Kwalitee Issues


Take a look at the META.yml Spec at (for version 1.4) or (for version 2), and change your META.yml accordingly.

Error: Missing mandatory field, 'abstract' (abstract) [Validation: 1.4];Missing mandatory field, 'author' (author) [Validation: 1.4]


Update MANIFEST.SKIP to exclude MYMETA files. If you are lazy, add "#!install_default" in your MANIFEST.SKIP and update your ExtUtils::Manifest if necessary, then some of the most common files will be excluded.


Add 'use strict' (or its equivalents) to all modules, or convince us that your favorite module is well-known enough and people can easily see the modules are strictly written.

Error: Jifty::Manual, Jifty::Script, Jifty::Test::Dist


Sign the dist as the last step before creating the archive. Take care not to modify/regenerate dist meta files or the manifest.

Error: Old SIGNATURE detected. Please inform the module author to regenerate SIGNATURE using Module::Signature version 0.82 or newer. gpg: Signature made Thu 19 May 2011 03:11:55 AM JST gpg: using DSA key B317D0B4787244FA gpg: Can't check signature: No public key ==> BAD/TAMPERED signature detected! <==


Add a META.json to the distribution. Your buildtool should be able to autogenerate it.


Add 'use warnings' (or its equivalents) to all modules, or convince us that your favorite module is well-known enough and people can easily see the modules warn when something bad happens.

Error: Jifty::CAS::Blob, Jifty::Manual, Jifty::Plugin::I18N::Action::SetLang, Jifty::Script, Jifty::Script::Help, Jifty::Test::Dist


Split the distribution, or fix the version numbers to make them consistent (use the highest version number to avoid version downgrade).

Error: 0.01,0.5,1,1.13,1.50430


Add all modules contained in this distribution to the META.yml field 'provides'. Module::Build or Dist::Zilla::Plugin::MetaProvides do this automatically for you.


Add a 'repository' resource to the META.yml via 'meta_add' accessor (for Module::Build) or META_ADD parameter (for ExtUtils::MakeMaker).


This is not a critical issue. Currently mainly informative for the CPANTS authors. It might be removed later.


