpan
Data::Context::Loader::File::JSON <One-line description of module's purpose> 0.3 metacpan
Data::Context::Loader::File::XML <One-line description of module's purpose> 0.3 metacpan
Data::Context::Loader::File::YAML <One-line description of module's purpose> 0.3 metacpan
Data::Context::Log Simple Log object helper 0.3 metacpan
Data::Context::Util Helper functions for Data::Context 0.3 metacpan

Other Files

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Changes metacpan
MANIFEST metacpan
META.json metacpan
META.yml metacpan
README.pod metacpan