Kwalitee Issues


Change the permissions of Build.PL/Makefile.PL to not-executable.


If you are using Build.PL define the {requires}{perl} = VERSION field. If you are using MakeMaker (Makefile.PL) you should upgrade ExtUtils::MakeMaker to 6.48 and use MIN_PERL_VERSION parameter. Perl::MinimumVersion can help you determine which version of Perl your module needs.


Split the distribution, or fix the version numbers to make them consistent (use the highest version number to avoid version downgrade).

Error: 0.01,0.02,0.045


Add all modules contained in this distribution to the META.yml field 'provides'. Module::Build or Dist::Zilla::Plugin::MetaProvides do this automatically for you.


Add a 'repository' resource to the META.yml via 'meta_add' accessor (for Module::Build) or META_ADD parameter (for ExtUtils::MakeMaker).


This is not a critical issue. Currently mainly informative for the CPANTS authors. It might be removed later.


Name Abstract Version View
IBM::StorageSystem Perl API to IBM StorageSystem CLI 0.045 metacpan
IBM::StorageSystem::Array Class for operations with a IBM StorageSystem array 0.01 metacpan
IBM::StorageSystem::Disk Class for operations with IBM StorageSystem disks 0.01 metacpan
IBM::StorageSystem::Drive Class for operations with a IBM StorageSystem drive 0.01 metacpan
IBM::StorageSystem::Enclosure Class for operations with a IBM Storwize enclosure 0.01 metacpan
IBM::StorageSystem::Enclosure::Battery Class for operations with a IBM Storwize enclosure battery 0.01 metacpan
IBM::StorageSystem::Enclosure::Canister Class for operations with a IBM Storwize enclosure Canister metacpan
IBM::StorageSystem::Enclosure::PSU Class for operations with a IBM Storwize enclosure PSU metacpan
IBM::StorageSystem::Enclosure::Slot Class for operations with a IBM Storwize enclosure slot metacpan
IBM::StorageSystem::EnclosureBattery metacpan
IBM::StorageSystem::Export Class for operations with a IBM StorageSystem logical export entity 0.01 metacpan
IBM::StorageSystem::Fabric Class for operations with a IBM StorageSystem fabric entity metacpan
IBM::StorageSystem::FileSystem 0.01 metacpan
IBM::StorageSystem::FileSystem::FileSet Utility class for operations with a IBM storage system filesystem filesets metacpan
IBM::StorageSystem::Health Class for operations with a IBM StorageSystem logical health stati 0.01 metacpan
IBM::StorageSystem::Host Class for operations with a IBM StorageSystem attached hosts 0.01 metacpan
IBM::StorageSystem::IOGroup Class for operations with IBM StorageSystem I/O Groups metacpan
IBM::StorageSystem::Interface Class for operations with a IBM StorageSystem network interfaces 0.02 metacpan
IBM::StorageSystem::Mount Class for operations with IBM StorageSystem mounts 0.01 metacpan
IBM::StorageSystem::Node Class for operations with a IBM StorageSystem node 0.02 metacpan
IBM::StorageSystem::Pool Class for operations with a IBM StorageSystem pool objects 0.01 metacpan
IBM::StorageSystem::Quota Class for operations with IBM StorageSystem quota object 0.02 metacpan
IBM::StorageSystem::Replication Class for operations with IBM StorageSystem asynchronous replications 0.01 metacpan
IBM::StorageSystem::Service Class for operations with a IBM StorageSystem service entities 0.01 metacpan
IBM::StorageSystem::Snapshot Class for operations with a IBM StorageSystem snapshot objects metacpan
IBM::StorageSystem::Statistic Class for operations with IBM StorageSystem system statistics 0.01 metacpan
IBM::StorageSystem::Statistic::ClusterClientThroughput Utility class for IBM::StorageSystem cluster client throughput statistics metacpan
IBM::StorageSystem::Statistic::ClusterCreateDeleteLatency Utility class for IBM::StorageSystem cluster create and delete operation latency performance data. metacpan
IBM::StorageSystem::Statistic::ClusterCreateDeleteOperations Utility class for IBM::StorageSystem cluster create and delete operations performance data. metacpan
IBM::StorageSystem::Statistic::ClusterOpenCloseLatency Utility class for IBM::StorageSystem cluster open and close operation latency performance data. metacpan
IBM::StorageSystem::Statistic::ClusterOpenCloseOperations Utility class for IBM::StorageSystem cluster open and close operations performance data. metacpan
IBM::StorageSystem::Statistic::ClusterReadWriteLatency Utility class for IBM::StorageSystem cluster read and write operation latency performance data. metacpan
IBM::StorageSystem::Statistic::ClusterReadWriteOperations Utility class for IBM::StorageSystem cluster read and write operations performance data. metacpan
IBM::StorageSystem::Statistic::ClusterThroughput Utility class for IBM::StorageSystem cluster throughput statistics metacpan
IBM::StorageSystem::Statistic::Node::CPU Utility class for IBM::StorageSystem node CPU statistics metacpan
IBM::StorageSystem::Statistic::Node::DiskRead Utility class for IBM::StorageSystem node disk read statistics metacpan
IBM::StorageSystem::Statistic::Node::DiskWrite Utility class for IBM::StorageSystem node disk write statistics metacpan
IBM::StorageSystem::Statistic::Node::Memory Utility class for IBM::StorageSystem node memory statistics metacpan
IBM::StorageSystem::Statistic::Node::Network Utility class for IBM::StorageSystem node Network statistics metacpan
IBM::StorageSystem::Statistic::Pool::Throughput Utility class for IBM::StorageSystem storage pool throughput statistics metacpan
IBM::StorageSystem::StatisticsSet Utility class for handling groups of IBM::StorageSystem statistics objects 0.01 metacpan
IBM::StorageSystem::Task Class for operations with IBM StorageSystem tasks 0.01 metacpan
IBM::StorageSystem::VDisk Class for operations with IBM StorageSystem VDisks 0.01 metacpan
IBM::StorageSystem::VDisk::Copy Class for operations with IBM StorageSystem VDisk Copies 0.01 metacpan

Other Files

Changes metacpan
MANIFEST metacpan
META.json metacpan
META.yml metacpan
Makefile.PL metacpan
README metacpan