POE 1.370 Latest
Kwalitee Issues
No Core Issues.
- meta_yml_declares_perl_version
If you are using Build.PL define the {requires}{perl} = VERSION field. If you are using MakeMaker (Makefile.PL) you should upgrade ExtUtils::MakeMaker to 6.48 and use MIN_PERL_VERSION parameter. Perl::MinimumVersion can help you determine which version of Perl your module needs.
- use_warnings
Add 'use warnings' (or its equivalents) to all modules, or convince us that your favorite module is well-known enough and people can easily see the modules warn when something bad happens.
Error: POE, POE::Component, POE::Component::Client::TCP, POE::Component::Server::TCP, POE::Driver, POE::Driver::SysRW, POE::Filter, POE::Filter::Block, POE::Filter::Grep, POE::Filter::HTTPD, POE::Filter::Line, POE::Filter::Map, POE::Filter::RecordBlock, POE::Filter::Reference, POE::Filter::Stackable, POE::Filter::Stream, POE::Kernel, POE::Loop, POE::Loop::IO_Poll, POE::Loop::PerlSignals, POE::Loop::Select, POE::NFA, POE::Queue, POE::Queue::Array, POE::Resource, POE::Resource::Aliases, POE::Resource::Clock, POE::Resource::Events, POE::Resource::Extrefs, POE::Resource::FileHandles, POE::Resource::SIDs, POE::Resource::Sessions, POE::Resource::Signals, POE::Resources, POE::Session, POE::Wheel, POE::Wheel::Curses, POE::Wheel::FollowTail, POE::Wheel::ListenAccept, POE::Wheel::ReadWrite, POE::Wheel::Run, POE::Wheel::SocketFactory
- meta_yml_has_provides
Add all modules contained in this distribution to the META.yml field 'provides'. Module::Build or Dist::Zilla::Plugin::MetaProvides do this automatically for you.
- has_separate_license_file
This is not a critical issue. Currently mainly informative for the CPANTS authors. It might be removed later.
- has_security_doc
Add SECURITY(.pod|md). See Software::Security::Policy.
- security_doc_contains_contact
Add SECURITY(.pod|md) and add a contact address. See Software::Security::Policy.
- has_contributing_doc
Add CONTRIBUTING(.pod|md). See https://docs.github.com/en/communities/setting-up-your-project-for-healthy-contributions/setting-guidelines-for-repository-contributors.
Name | Abstract | Version | View |
POE | portable multitasking and networking framework for any event loop | 1.370 | metacpan |
POE::Component | event driven objects or subsystems | 1.370 | metacpan |
POE::Component::Client::TCP | a simplified TCP client | 1.370 | metacpan |
POE::Component::Server::TCP | a simplified TCP server | 1.370 | metacpan |
POE::Driver | an abstract interface for buffered, non-blocking I/O | 1.370 | metacpan |
POE::Driver::SysRW | buffered, non-blocking I/O using sysread and syswrite | 1.370 | metacpan |
POE::Filter | protocol abstractions for POE::Wheel and standalone use | 1.370 | metacpan |
POE::Filter::Block | translate data between streams and blocks | 1.370 | metacpan |
POE::Filter::Grep | select or remove items based on simple rules | 1.370 | metacpan |
POE::Filter::HTTPD | parse simple HTTP requests, and serialize HTTP::Response | 1.370 | metacpan |
POE::Filter::Line | serialize and parse terminated records (lines) | 1.370 | metacpan |
POE::Filter::Map | transform input and/or output within a filter stack | 1.370 | metacpan |
POE::Filter::RecordBlock | translate between discrete records and blocks of them | 1.370 | metacpan |
POE::Filter::Reference | freeze and thaw arbitrary Perl data | 1.370 | metacpan |
POE::Filter::Stackable | combine multiple POE::Filter objects | 1.370 | metacpan |
POE::Filter::Stream | a no-op filter that passes data through unchanged | 1.370 | metacpan |
POE::Kernel | an event-based application kernel in Perl | 1.370 | metacpan |
POE::Loop | documentation for POE's event loop bridge interface | 1.370 | metacpan |
POE::Loop::IO_Poll | a bridge that allows POE to be driven by IO::Poll | 1.370 | metacpan |
POE::Loop::PerlSignals | common signal handling routines for POE::Loop bridges | 1.370 | metacpan |
POE::Loop::Select | a bridge that allows POE to be driven by select(2) | 1.370 | metacpan |
POE::NFA | an event-driven state machine (nondeterministic finite automaton) | 1.370 | metacpan |
POE::Pipe | Deprecated and replaced with delegates to IO::Pipely. | 1.370 | metacpan |
POE::Pipe::OneWay | Deprecated and replaced with delegates to IO::Pipely. | 1.370 | metacpan |
POE::Pipe::TwoWay | Deprecated and replaced with delegates to IO::Pipely. | 1.370 | metacpan |
POE::Queue | a flexible, generic priority queue API | 1.370 | metacpan |
POE::Queue::Array | a high-performance array-based priority queue | 1.370 | metacpan |
POE::Resource | internal resource managers for POE::Kernel | 1.370 | metacpan |
POE::Resource::Aliases | internal session alias manager for POE::Kernel | 1.370 | metacpan |
POE::Resource::Clock | internal clock used for ordering the queue | 1.370 | metacpan |
POE::Resource::Events | internal event manager for POE::Kernel | 1.370 | metacpan |
POE::Resource::Extrefs | internal reference counts manager for POE::Kernel | 1.370 | metacpan |
POE::Resource::FileHandles | internal filehandle manager for POE::Kernel | 1.370 | metacpan |
POE::Resource::SIDs | internal session ID manager for POE::Kernel | 1.370 | metacpan |
POE::Resource::Sessions | internal session manager for POE::Kernel | 1.370 | metacpan |
POE::Resource::Signals | internal signal manager for POE::Kernel | 1.370 | metacpan |
POE::Resources | loader of POE resources | 1.370 | metacpan |
POE::Session | a generic event-driven task | 1.370 | metacpan |
POE::Test::Sequence | POE test helper to verify a sequence of events | 1.370 | metacpan |
POE::Wheel | event-driven mixins for POE::Session | 1.370 | metacpan |
POE::Wheel::Curses | non-blocking input for Curses | 1.370 | metacpan |
POE::Wheel::FollowTail | follow the tail of an ever-growing file | 1.370 | metacpan |
POE::Wheel::ListenAccept | accept connections from regular listening sockets | 1.370 | metacpan |
POE::Wheel::ReadLine | non-blocking Term::ReadLine for POE | 1.370 | metacpan |
POE::Wheel::ReadWrite | non-blocking buffered I/O mix-in for POE::Session | 1.370 | metacpan |
POE::Wheel::Run | portably run blocking code and programs in subprocesses | 1.370 | metacpan |
POE::Wheel::SocketFactory | non-blocking socket creation | 1.370 | metacpan |
Name | File | View |
POE::Wheel::ReadLine::Keymap | lib/POE/Wheel/ReadLine.pm | metacpan |