Foorum 1.001000 Latest
Kwalitee Issues
No Core Issues.
- meta_yml_declares_perl_version
If you are using Build.PL define the {requires}{perl} = VERSION field. If you are using MakeMaker (Makefile.PL) you should upgrade ExtUtils::MakeMaker to 6.48 and use MIN_PERL_VERSION parameter. Perl::MinimumVersion can help you determine which version of Perl your module needs.
- has_meta_json
Add a META.json to the distribution. Your buildtool should be able to autogenerate it.
- use_warnings
Add 'use warnings' (or its equivalents) to all modules, or convince us that your favorite module is well-known enough and people can easily see the modules warn when something bad happens.
Error: Foorum::Model::DBIC, Foorum::View::JSON, Foorum::View::TT
- meta_yml_has_provides
Add all modules contained in this distribution to the META.yml field 'provides'. Module::Build or Dist::Zilla::Plugin::MetaProvides do this automatically for you.
- has_separate_license_file
This is not a critical issue. Currently mainly informative for the CPANTS authors. It might be removed later.
Name | Abstract | Version | View |
Foorum | forum system based on Catalyst | 1.001000 | metacpan |
Foorum::Action::PathLogger | Log every request into log_path table | 1.001000 | metacpan |
Foorum::Controller::Admin | 1.001000 | metacpan | |
Foorum::Controller::Admin::BanIP | 1.001000 | metacpan | |
Foorum::Controller::Admin::Forum | 1.001000 | metacpan | |
Foorum::Controller::Admin::Log | 1.001000 | metacpan | |
Foorum::Controller::Admin::Settings | 1.001000 | metacpan | |
Foorum::Controller::Admin::Tools | 1.001000 | metacpan | |
Foorum::Controller::Admin::Topic | 1.001000 | metacpan | |
Foorum::Controller::Admin::User | 1.001000 | metacpan | |
Foorum::Controller::Ajax | 1.001000 | metacpan | |
Foorum::Controller::Ajax::Poll | 1.001000 | metacpan | |
Foorum::Controller::Comment | 1.001000 | metacpan | |
Foorum::Controller::Forum | 1.001000 | metacpan | |
Foorum::Controller::ForumAdmin | 1.001000 | metacpan | |
Foorum::Controller::Get | 1.001000 | metacpan | |
Foorum::Controller::Logon | 1.001000 | metacpan | |
Foorum::Controller::Message | 1.001000 | metacpan | |
Foorum::Controller::My | 1.001000 | metacpan | |
Foorum::Controller::Poll | 1.001000 | metacpan | |
Foorum::Controller::Profile | 1.001000 | metacpan | |
Foorum::Controller::Register | 1.001000 | metacpan | |
Foorum::Controller::Root | 1.001000 | metacpan | |
Foorum::Controller::Search | 1.001000 | metacpan | |
Foorum::Controller::Settings | 1.001000 | metacpan | |
Foorum::Controller::Site | 1.001000 | metacpan | |
Foorum::Controller::Site::Popular | 1.001000 | metacpan | |
Foorum::Controller::StaticInfo | 1.001000 | metacpan | |
Foorum::Controller::Topic | 1.001000 | metacpan | |
Foorum::Controller::TopicAction | 1.001000 | metacpan | |
Foorum::Controller::U | 1.001000 | metacpan | |
Foorum::Controller::Utils | 1.001000 | metacpan | |
Foorum::CronUtils | 1.001000 | metacpan | |
Foorum::Formatter | format content for Foorum | 1.001000 | metacpan |
Foorum::Formatter::BBCode2 | 1.001000 | metacpan | |
Foorum::Formatter::Pod | 1.001000 | metacpan | |
Foorum::Logger | Foorum Logger | 1.001000 | metacpan |
Foorum::Model::DBIC | 1.001000 | metacpan | |
Foorum::Model::Log | 1.001000 | metacpan | |
Foorum::Model::Object | 1.001000 | metacpan | |
Foorum::Model::Policy | 1.001000 | metacpan | |
Foorum::Model::UserAuth | 1.001000 | metacpan | |
Foorum::Plugin::FoorumUtils | pollute $c by Foorum | 1.001000 | metacpan |
Foorum::Release | Utils for Release | 1.001000 | metacpan |
Foorum::ResultSet::BannedIp | 1.001000 | metacpan | |
Foorum::ResultSet::Comment | Foorum Comment System | 1.001000 | metacpan |
Foorum::ResultSet::FilterWord | 1.001000 | metacpan | |
Foorum::ResultSet::Forum | Forum object | 1.001000 | metacpan |
Foorum::ResultSet::ForumSettings | ForumSettings object | 1.001000 | metacpan |
Foorum::ResultSet::Hit | 1.001000 | metacpan | |
Foorum::ResultSet::Message | 1.001000 | metacpan | |
Foorum::ResultSet::ScheduledEmail | 1.001000 | metacpan | |
Foorum::ResultSet::SecurityCode | 1.001000 | metacpan | |
Foorum::ResultSet::Share | 1.001000 | metacpan | |
Foorum::ResultSet::Star | 1.001000 | metacpan | |
Foorum::ResultSet::Topic | 1.001000 | metacpan | |
Foorum::ResultSet::Upload | 1.001000 | metacpan | |
