Under maintenance.

Most probably CPANTS databases are being regenerated from scratch due to major changes in Kwalitee metrics or updates of relevant modules/perl. Usually this maintenance takes about a day or two, and some of the information may be old or missing tentatively. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Kwalitee Issues


List all used modules in META.yml requires


  • Mojo::File


List all modules used in the test suite in META.yml test_requires


  • Mojo::File


Name Abstract Version View
Mojo::Leds Leds aka Light Environment (emi) for Development System based on Mojolicious 1.18 metacpan
Mojo::Leds::Page Controller for handling page routes 1.18 metacpan
Mojo::Leds::Plugin::CommonRoutes Add routes to get app informations (library version, routes,...) 1.18 metacpan
Mojo::Leds::Rest Abstract class for RESTFul webservices interface 1.18 metacpan
Mojo::Leds::Rest::DBIx A RESTFul interface to Class::DBIx 1.18 metacpan
Mojo::Leds::Rest::MongoDB A RESTFul interface to MongoDB 1.18 metacpan
Mojolicious::Command::Author::generate::leds_app Mojo::Leds app generator command 1.18 metacpan

Other Files

Changes metacpan
MANIFEST metacpan
META.json metacpan
META.yml metacpan
Makefile.PL metacpan
README metacpan