Name Abstract Version View
Jifty an application framework 1.50430 metacpan
Jifty::API Manages and allow reflection on the Jifty::Actions that make up a Jifty application's API metacpan
Jifty::Action The ability to Do Things in the framework metacpan
Jifty::Action::AboutMe Give information about the current user metacpan
Jifty::Action::Autocomplete An action for making autocompletion suggestions metacpan
Jifty::Action::Record An action tied to a record in the database. metacpan
Jifty::Action::Record::Bulk Perform multiple record actions metacpan
Jifty::Action::Record::Create Automagic creation action metacpan
Jifty::Action::Record::Delete Automagic delete action metacpan
Jifty::Action::Record::Execute Simple abstract based for record actions metacpan
Jifty::Action::Record::Search Automagic search action metacpan
Jifty::Action::Record::Update Automagic update action metacpan
Jifty::Action::Redirect Redirect the browser metacpan
Jifty::Bootstrap Insert initial data into your database metacpan
Jifty::CAS Jifty's Content-Addressable Storage facility metacpan
Jifty::CAS::Blob An object in Jifty's content-addressed store metacpan
Jifty::CAS::Store Abstract class for Jifty's Content-Addressed Storage metacpan
Jifty::CAS::Store::LocalFile A local file backend for Jifty's CAS metacpan
Jifty::CAS::Store::Memcached A memcached backend for Jifty's CAS metacpan
Jifty::CAS::Store::Memory An single-process in-memory CAS store metacpan
Jifty::CAS::Store::Nested A layered CAS store metacpan
Jifty::ClassLoader Loads the application classes metacpan
Jifty::Client Subclass of L<WWW::Mechanize> with extra Jifty features metacpan
Jifty::Collection Collection of Jifty::Record objects metacpan
Jifty::Config the configuration handler for Jifty metacpan
Jifty::Continuation Allows for basic continuation-based programming metacpan
Jifty::CurrentUser Base class and basic implementation of current user object metacpan
Jifty::DateTime a DateTime subclass that knows about Jifty users metacpan
Jifty::Dispatcher The Jifty Dispatcher metacpan
Jifty::Everything Load all of the important Jifty modules at once. metacpan
Jifty::Filter::DateTime A Jifty::DBI filter to work with Jifty::DateTime objects metacpan
Jifty::Filter::JSON This filter stores arbitrary Perl via JSON metacpan
Jifty::Handle A database handle class for Jifty metacpan
Jifty::Handler Methods related to the finding and returning content metacpan
Jifty::I18N Internationalization framework for Jifty metacpan
Jifty::JSON Wrapper around L<JSON> metacpan
Jifty::LetMe A way to expose single-link URLs to your applications metacpan
Jifty::Logger A master class for Jifty's logging framework metacpan
Jifty::Model::Metadata Tracks Jifty-related metadata metacpan
Jifty::Model::Session Jifty session tracking metacpan
Jifty::Model::SessionCollection Specialized handling of the session collection metacpan
Jifty::Module::Pluggable Jifty-specific helper for Module::Pluggable metacpan
Jifty::Notification Send emails from Jifty metacpan
Jifty::Object Base class for most of Jifty's objects metacpan
Jifty::Param Parameters for Jifty actions metacpan
Jifty::Param::Schema Declare parameters of a Jifty action with ease. metacpan
Jifty::Plugin Describes a plugin to the Jifty framework metacpan
Jifty::Plugin::ActorMetadata add created_by created_on updated_by updated_on columns to a model class metacpan
Jifty::Plugin::ActorMetadata::Mixin::Model::ActorMetadata ActorMetadata mixin metacpan
Jifty::Plugin::AdminUI Add basic administrative CRUD view metacpan
Jifty::Plugin::AdminUI::Dispatcher dispatcher of the AdminUI plugin metacpan
Jifty::Plugin::AdminUI::View CRUD views for AdminUI metacpan
Jifty::Plugin::Authentication::Password password authentication plugin metacpan
Jifty::Plugin::Authentication::Password::Action::ConfirmEmail Confirm a user's email address metacpan
Jifty::Plugin::Authentication::Password::Action::GeneratePasswordToken metacpan
Jifty::Plugin::Authentication::Password::Action::Login process login with password metacpan
Jifty::Plugin::Authentication::Password::Action::Logout process logout metacpan
Jifty::Plugin::Authentication::Password::Action::ResendConfirmation resend confirmation for new mail or password metacpan
Jifty::Plugin::Authentication::Password::Action::ResetLostPassword metacpan
Jifty::Plugin::Authentication::Password::Action::SendAccountConfirmation send confirmation for an email metacpan
Jifty::Plugin::Authentication::Password::Action::SendPasswordReminder send a link to reset a password metacpan
Jifty::Plugin::Authentication::Password::Action::Signup signup for an account metacpan
Jifty::Plugin::Authentication::Password::Dispatcher password plugin dispatcher metacpan
Jifty::Plugin::Authentication::Password::Mixin::Model::User password plugin user mixin model metacpan
Jifty::Plugin::Authentication::Password::Notification::ConfirmEmail mail notification to confirm email metacpan
