Math-GSL 0.49 Latest
Kwalitee Issues
- no_files_to_be_skipped
Fix MANIFEST.SKIP or use an authoring tool which respects MANIFEST.SKIP. Note that each entry in MANIFEST.SKIP is a regular expression. You may need to add appropriate meta characters not to ignore necessary stuff.
Error: META.json
- use_strict
Add 'use strict' (or its equivalents) to all modules, or convince us that your favorite module is well-known enough and people can easily see the modules are strictly written.
Error: Math::GSL::BLAS, Math::GSL::BSpline, Math::GSL::CBLAS, Math::GSL::CDF, Math::GSL::Chebyshev, Math::GSL::Combination, Math::GSL::Const, Math::GSL::DHT, Math::GSL::Deriv, Math::GSL::Diff, Math::GSL::Eigen, Math::GSL::Errno, Math::GSL::FFT, Math::GSL::Fit, Math::GSL::Heapsort, Math::GSL::Histogram, Math::GSL::Histogram2D, Math::GSL::IEEEUtils, Math::GSL::Integration, Math::GSL::Interp, Math::GSL::Linalg, Math::GSL::Machine, Math::GSL::Min, Math::GSL::Monte, Math::GSL::Multifit, Math::GSL::Multilarge, Math::GSL::Multimin, Math::GSL::Multiroots, Math::GSL::Multiset, Math::GSL::NTuple, Math::GSL::ODEIV, Math::GSL::Permutation, Math::GSL::Poly, Math::GSL::PowInt, Math::GSL::RNG, Math::GSL::Randist, Math::GSL::Roots, Math::GSL::Rstat, Math::GSL::SF, Math::GSL::Siman, Math::GSL::Sort, Math::GSL::SparseMatrix, Math::GSL::Spline, Math::GSL::Statistics, Math::GSL::Sum, Math::GSL::Sys, Math::GSL::Vector, Math::GSL::VectorComplex, Math::GSL::Version, Math::GSL::Wavelet, Math::GSL::Wavelet2D
- use_warnings
Add 'use warnings' (or its equivalents) to all modules, or convince us that your favorite module is well-known enough and people can easily see the modules warn when something bad happens.
Error: Math::GSL::BLAS, Math::GSL::BSpline, Math::GSL::CBLAS, Math::GSL::CDF, Math::GSL::Chebyshev, Math::GSL::Combination, Math::GSL::Const, Math::GSL::DHT, Math::GSL::Deriv, Math::GSL::Diff, Math::GSL::Eigen, Math::GSL::Errno, Math::GSL::FFT, Math::GSL::Fit, Math::GSL::Heapsort, Math::GSL::Histogram, Math::GSL::Histogram2D, Math::GSL::IEEEUtils, Math::GSL::Integration, Math::GSL::Interp, Math::GSL::Linalg, Math::GSL::Machine, Math::GSL::MatrixComplex, Math::GSL::Min, Math::GSL::Monte, Math::GSL::Multifit, Math::GSL::Multilarge, Math::GSL::Multimin, Math::GSL::Multiroots, Math::GSL::Multiset, Math::GSL::NTuple, Math::GSL::ODEIV, Math::GSL::Permutation, Math::GSL::Poly, Math::GSL::PowInt, Math::GSL::RNG, Math::GSL::Randist, Math::GSL::Roots, Math::GSL::Rstat, Math::GSL::SF, Math::GSL::Siman, Math::GSL::Sort, Math::GSL::SparseMatrix, Math::GSL::Spline, Math::GSL::Statistics, Math::GSL::Sum, Math::GSL::Sys, Math::GSL::Vector, Math::GSL::VectorComplex, Math::GSL::Version, Math::GSL::Wavelet, Math::GSL::Wavelet2D
- has_separate_license_file
This is not a critical issue. Currently mainly informative for the CPANTS authors. It might be removed later.
