Kwalitee Issues

No Core Issues.


Add all modules contained in this distribution to the META.yml field 'provides'. Module::Build or Dist::Zilla::Plugin::MetaProvides do this automatically for you.


Add SECURITY(.pod|md). See Software::Security::Policy.


Add SECURITY(.pod|md) and add a contact address. See Software::Security::Policy.


Add CONTRIBUTING(.pod|md). See


Name Abstract Version View
Firefox::Marionette Automate the Firefox browser with the Marionette protocol 1.62 metacpan
Firefox::Marionette::Bookmark Represents a Firefox bookmark retrieved using the Marionette protocol 1.62 metacpan
Firefox::Marionette::Buttons Human readable mouse buttons for the Marionette protocol 1.62 metacpan
Firefox::Marionette::Cache Constants to describe actions on the cache 1.62 metacpan
Firefox::Marionette::Capabilities Represents Firefox Capabilities retrieved using the Marionette protocol 1.62 metacpan
Firefox::Marionette::Certificate Represents a x509 Certificate from Firefox 1.62 metacpan
Firefox::Marionette::Cookie Represents a Firefox cookie retrieved using the Marionette protocol 1.62 metacpan
Firefox::Marionette::DNS Constants for calls to the resolve method 1.62 metacpan
Firefox::Marionette::Display Represents a display from the displays method 1.62 metacpan
Firefox::Marionette::Element Represents a Firefox element retrieved using the Marionette protocol 1.62 metacpan
Firefox::Marionette::Element::Rect Represents the box around an Element 1.62 metacpan
Firefox::Marionette::Exception Represents an base exception class for exceptions for Firefox::Marionette 1.62 metacpan
Firefox::Marionette::Exception::InsecureCertificate Represents a 'insecure certificate' exception thrown by Firefox 1.62 metacpan
Firefox::Marionette::Exception::NoSuchAlert Represents a 'no such alert' exception thrown by Firefox 1.62 metacpan
Firefox::Marionette::Exception::NotFound Represents a 'no such element' exception thrown by Firefox 1.62 metacpan
Firefox::Marionette::Exception::Response Represents an exception thrown by Firefox 1.62 metacpan
Firefox::Marionette::Exception::StaleElement Represents a 'stale element reference' exception thrown by Firefox 1.62 metacpan
Firefox::Marionette::Extension::HarExportTrigger Contains the HAR Export Trigger extension 1.62 metacpan
Firefox::Marionette::Extension::Stealth Contains the Stealth Extension 1.62 metacpan
Firefox::Marionette::Extension::Timezone Contains the Timezone Extension 1.62 metacpan
Firefox::Marionette::GeoLocation Represents a GeoLocation for Firefox 1.62 metacpan
Firefox::Marionette::Image Represents an image from the images method 1.62 metacpan
Firefox::Marionette::Keys Human readable special keys for the Marionette protocol 1.62 metacpan
Firefox::Marionette::Link Represents a link from the links method 1.62 metacpan
Firefox::Marionette::LocalObject Parent class that represents a Firefox local object retrieved using the Marionette protocol 1.62 metacpan
Firefox::Marionette::Login Represents a login from the Firefox Password Manager 1.62 metacpan
Firefox::Marionette::Profile Represents a prefs.js Firefox Profile 1.62 metacpan
Firefox::Marionette::Proxy Represents a Proxy used by Firefox Capabilities using the Marionette protocol 1.62 metacpan
Firefox::Marionette::Response Represents a Marionette protocol response 1.62 metacpan
Firefox::Marionette::ShadowRoot Represents a Firefox shadow root retrieved using the Marionette protocol 1.62 metacpan
Firefox::Marionette::Timeouts Represents the timeouts for page loading, searching, and scripts. 1.62 metacpan
Firefox::Marionette::UpdateStatus Represents the resulting status of an Firefox update 1.62 metacpan
Firefox::Marionette::WebAuthn::Authenticator Represents a Firefox WebAuthn Authenticator 1.62 metacpan
Firefox::Marionette::WebAuthn::Credential Represents a Firefox WebAuthn Credential 1.62 metacpan
Firefox::Marionette::WebFrame Represents a Firefox web frame retrieved using the Marionette protocol 1.62 metacpan
Firefox::Marionette::WebWindow Represents a Firefox window retrieved using the Marionette protocol 1.62 metacpan
Firefox::Marionette::Window::Rect Represents the browser window's shape and size 1.62 metacpan
Waterfox::Marionette Automate the Waterfox browser with the Marionette protocol 1.62 metacpan
Waterfox::Marionette::Profile Represents a prefs.js Waterfox Profile 1.62 metacpan

Other Files

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