Foorum::ResultSet::User | User object | 1.001000 | metacpan |
Foorum::ResultSet::UserForum | 1.001000 | metacpan | |
Foorum::ResultSet::UserOnline | 1.001000 | metacpan | |
Foorum::ResultSet::Visit | 1.001000 | metacpan | |
Foorum::SUtils | Foorum::Schema for pl | 1.001000 | metacpan |
Foorum::Schema | 1.001000 | metacpan | |
Foorum::Schema::BannedIp | Table 'banned_ip' | 1.001000 | metacpan |
Foorum::Schema::Comment | Table 'comment' | 1.001000 | metacpan |
Foorum::Schema::FilterWord | Table 'filter_word' | 1.001000 | metacpan |
Foorum::Schema::Forum | Table 'forum' | 1.001000 | metacpan |
Foorum::Schema::ForumSettings | Table 'forum_settings' | 1.001000 | metacpan |
Foorum::Schema::Hit | Table 'hit' | 1.001000 | metacpan |
Foorum::Schema::LogAction | Table 'log_action' | 1.001000 | metacpan |
Foorum::Schema::LogError | Table 'log_error' | 1.001000 | metacpan |
Foorum::Schema::LogPath | Table 'log_path' | 1.001000 | metacpan |
Foorum::Schema::Message | Table 'message' | 1.001000 | metacpan |
Foorum::Schema::MessageUnread | Table 'message_unread' | 1.001000 | metacpan |
Foorum::Schema::Poll | Table 'poll' | 1.001000 | metacpan |
Foorum::Schema::PollOption | Table 'poll_option' | 1.001000 | metacpan |
Foorum::Schema::PollResult | Table 'poll_result' | 1.001000 | metacpan |
Foorum::Schema::ScheduledEmail | Table 'scheduled_email' | 1.001000 | metacpan |
Foorum::Schema::SecurityCode | Table 'security_code' | 1.001000 | metacpan |
Foorum::Schema::Session | Table 'session' | 1.001000 | metacpan |
Foorum::Schema::Share | Table 'share' | 1.001000 | metacpan |
Foorum::Schema::Star | Table 'star' | 1.001000 | metacpan |
Foorum::Schema::Stat | Table 'stat' | 1.001000 | metacpan |
Foorum::Schema::Topic | Table 'topic' | 1.001000 | metacpan |
Foorum::Schema::Upload | Table 'upload' | 1.001000 | metacpan |
Foorum::Schema::User | Table 'user' | 1.001000 | metacpan |
Foorum::Schema::UserActivation | Table 'user_activation' | 1.001000 | metacpan |
Foorum::Schema::UserDetails | Table 'user_details' | 1.001000 | metacpan |
Foorum::Schema::UserForum | Table 'user_forum' | 1.001000 | metacpan |
Foorum::Schema::UserOnline | Table 'user_online' | 1.001000 | metacpan |
Foorum::Schema::UserProfilePhoto | Table 'user_profile_photo' | 1.001000 | metacpan |
Foorum::Schema::UserRole | Table 'user_role' | 1.001000 | metacpan |
Foorum::Schema::UserSettings | Table 'user_settings' | 1.001000 | metacpan |
Foorum::Schema::Variables | Table 'variables' | 1.001000 | metacpan |
Foorum::Schema::Visit | Table 'visit' | 1.001000 | metacpan |
Foorum::Scraper::MailMan | 1.001000 | metacpan | |
Foorum::Search | search Foorum | 1.001000 | metacpan |
Foorum::Search::Database | search Foorum by DBI | 1.001000 | metacpan |
Foorum::Search::Sphinx | search Foorum by Sphinx | 1.001000 | metacpan |
Foorum::TheSchwartz::Worker::DailyChart | Build daily chart | 1.001000 | metacpan |
Foorum::TheSchwartz::Worker::DailyReport | send a daily report to Administrator | 1.001000 | metacpan |
Foorum::TheSchwartz::Worker::Every15Min | For those cron jobs every 15 minutes | 1.001000 | metacpan |
Foorum::TheSchwartz::Worker::Hit | Update hit for popular and into co-tables. | 1.001000 | metacpan |
Foorum::TheSchwartz::Worker::RemoveObject | remove object in Foorum | 1.001000 | metacpan |
Foorum::TheSchwartz::Worker::RemoveOldDataFromDB | remove data from database to keep it small | 1.001000 | metacpan |
Foorum::TheSchwartz::Worker::ResendActivation | resend activation email to unverified users everyday | 1.001000 | metacpan |
Foorum::TheSchwartz::Worker::ResizeProfilePhoto | resize profile photo in cron job | 1.001000 | metacpan |
Foorum::TheSchwartz::Worker::Scraper | 1.001000 | metacpan | |
Foorum::TheSchwartz::Worker::SendScheduledEmail | Send email in cron job | 1.001000 | metacpan |
Foorum::TheSchwartz::Worker::SendStarredNofication | Send notification when starred object gets update | 1.001000 | metacpan |
Foorum::TheSchwartz::Worker::Topic_ViewAsPDF | 1.001000 | metacpan | |
Foorum::TheSchwartz::Worker::ValidateForumData | 1.001000 | metacpan | |
Foorum::Utils | some common functions | 1.001000 | metacpan |
Foorum::View::JSON | JSON for Foorum | 1.001000 | metacpan |
Foorum::View::TT | Template for Foorum | 1.001000 | metacpan |
Foorum::XUtils | Utils for cron | 1.001000 | metacpan |