Name | Abstract | Version | View |
Math::GSL | Perl interface to the GNU Scientific Library (GSL) | 0.49 | metacpan |
Math::GSL::BLAS | Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms | 0 | metacpan |
Math::GSL::BLASc | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::BSpline | Functions for the computation of smoothing basis splines | 0 | metacpan |
Math::GSL::BSpline::gsl_bspline_workspace | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::BSpline::gsl_function_fdf_struct | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::BSpline::gsl_function_struct | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::BSpline::gsl_function_vec_struct | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::BSplinec | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::CBLAS | Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms based on C functions | 0 | metacpan |
Math::GSL::CBLASc | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::CDF | Cumulative Distribution Functions | 0 | metacpan |
Math::GSL::CDFc | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::Chebyshev | Univariate Chebyshev Series Approximation | 0 | metacpan |
Math::GSL::Chebyshev::gsl_cheb_series_struct | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::Chebyshev::gsl_function_fdf_struct | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::Chebyshev::gsl_function_struct | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::Chebyshev::gsl_function_vec_struct | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::Chebyshevc | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::Combination | Combinations | 0 | metacpan |
Math::GSL::Combination::gsl_combination_struct | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::Combinationc | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::Complex | Complex Numbers | 0 | metacpan |
Math::GSL::Complex::gsl_complex | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::Complex::gsl_complex_float | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::Complex::gsl_complex_long_double | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::Complexc | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::Const | Constants | 0 | metacpan |
Math::GSL::Const::gsl_function_fdf_struct | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::Const::gsl_function_struct | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::Const::gsl_function_vec_struct | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::Constc | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::DHT | Discrete Hankel Transforms | 0 | metacpan |
Math::GSL::DHT::gsl_dht_struct | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::DHTc | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::Deriv | Numerical Derivatives | 0 | metacpan |
Math::GSL::Deriv::gsl_function_fdf_struct | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::Deriv::gsl_function_struct | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::Deriv::gsl_function_vec_struct | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::Derivc | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::Diff | Numerical differentiation routines | 0 | metacpan |
Math::GSL::Diffc | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::Eigen | Functions for computing eigenvalues and eigenvectors of matrices | 0 | metacpan |
Math::GSL::Eigen::gsl_complex | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::Eigen::gsl_complex_float | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::Eigen::gsl_complex_long_double | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::Eigen::gsl_eigen_francis_workspace | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::Eigen::gsl_eigen_gen_workspace | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::Eigen::gsl_eigen_genherm_workspace | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::Eigen::gsl_eigen_genhermv_workspace | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::Eigen::gsl_eigen_gensymm_workspace | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::Eigen::gsl_eigen_gensymmv_workspace | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::Eigen::gsl_eigen_genv_workspace | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::Eigen::gsl_eigen_herm_workspace | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::Eigen::gsl_eigen_hermv_workspace | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::Eigen::gsl_eigen_nonsymm_workspace | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::Eigen::gsl_eigen_nonsymmv_workspace | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::Eigen::gsl_eigen_symm_workspace | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::Eigen::gsl_eigen_symmv_workspace | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::Eigenc | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::Errno | Error Handling | 0 | metacpan |
Math::GSL::Errnoc | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::FFT | Fast Fourier Transforms (FFT) | 0 | metacpan |
Math::GSL::FFT::gsl_complex | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::FFT::gsl_complex_float | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::FFT::gsl_complex_long_double | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::FFT::gsl_fft_complex_wavetable | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::FFT::gsl_fft_complex_workspace | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::FFT::gsl_fft_halfcomplex_wavetable | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::FFT::gsl_fft_real_wavetable | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::FFT::gsl_fft_real_workspace | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::FFT::gsl_function_fdf_struct | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::FFT::gsl_function_struct | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::FFT::gsl_function_vec_struct | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::FFTc | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::Fit | Least-squares functions for a general linear model with one- or two-parameter regression | 0 | metacpan |
Math::GSL::Fitc | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::Heapsort | Functions for sorting data, both directly and indirectly (using an index) | 0 | metacpan |
Math::GSL::Heapsort::gsl_permutation_struct | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::Heapsortc | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::Histogram | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::Histogram2D | Create and manipulate histograms of data in 2 dimensions | 0 | metacpan |
