Kwalitee Issues

No Core Issues.


Add all modules contained in this distribution to the META.yml field 'provides'. Module::Build or Dist::Zilla::Plugin::MetaProvides do this automatically for you.


Name Abstract Version View
HiD Static website publishing framework 1.992 metacpan
HiD::App Static website generation system 1.992 metacpan
HiD::App::Command Base class for HiD commands 1.992 metacpan
HiD::App::Command::config dump configuration 1.992 metacpan
HiD::App::Command::init initialize a new site 1.992 metacpan
HiD::App::Command::publish publish site 1.992 metacpan
HiD::App::Command::server HiD 'server' subcmd - start up a Plack-based web server for your site 1.992 metacpan
HiD::File Regular files that are only copied, not processed (e.g., CSS, JS, etc.) 1.992 metacpan
HiD::Generator Base class for generators 1.992 metacpan
HiD::Generator::ArchivePage Archive page generator 1.992 metacpan
HiD::Generator::AtomFeed Atom feed generator 1.992 metacpan
HiD::Generator::CategoryPages Generator for category pages 1.992 metacpan
HiD::Generator::RSSFeed RSS feed generator 1.992 metacpan
HiD::Generator::TagPages Example generator to create tagged pages 1.992 metacpan
HiD::Layout Class representing a particular layout 1.992 metacpan
HiD::Page Pages that are converted during the output process 1.992 metacpan
HiD::Pager Class for paging thru sets of entries 1.992 metacpan
HiD::Plugin Base class for plugins 1.992 metacpan
HiD::Post Blog posts 1.992 metacpan
HiD::Processor Base class for HiD Processor objects 1.992 metacpan
HiD::Processor::Handlebars Use Text::Handlebars to publish your HiD files 1.992 metacpan
HiD::Processor::IIBlog The modified form of HiD::Proccessor::Handlebars we use to publish II's blog 1.992 metacpan
HiD::Processor::Template Use Template Toolkit to publish your HiD files 1.992 metacpan
HiD::Role::DoesLogging Logging role 1.992 metacpan
HiD::Role::IsConverted Role for objects that are converted during the publishing process 1.992 metacpan
HiD::Role::IsPost Role for blog posts 1.992 metacpan
HiD::Role::IsPublished Role to be consumed by classes that are published during processing 1.992 metacpan
HiD::Role::PublishesDrafts Role for the 'publishes_drafts' attr 1.992 metacpan
HiD::Server Helper for 'hid server' 1.992 metacpan
HiD::Server::Handler Helper for 'hid publish -A' 1.992 metacpan
HiD::Server::Loader Another helper for 'hid publish -A' 1.992 metacpan
HiD::Types HiD type constraints 1.992 metacpan
HiD::VirtualPage Pages injected during the build process that don't have corresponding files 1.992 metacpan

Other Files

Changes metacpan
MANIFEST metacpan
META.json metacpan
META.yml metacpan
Makefile.PL metacpan metacpan