Under maintenance.

Most probably CPANTS databases are being regenerated from scratch due to major changes in Kwalitee metrics or updates of relevant modules/perl. Usually this maintenance takes about a day or two, and some of the information may be old or missing tentatively. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Kwalitee Issues

No Core Issues.


Add all modules contained in this distribution to the META.yml field 'provides'. Module::Build or Dist::Zilla::Plugin::MetaProvides do this automatically for you.


Name Abstract Version View
Firefox::Marionette Automate the Firefox browser with the Marionette protocol 1.62 metacpan
Firefox::Marionette::Bookmark Represents a Firefox bookmark retrieved using the Marionette protocol 1.62 metacpan
Firefox::Marionette::Buttons Human readable mouse buttons for the Marionette protocol 1.62 metacpan
Firefox::Marionette::Cache Constants to describe actions on the cache 1.62 metacpan
Firefox::Marionette::Capabilities Represents Firefox Capabilities retrieved using the Marionette protocol 1.62 metacpan
Firefox::Marionette::Certificate Represents a x509 Certificate from Firefox 1.62 metacpan
Firefox::Marionette::Cookie Represents a Firefox cookie retrieved using the Marionette protocol 1.62 metacpan
Firefox::Marionette::DNS Constants for calls to the resolve method 1.62 metacpan
Firefox::Marionette::Display Represents a display from the displays method 1.62 metacpan
Firefox::Marionette::Element Represents a Firefox element retrieved using the Marionette protocol 1.62 metacpan
Firefox::Marionette::Element::Rect Represents the box around an Element 1.62 metacpan
Firefox::Marionette::Exception Represents an base exception class for exceptions for Firefox::Marionette 1.62 metacpan
Firefox::Marionette::Exception::InsecureCertificate Represents a 'insecure certificate' exception thrown by Firefox 1.62 metacpan
Firefox::Marionette::Exception::NoSuchAlert Represents a 'no such alert' exception thrown by Firefox 1.62 metacpan
Firefox::Marionette::Exception::NotFound Represents a 'no such element' exception thrown by Firefox 1.62 metacpan
Firefox::Marionette::Exception::Response Represents an exception thrown by Firefox 1.62 metacpan
Firefox::Marionette::Exception::StaleElement Represents a 'stale element reference' exception thrown by Firefox 1.62 metacpan
Firefox::Marionette::Extension::HarExportTrigger Contains the HAR Export Trigger extension 1.62 metacpan
Firefox::Marionette::Extension::Stealth Contains the Stealth Extension 1.62 metacpan
Firefox::Marionette::Extension::Timezone Contains the Timezone Extension 1.62 metacpan
Firefox::Marionette::GeoLocation Represents a GeoLocation for Firefox 1.62 metacpan
Firefox::Marionette::Image Represents an image from the images method 1.62 metacpan
Firefox::Marionette::Keys Human readable special keys for the Marionette protocol 1.62 metacpan
Firefox::Marionette::Link Represents a link from the links method 1.62 metacpan
Firefox::Marionette::LocalObject Parent class that represents a Firefox local object retrieved using the Marionette protocol 1.62 metacpan
Firefox::Marionette::Login Represents a login from the Firefox Password Manager 1.62 metacpan
Firefox::Marionette::Profile Represents a prefs.js Firefox Profile 1.62 metacpan
Firefox::Marionette::Proxy Represents a Proxy used by Firefox Capabilities using the Marionette protocol 1.62 metacpan
Firefox::Marionette::Response Represents a Marionette protocol response 1.62 metacpan
Firefox::Marionette::ShadowRoot Represents a Firefox shadow root retrieved using the Marionette protocol 1.62 metacpan
Firefox::Marionette::Timeouts Represents the timeouts for page loading, searching, and scripts. 1.62 metacpan
Firefox::Marionette::UpdateStatus Represents the resulting status of an Firefox update 1.62 metacpan
Firefox::Marionette::WebAuthn::Authenticator Represents a Firefox WebAuthn Authenticator 1.62 metacpan
Firefox::Marionette::WebAuthn::Credential Represents a Firefox WebAuthn Credential 1.62 metacpan
Firefox::Marionette::WebFrame Represents a Firefox web frame retrieved using the Marionette protocol 1.62 metacpan
Firefox::Marionette::WebWindow Represents a Firefox window retrieved using the Marionette protocol 1.62 metacpan
Firefox::Marionette::Window::Rect Represents the browser window's shape and size 1.62 metacpan
Waterfox::Marionette Automate the Waterfox browser with the Marionette protocol 1.62 metacpan
Waterfox::Marionette::Profile Represents a prefs.js Waterfox Profile 1.62 metacpan

Other Files

Changes metacpan
MANIFEST metacpan
META.json metacpan
META.yml metacpan
Makefile.PL metacpan
README metacpan
README.md metacpan