Math::GSL::Histogram2D::gsl_histogram2d | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::Histogram2D::gsl_histogram2d_pdf | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::Histogram2Dc | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::Histogram::gsl_histogram | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::Histogram::gsl_histogram_pdf | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::Histogramc | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::IEEEUtils | IEEE Utility Functions | 0 | metacpan |
Math::GSL::IEEEUtils::gsl_ieee_double_rep | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::IEEEUtils::gsl_ieee_float_rep | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::IEEEUtilsc | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::Integration | Routines for performing numerical integration (quadrature) of a function in one dimension | 0 | metacpan |
Math::GSL::Integration::gsl_function_fdf_struct | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::Integration::gsl_function_struct | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::Integration::gsl_function_vec_struct | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::Integration::gsl_integration_cquad_ival | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::Integration::gsl_integration_cquad_workspace | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::Integration::gsl_integration_fixed_params | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::Integration::gsl_integration_fixed_type | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::Integration::gsl_integration_fixed_workspace | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::Integration::gsl_integration_glfixed_table | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::Integration::gsl_integration_lebedev_workspace | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::Integration::gsl_integration_qawo_table | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::Integration::gsl_integration_qaws_table | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::Integration::gsl_integration_romberg_workspace | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::Integration::gsl_integration_workspace | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::Integrationc | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::Interp | Interpolation | 0 | metacpan |
Math::GSL::Interp::gsl_interp | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::Interp::gsl_interp_accel | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::Interpc | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::Linalg | Functions for solving linear systems | 0 | metacpan |
Math::GSL::Linalg::gsl_complex | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::Linalg::gsl_complex_float | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::Linalg::gsl_complex_long_double | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::Linalg::gsl_permutation_struct | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::Linalgc | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::Machine | Machine constants | 0 | metacpan |
Math::GSL::Machinec | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::Matrix | Mathematical functions concerning Matrices | 0 | metacpan |
Math::GSL::Matrix::gsl_complex | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::Matrix::gsl_complex_float | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::Matrix::gsl_complex_long_double | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::Matrix::gsl_matrix | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::Matrix::gsl_matrix_char | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::Matrix::gsl_matrix_complex | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::Matrix::gsl_matrix_int | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::Matrix::gsl_vector | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::MatrixComplex | Complex Matrices | 0 | metacpan |
Math::GSL::MatrixComplex::gsl_complex | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::MatrixComplex::gsl_complex_float | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::MatrixComplex::gsl_complex_long_double | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::MatrixComplex::gsl_matrix_complex | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::MatrixComplex::gsl_vector | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::MatrixComplexc | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::Matrixc | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::Min | 1-D Minimization | 0 | metacpan |
Math::GSL::Min::gsl_function_fdf_struct | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::Min::gsl_function_struct | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::Min::gsl_function_vec_struct | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::Min::gsl_min_fminimizer | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::Min::gsl_min_fminimizer_type | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::Minc | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::Monte | Multidimensional Monte Carlo integration | 0 | metacpan |
Math::GSL::Monte::gsl_monte_function_struct | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::Monte::gsl_monte_miser_params | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::Monte::gsl_monte_miser_state | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::Monte::gsl_monte_plain_state | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::Monte::gsl_monte_vegas_params | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::Monte::gsl_monte_vegas_state | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::Montec | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::Multifit | Least-squares functions for a general linear model with multiple parameters | 0 | metacpan |
