Kwalitee Issues

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Name Abstract Version View
Net::Duo API for Duo multifactor authentication service 1.02 metacpan
Net::Duo::Admin Perl interface for the Duo Admin API 1.02 metacpan
Net::Duo::Admin::Group Representation of a Duo group 1.02 metacpan
Net::Duo::Admin::Integration Representation of a Duo integration 1.02 metacpan
Net::Duo::Admin::Phone Representation of a Duo phone 1.02 metacpan
Net::Duo::Admin::Token Representation of a Duo token 1.02 metacpan
Net::Duo::Admin::User Representation of a Duo user 1.02 metacpan
Net::Duo::Auth Perl interface for the Duo Auth API 1.02 metacpan
Net::Duo::Auth::Async Representation of an asynchronous Duo authentication 1.02 metacpan
Net::Duo::Exception Rich exception object for Net::Duo failures 1.02 metacpan
Net::Duo::Mock::Agent Mock LWP::UserAgent for Net::Duo testing 1.02 metacpan
Net::Duo::Object Helper base class for Duo objects 1.02 metacpan

Other Files

Build.PL metacpan
Changes metacpan
MANIFEST metacpan
META.json metacpan
META.yml metacpan
README metacpan metacpan