Old SIGNATURE detected. Please inform the module author to regenerate SIGNATURE using Module::Signature version 0.82 or newer.
WARNING: This key is not certified with a trusted signature!
Primary key fingerprint: 66B2 B78E D1B7 7641 4861 D592 B4B3 DD37 3C35 01A0
--- SIGNATURE Tue Jan 27 01:46:26 2009
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
SHA1 120e3282069bc2df32332b6f2ce4b105b17b76ce AUTHORS
-SHA1 8bde6389d6bf2577b1995010aba37a39d72d32e4 Changes
+SHA1 f3ea1801ba6c2347475270c32deed99cc5285101 Changes
SHA1 84496a87df88de01d5b41240d0a497cb86246686 MANIFEST
SHA1 a3310f33e851432790eb42d550fb4eab11ea50c6 MANIFEST.SKIP
SHA1 f40f3edf119ee54a248f6538d5dcfe9490147c46 META.yml
==> MISMATCHED content between SIGNATURE and distribution files! <==