Math::GSL::Multifit::gsl_function_fdf_struct | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::Multifit::gsl_function_struct | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::Multifit::gsl_function_vec_struct | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::Multifit::gsl_multifit_fdfridge | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::Multifit::gsl_multifit_fdfsolver | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::Multifit::gsl_multifit_fdfsolver_type | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::Multifit::gsl_multifit_fsolver | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::Multifit::gsl_multifit_fsolver_type | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::Multifit::gsl_multifit_function_fdf_struct | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::Multifit::gsl_multifit_function_struct | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::Multifit::gsl_multifit_linear_workspace | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::Multifit::gsl_multifit_robust_stats | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::Multifit::gsl_multifit_robust_type | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::Multifit::gsl_multifit_robust_workspace | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::Multifit::gsl_permutation_struct | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::Multifitc | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::Multilarge | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::Multilarge::gsl_function_fdf_struct | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::Multilarge::gsl_function_struct | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::Multilarge::gsl_function_vec_struct | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::Multilarge::gsl_multifit_linear_workspace | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::Multilarge::gsl_multifit_robust_stats | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::Multilarge::gsl_multifit_robust_type | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::Multilarge::gsl_multifit_robust_workspace | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::Multilarge::gsl_multilarge_linear_type | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::Multilarge::gsl_multilarge_linear_workspace | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::Multilarge::gsl_permutation_struct | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::Multilargec | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::Multimin | Routines for finding minima of arbitrary multidimensional functions | 0 | metacpan |
Math::GSL::Multimin::gsl_multimin_fdfminimizer | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::Multimin::gsl_multimin_fdfminimizer_type | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::Multimin::gsl_multimin_fminimizer | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::Multimin::gsl_multimin_fminimizer_type | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::Multimin::gsl_multimin_function_fdf_struct | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::Multimin::gsl_multimin_function_struct | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::Multiminc | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::Multiroots | Multidimensional root-finding | 0 | metacpan |
Math::GSL::Multiroots::gsl_multiroot_fdfsolver | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::Multiroots::gsl_multiroot_fdfsolver_type | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::Multiroots::gsl_multiroot_fsolver | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::Multiroots::gsl_multiroot_fsolver_type | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::Multiroots::gsl_multiroot_function_fdf_struct | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::Multiroots::gsl_multiroot_function_struct | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::Multirootsc | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::Multiset | Multisets manipulation | 0 | metacpan |
Math::GSL::Multiset::gsl_multiset_struct | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::Multisetc | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::NTuple | Functions for creating and manipulating ntuples, sets of values | 0 | metacpan |
Math::GSL::NTuple::gsl_histogram | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::NTuple::gsl_histogram_pdf | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::NTuple::gsl_ntuple | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::NTuple::gsl_ntuple_select_fn | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::NTuple::gsl_ntuple_value_fn | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::NTuplec | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::ODEIV | functions for solving ordinary differential equation (ODE) initial value problems | 0 | metacpan |
Math::GSL::ODEIV::gsl_odeiv_control | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::ODEIV::gsl_odeiv_control_type | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::ODEIV::gsl_odeiv_evolve | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::ODEIV::gsl_odeiv_step | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::ODEIV::gsl_odeiv_step_type | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::ODEIV::gsl_odeiv_system | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::ODEIVc | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::Permutation | functions for creating and manipulating permutations | 0 | metacpan |
Math::GSL::Permutation::gsl_permutation_struct | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::Permutationc | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::Poly | Solve and evaluate polynomials | 0 | metacpan |
Math::GSL::Poly::gsl_complex | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::Poly::gsl_complex_float | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::Poly::gsl_complex_long_double | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::Poly::gsl_poly_complex_workspace | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::Polyc | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::PowInt | Integer Power functions | 0 | metacpan |
Math::GSL::PowIntc | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::QRNG | Quasi-random number generators | 0 | metacpan |
Math::GSL::QRNG::Halton | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::QRNG::Niederreiter2 | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::QRNG::ReverseHalton | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::QRNG::Sobol | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::QRNG::gsl_qrng | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::QRNG::gsl_qrng_type | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::QRNGc | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::RNG | Random Number Generators | 0 | metacpan |
Math::GSL::RNG::gsl_rng | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::RNG::gsl_rng_type | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::RNGc | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::Randist | Probability Distributions | 0 | metacpan |