Jifty::Plugin::Authentication::Password::Notification::ConfirmLostPassword mail notification to change password metacpan
Jifty::Plugin::Authentication::Password::View views for password plugin metacpan
Jifty::Plugin::CSSQuery use the cssQuery JavaScript library with Jifty metacpan
Jifty::Plugin::ClassLoader Automatically generates application classes metacpan
Jifty::Plugin::Compat Provide Jifty API compatibility metacpan
Jifty::Plugin::CompressedCSSandJS Compression of CSS and javascript files metacpan
Jifty::Plugin::Config Add configuration editor metacpan
Jifty::Plugin::Config::Action::AddConfig add a configuration entry metacpan
Jifty::Plugin::Config::Action::Config Register config metacpan
Jifty::Plugin::Config::Action::Restart Restart action metacpan
Jifty::Plugin::Config::Dispatcher dispatcher of the Config plugin metacpan
Jifty::Plugin::Config::View Templates for Config plugin metacpan
Jifty::Plugin::Deflater Handles Accept-Encoding and compression metacpan
Jifty::Plugin::ErrorTemplates Plugin for showing errors metacpan
Jifty::Plugin::ErrorTemplates::View Template pages to show errors metacpan
Jifty::Plugin::Halo Provides halos metacpan
Jifty::Plugin::Halo::Mason metacpan
Jifty::Plugin::I18N Additional i18n facility such as language selector metacpan
Jifty::Plugin::I18N::Action::SetLang Sets user's current language metacpan
Jifty::Plugin::IEFixes Add javascript files for IE metacpan
Jifty::Plugin::LetMe Plugin for url-based authentication metacpan
Jifty::Plugin::LetMe::Dispatcher Dispatcher for LetMe plugin metacpan
Jifty::Plugin::OnlineDocs Online documentation for Jifty in current application metacpan
Jifty::Plugin::OnlineDocs::Dispatcher Dispatcher for OnlineDocs plugin metacpan
Jifty::Plugin::Prototypism Provide Prototype and Scriptaculous js libraries metacpan
Jifty::Plugin::PubSub Event-based publish/subscribe framework 0.5 metacpan
Jifty::Plugin::PubSub::Bus AnyMQ class for Jifty metacpan
Jifty::Plugin::PubSub::Connection Connection to browser metacpan
Jifty::Plugin::PubSub::Subscriptions Manage browser event subscriptions metacpan
Jifty::Plugin::REST Add REST web services to your app 1.13 metacpan
Jifty::Plugin::REST::Dispatcher Dispatcher for REST plugin metacpan
Jifty::Plugin::RPC Use AMQP for RPC 0.5 metacpan
Jifty::Plugin::RequestInspector Inspect requests metacpan
Jifty::Plugin::RequestInspector::Model::Request Persistent storage for the request inspector metacpan
Jifty::Plugin::RequestInspector::View View for RequestInspector metacpan
Jifty::Plugin::SQLQueries Inspect your application's SQL queries metacpan
Jifty::Plugin::SQLQueries::View View for SQLQueries metacpan
Jifty::Plugin::SetupWizard make it easy for end-users to set up your app metacpan
Jifty::Plugin::SetupWizard::Action::TestDatabaseConnectivity Test database connectivity action metacpan
Jifty::Plugin::SetupWizard::View templates for SetupWizard metacpan
Jifty::Plugin::SinglePage Makes your app into a single-page metacpan
Jifty::Plugin::SinglePage::Dispatcher Dispatcher for SinglePage plugin metacpan
Jifty::Plugin::SkeletonApp Skeleton for your application metacpan
Jifty::Plugin::SkeletonApp::Dispatcher Dispatcher for SkeletonApp plugin metacpan
Jifty::Plugin::SkeletonApp::View Default fragments for your pages metacpan
Jifty::Plugin::TestServerWarnings Stores server warnings away for later fetching metacpan
Jifty::Plugin::TestServerWarnings::Appender Log appender metacpan
Jifty::Plugin::TestServerWarnings::View Downloads test warnings metacpan
Jifty::Plugin::User Plugin for building user models metacpan
Jifty::Plugin::User::Mixin::Model::User user model base mixin metacpan
Jifty::Plugin::ViewDeclarePage sexy replacement for suckish Jifty::View::Declare::Page 0.01 metacpan
Jifty::Plugin::ViewDeclarePage::Page metacpan
Jifty::Record Represents a Jifty object that lives in the database. metacpan
Jifty::Request Canonical internal representation of an incoming Jifty request metacpan
Jifty::Request::Mapper Maps response values into arbitrary query parameters metacpan
Jifty::Response Canonical internal representation of the result of a L<Jifty::Action> metacpan
Jifty::Result Outcome of running a L<Jifty::Action> metacpan
Jifty::RightsFrom Delegate access control to a related object metacpan
Jifty::Schema generates and upgrades your application's schema metacpan
Jifty::Script Base class for all bin/jifty commands metacpan
Jifty::Script::Action Add an action class to your Jifty application metacpan
Jifty::Script::Adopt localize a stock jifty component metacpan
Jifty::Script::App Create the skeleton of a Jifty application metacpan
Jifty::Script::Env access the Jifty environment metacpan
Jifty::Script::FastCGI A FastCGI server for your Jifty application metacpan
Jifty::Script::Help Show help metacpan
Jifty::Script::Model Add a model class to your Jifty application metacpan
Jifty::Script::Plugin Create the skeleton of a Jifty plugin metacpan
