
Name Abstract Version View
GeoIP2 Perl API for MaxMind's GeoIP2 web services and databases 2.006002 metacpan
GeoIP2::Database::Reader Perl API for GeoIP2 databases 2.006002 metacpan
GeoIP2::Error::Generic A generic exception 2.006002 metacpan
GeoIP2::Error::HTTP An HTTP transport error 2.006002 metacpan
GeoIP2::Error::IPAddressNotFound An exception thrown when an IP address is not in the MaxMind GeoIP2 database 2.006002 metacpan
GeoIP2::Error::Type A type validation error. 2.006002 metacpan
GeoIP2::Error::WebService An explicit error from the GeoIP2 web service 2.006002 metacpan
GeoIP2::Model::ASN Model class for the GeoLite2 ASN database 2.006002 metacpan
GeoIP2::Model::AnonymousIP Model class for the GeoIP2 Anonymous IP database 2.006002 metacpan
GeoIP2::Model::City Model class for GeoIP2 Precision: City and GeoIP2 City 2.006002 metacpan
GeoIP2::Model::ConnectionType Model class for the GeoIP2 Connection Type database 2.006002 metacpan
GeoIP2::Model::Country Model class for the GeoIP2 Precision: Country and GeoIP2 Country 2.006002 metacpan
GeoIP2::Model::Domain Model class for the GeoIP2 Domain database 2.006002 metacpan
GeoIP2::Model::Enterprise Model class for GeoIP2 Enterprise 2.006002 metacpan
GeoIP2::Model::ISP Model class for the GeoIP2 ISP database 2.006002 metacpan
GeoIP2::Model::Insights Model class for GeoIP2 Precision: Insights 2.006002 metacpan
GeoIP2::Record::City Contains data for the city record associated with an IP address 2.006002 metacpan
GeoIP2::Record::Continent Contains data for the continent record associated with an IP address 2.006002 metacpan
GeoIP2::Record::Country Contains data for the country record associated with an IP address 2.006002 metacpan
GeoIP2::Record::Location Contains data for the location record associated with an IP address 2.006002 metacpan
GeoIP2::Record::MaxMind Contains data for the maxmind record returned from a web service query 2.006002 metacpan
GeoIP2::Record::Postal Contains data for the postal code record associated with an IP address 2.006002 metacpan
GeoIP2::Record::RepresentedCountry Contains data for the represented country record associated with an IP address 2.006002 metacpan
GeoIP2::Record::Subdivision Contains data for the subdivision record associated with an IP address 2.006002 metacpan
GeoIP2::Record::Traits Contains data for the traits record associated with an IP address 2.006002 metacpan
GeoIP2::Role::Error::HTTP 2.006002 metacpan
GeoIP2::Role::HasIPAddress 2.006002 metacpan
GeoIP2::Role::HasLocales 2.006002 metacpan
GeoIP2::Role::Model 2.006002 metacpan
GeoIP2::Role::Model::Flat 2.006002 metacpan
GeoIP2::Role::Model::HasSubdivisions 2.006002 metacpan
GeoIP2::Role::Model::Location 2.006002 metacpan
GeoIP2::Role::Record::Country 2.006002 metacpan
GeoIP2::Role::Record::HasNames 2.006002 metacpan
GeoIP2::Types 2.006002 metacpan
GeoIP2::WebService::Client Perl API for the GeoIP2 Precision web services 2.006002 metacpan

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