Math::GSL::Randist::gsl_ran_discrete_t | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::Randistc | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::Roots | Find roots of arbitrary 1-D functions | 0 | metacpan |
Math::GSL::Roots::gsl_root_fdfsolver | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::Roots::gsl_root_fdfsolver_type | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::Roots::gsl_root_fsolver | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::Roots::gsl_root_fsolver_type | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::Rootsc | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::Rstat | Running Statistical functions | 0 | metacpan |
Math::GSL::Rstat::gsl_rstat_quantile_workspace | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::Rstat::gsl_rstat_workspace | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::Rstatc | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::SF | Special Functions | 0 | metacpan |
Math::GSL::SF::gsl_sf_mathieu_workspace | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::SF::gsl_sf_result_e10_struct | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::SF::gsl_sf_result_struct | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::SFc | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::Siman | Simulated Annealing | 0 | metacpan |
Math::GSL::Siman::gsl_siman_params_t | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::Simanc | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::Sort | Functions for sorting data | 0 | metacpan |
Math::GSL::Sort::gsl_permutation_struct | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::Sortc | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::SparseMatrix | Sparse Matrices | 0 | metacpan |
Math::GSL::SparseMatrix::gsl_spmatrix | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::SparseMatrix::gsl_spmatrix_char | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::SparseMatrix::gsl_spmatrix_char_work | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::SparseMatrix::gsl_spmatrix_complex | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::SparseMatrix::gsl_spmatrix_complex_float | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::SparseMatrix::gsl_spmatrix_complex_float_work | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::SparseMatrix::gsl_spmatrix_complex_long_double | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::SparseMatrix::gsl_spmatrix_complex_long_double_work | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::SparseMatrix::gsl_spmatrix_complex_work | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::SparseMatrix::gsl_spmatrix_float | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::SparseMatrix::gsl_spmatrix_float_work | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::SparseMatrix::gsl_spmatrix_int | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::SparseMatrix::gsl_spmatrix_int_work | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::SparseMatrix::gsl_spmatrix_long_double | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::SparseMatrix::gsl_spmatrix_long_double_work | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::SparseMatrix::gsl_spmatrix_pool_node | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::SparseMatrix::gsl_spmatrix_short | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::SparseMatrix::gsl_spmatrix_short_work | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::SparseMatrix::gsl_spmatrix_uchar | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::SparseMatrix::gsl_spmatrix_uchar_work | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::SparseMatrix::gsl_spmatrix_uint | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::SparseMatrix::gsl_spmatrix_uint_work | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::SparseMatrix::gsl_spmatrix_ushort | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::SparseMatrix::gsl_spmatrix_ushort_work | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::SparseMatrix::gsl_spmatrix_work | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::SparseMatrixc | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::Spline | Splines | 0 | metacpan |
Math::GSL::Spline::gsl_spline | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::Splinec | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::Statistics | Statistical functions | 0 | metacpan |
Math::GSL::Statisticsc | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::Sum | Sum series with the Levin u-transform | 0 | metacpan |
Math::GSL::Sum::gsl_sum_levin_u_workspace | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::Sum::gsl_sum_levin_utrunc_workspace | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::Sumc | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::Sys | Misc Math Functions | 0 | metacpan |
Math::GSL::Sysc | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::Test | Assertions and such | 0 | metacpan |
Math::GSL::Vector | Functions concerning vectors | 0 | metacpan |
Math::GSL::Vector::gsl_vector | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::Vector::gsl_vector_char | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::Vector::gsl_vector_complex | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::Vector::gsl_vector_int | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::VectorComplex | Complex Vectors | 0 | metacpan |
Math::GSL::VectorComplex::gsl_complex | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::VectorComplex::gsl_complex_float | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::VectorComplex::gsl_complex_long_double | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::VectorComplex::gsl_vector | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::VectorComplex::gsl_vector_complex | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::VectorComplexc | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::Vectorc | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::Version | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::Versionc | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::Wavelet | 1-D (Real) Wavelets | 0 | metacpan |
Math::GSL::Wavelet2D | 2-D Wavelets | 0 | metacpan |
Math::GSL::Wavelet2Dc | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::Wavelet::gsl_wavelet | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::Wavelet::gsl_wavelet_type | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::Wavelet::gsl_wavelet_workspace | 0 | metacpan | |
Math::GSL::Waveletc | 0 | metacpan |