Jifty::Script::Po Extract translatable strings from your application metacpan
Jifty::Script::Schema Create SQL to update or create your Jifty application's tables metacpan
Jifty::Script::Script Add a new Jifty script to your Jifty application metacpan
Jifty::Script::Server A standalone webserver for your Jifty application metacpan
Jifty::Script::WriteCCJS metacpan
Jifty::Test Jifty's test module metacpan
Jifty::Test::Dist Tests in Jifty distributions inside of Jifty metacpan
Jifty::Test::Email Test mail notification metacpan
Jifty::Test::WWW::Mechanize Subclass of L<Test::WWW::Mechanize> with extra Jifty features metacpan
Jifty::Test::WWW::Selenium Subclass of L<Test::WWW::Selenium> with extra Jifty integration metacpan
Jifty::Test::WWW::WebDriver metacpan
Jifty::TestServer Starting and stopping jifty server for tests metacpan
Jifty::TestServer::Inline an inline server for running tests metacpan
Jifty::Upgrade Superclass for schema/data upgrades to Jifty applications metacpan
Jifty::Upgrade::Internal Upgrades to Jifty-specific schema and data metacpan
Jifty::Util Things that don't fit anywhere else metacpan
Jifty::View Base class for view modules metacpan
Jifty::View::Declare Build views using Template::Declare metacpan
Jifty::View::Declare::BaseClass Base class for Template::Declare views metacpan
Jifty::View::Declare::CRUD Provides typical CRUD views to a model metacpan
Jifty::View::Declare::CoreTemplates Templates Jifty can't function without metacpan
Jifty::View::Declare::Handler The Jifty view handler for Template::Declare metacpan
Jifty::View::Declare::Helpers Additional subroutines for Jifty TD templates metacpan
Jifty::View::Declare::Page page wrappers metacpan
Jifty::View::Mason::Handler Handler for Mason requests inside of Jifty metacpan
Jifty::View::Mason::Request metacpan
Jifty::View::Static::Handler Jifty view handler for static files metacpan
Jifty::Web Web framework for a Jifty application metacpan
Jifty::Web::FileUpload Describes an HTTP file upload metacpan
Jifty::Web::Form Tools for rendering and dealing with HTML forms metacpan
Jifty::Web::Form::Clickable Some item that can be clicked on -- either a button or a link. metacpan
Jifty::Web::Form::Element Some item that can be rendered in a form metacpan
Jifty::Web::Form::Field Web input of some sort metacpan
Jifty::Web::Form::Field::Button Add buttons to your forms metacpan
Jifty::Web::Form::Field::Checkbox Add checkboxes to your forms metacpan
Jifty::Web::Form::Field::Checkboxes Add a list of checkboxes for multiple-choice selection metacpan
Jifty::Web::Form::Field::Collection render a whole collection of available values metacpan
Jifty::Web::Form::Field::Combobox Add comboboxes to your forms metacpan
Jifty::Web::Form::Field::Date Add date pickers to your forms metacpan
Jifty::Web::Form::Field::DateTime Add date pickers to your forms metacpan
Jifty::Web::Form::Field::Hidden Add hidden fields to your forms metacpan
Jifty::Web::Form::Field::InlineButton Add buttons without a form metacpan
Jifty::Web::Form::Field::OrderedList Ordered list field metacpan
Jifty::Web::Form::Field::Password Add a password field to your forms metacpan
Jifty::Web::Form::Field::Radio Add a radio button to your forms metacpan
Jifty::Web::Form::Field::ResetButton Add a reset button to your forms metacpan
Jifty::Web::Form::Field::Select Add a list/popup menu control to your forms metacpan
Jifty::Web::Form::Field::Text Renders as a small text field 1 metacpan
Jifty::Web::Form::Field::Textarea Add a multiline text field to your forms metacpan
Jifty::Web::Form::Field::Time Add time pickers to your forms metacpan
Jifty::Web::Form::Field::Unrendered Handle unrendered fields metacpan
Jifty::Web::Form::Field::Upload File upload field metacpan
Jifty::Web::Form::Field::Uploads File uploads field metacpan
Jifty::Web::Form::Link Creates a state-preserving HTML link metacpan
Jifty::Web::Menu Handle the API for menu navigation metacpan
Jifty::Web::PageRegion Defines a page region metacpan
Jifty::Web::Session A Jifty session handler metacpan
Jifty::Web::Session::ApacheSession Jifty Sessions based on Apache::Session metacpan
Jifty::Web::Session::ClientSide Session handler for client-side sessions metacpan
Jifty::Web::Session::JDBI metacpan
Jifty::Web::Session::None A null session handler for jifty metacpan
Jifty::YAML Wrapper around L<YAML> metacpan


Name File View
Jifty::I18N::en lib/Jifty/ metacpan
Jifty::Plugin::Compat::Apache lib/Jifty/Plugin/ metacpan
Jifty::Plugin::Compat::CGI lib/Jifty/Plugin/ metacpan
Jifty::Request::Action lib/Jifty/ metacpan
Jifty::Request::Fragment lib/Jifty/ metacpan
Jifty::Request::StateVariable lib/Jifty/ metacpan
Jifty::Server lib/Jifty/Plugin/ metacpan
Jifty::View::Mason::Halo lib/Jifty/Plugin/ metacpan
Template::Declare::Exception lib/Jifty/View/Declare/ metacpan

Other Files

MANIFEST metacpan
META.yml metacpan
Makefile.PL metacpan
README metacpan