Kwalitee Issues


Add 'use strict' (or its equivalents) to all modules, or convince us that your favorite module is well-known enough and people can easily see the modules are strictly written.

Error: Datahub::Factory, Datahub::Factory::CLI, Datahub::Factory::Cmd, Datahub::Factory::Sane, Datahub::Factory::Util


List all used modules in META.yml requires


  • feature
  • parent


Add 'use warnings' (or its equivalents) to all modules, or convince us that your favorite module is well-known enough and people can easily see the modules warn when something bad happens.

Error: Datahub::Factory, Datahub::Factory::CLI, Datahub::Factory::Cmd, Datahub::Factory::Sane, Datahub::Factory::Util


Add all modules contained in this distribution to the META.yml field 'provides'. Module::Build or Dist::Zilla::Plugin::MetaProvides do this automatically for you.


Add SECURITY(.pod|md). See Software::Security::Policy.


Add SECURITY(.pod|md) and add a contact address. See Software::Security::Policy.


Add CONTRIBUTING(.pod|md). See


Name Abstract Version View
Datahub::Factory A CLI tool that transforms and transports data from a data source to a data sink. 1.77 metacpan
Datahub::Factory::CLI The App::Cmd class for the Datahub::Factory application 1.77 metacpan
Datahub::Factory::Cmd A base class for extending the Datahub Factory command line 1.77 metacpan
Datahub::Factory::Command::index 1.77 metacpan
Datahub::Factory::Command::transport Implements the 'transport' command. 1.77 metacpan
Datahub::Factory::Config A Datahub::Factory configuration file loader 1.77 metacpan
Datahub::Factory::Env A Datahub::Factory configuration file loader 1.77 metacpan
Datahub::Factory::Error 1.77 metacpan
Datahub::Factory::Exporter Namespace for exporter packages 1.77 metacpan
Datahub::Factory::Exporter::Datahub Export items to a Datahub instance 1.77 metacpan
Datahub::Factory::Exporter::JSON Export items to JSON 1.77 metacpan
Datahub::Factory::Exporter::LIDO Export items to LIDO 1.77 metacpan
Datahub::Factory::Exporter::Solr Export items to a Solr instance 1.77 metacpan
Datahub::Factory::Exporter::YAML Export items to YAML 1.77 metacpan
Datahub::Factory::Fixer Namespace for fixer packages 1.77 metacpan
Datahub::Factory::Fixer::Condition Load fixer plugins based on a condition 1.77 metacpan
Datahub::Factory::Fixer::Fix Execute fixes on a single record 1.77 metacpan
Datahub::Factory::Flash Pretty verbose flash messages 1.77 metacpan
Datahub::Factory::Importer Namespace for importer packages 1.77 metacpan
Datahub::Factory::Importer::Adlib Import data from L<Adlib|> data dumps 1.77 metacpan
Datahub::Factory::Importer::CollectiveAccess Import data from a L<CollectiveAccess|> instance 1.77 metacpan
Datahub::Factory::Importer::Datahub Import items from a Datahub instance 1.77 metacpan
Datahub::Factory::Importer::JSON Import data from JSON flat file data dumps 1.77 metacpan
Datahub::Factory::Importer::OAI Import data from an L<OAI-PMH|> endpoint 1.77 metacpan
Datahub::Factory::Importer::YAML Import data from YAML data dumps 1.77 metacpan
Datahub::Factory::Indexer Namespace for indexer packages 1.77 metacpan
Datahub::Factory::Indexer::Solr Index data in Solr via a data import handler. 1.77 metacpan
Datahub::Factory::Logger A role for classes that need logging capabilities 1.77 metacpan
Datahub::Factory::Pipeline The Pipeline configuration handler class. 1.77 metacpan
Datahub::Factory::Pipeline::Exporter 1.77 metacpan
Datahub::Factory::Pipeline::Fixer 1.77 metacpan
Datahub::Factory::Pipeline::General 1.77 metacpan
Datahub::Factory::Pipeline::Importer 1.77 metacpan
Datahub::Factory::Pipeline::Index 1.77 metacpan
Datahub::Factory::Pipeline::Transport 1.77 metacpan
Datahub::Factory::Sane Package boilerplate 1.77 metacpan
Datahub::Factory::Util 1.77 metacpan


Name File View
Datahub::Factory::FixFileNotFound lib/Datahub/Factory/ metacpan
Datahub::Factory::InvalidCondition lib/Datahub/Factory/ metacpan
Datahub::Factory::InvalidPipeline lib/Datahub/Factory/ metacpan
Datahub::Factory::ModuleNotFound lib/Datahub/Factory/ metacpan

Other Files

Build.PL metacpan
Changes metacpan
MANIFEST metacpan
META.json metacpan
META.yml metacpan
README metacpan
cpanfile metacpan
dist.ini metacpan