Kwalitee Issues


Change the permissions of Build.PL/Makefile.PL to not-executable.


Add 'use warnings' (or its equivalents) to all modules, or convince us that your favorite module is well-known enough and people can easily see the modules warn when something bad happens.

Error: PPI, PPI::Cache, PPI::Document, PPI::Document::File, PPI::Document::Fragment, PPI::Document::Normalized, PPI::Dumper, PPI::Element, PPI::Exception, PPI::Exception::ParserRejection, PPI::Find, PPI::Lexer, PPI::Node, PPI::Normal, PPI::Normal::Standard, PPI::Singletons, PPI::Statement, PPI::Statement::Break, PPI::Statement::Compound, PPI::Statement::Data, PPI::Statement::End, PPI::Statement::Expression, PPI::Statement::Given, PPI::Statement::Include, PPI::Statement::Include::Perl6, PPI::Statement::Null, PPI::Statement::Package, PPI::Statement::Scheduled, PPI::Statement::Sub, PPI::Statement::Unknown, PPI::Statement::UnmatchedBrace, PPI::Statement::Variable, PPI::Statement::When, PPI::Structure, PPI::Structure::Block, PPI::Structure::Condition, PPI::Structure::Constructor, PPI::Structure::For, PPI::Structure::Given, PPI::Structure::List, PPI::Structure::Signature, PPI::Structure::Subscript, PPI::Structure::Unknown, PPI::Structure::When, PPI::Token, PPI::Token::ArrayIndex, PPI::Token::Attribute, PPI::Token::BOM, PPI::Token::Cast, PPI::Token::Comment, PPI::Token::DashedWord, PPI::Token::Data, PPI::Token::End, PPI::Token::HereDoc, PPI::Token::Label, PPI::Token::Magic, PPI::Token::Number, PPI::Token::Number::Binary, PPI::Token::Number::Exp, PPI::Token::Number::Float, PPI::Token::Number::Hex, PPI::Token::Number::Octal, PPI::Token::Number::Version, PPI::Token::Operator, PPI::Token::Pod, PPI::Token::Prototype, PPI::Token::Quote, PPI::Token::Quote::Double, PPI::Token::Quote::Interpolate, PPI::Token::Quote::Literal, PPI::Token::Quote::Single, PPI::Token::QuoteLike, PPI::Token::QuoteLike::Backtick, PPI::Token::QuoteLike::Command, PPI::Token::QuoteLike::Readline, PPI::Token::QuoteLike::Regexp, PPI::Token::QuoteLike::Words, PPI::Token::Regexp, PPI::Token::Regexp::Match, PPI::Token::Regexp::Substitute, PPI::Token::Regexp::Transliterate, PPI::Token::Separator, PPI::Token::Structure, PPI::Token::Symbol, PPI::Token::Unknown, PPI::Token::Whitespace, PPI::Token::Word, PPI::Tokenizer, PPI::Transform, PPI::Transform::UpdateCopyright, PPI::Util, PPI::XSAccessor


Add SECURITY(.pod|md). See Software::Security::Policy.


Add SECURITY(.pod|md) and add a contact address. See Software::Security::Policy.


Add CONTRIBUTING(.pod|md). See


Name Abstract Version View
PPI Parse, Analyze and Manipulate Perl (without perl) 1.281 metacpan
PPI::Cache The PPI Document Caching Layer 1.281 metacpan
PPI::Document Object representation of a Perl document 1.281 metacpan
PPI::Document::File A Perl Document located in a specific file 1.281 metacpan
PPI::Document::Fragment A fragment of a Perl Document 1.281 metacpan
PPI::Document::Normalized A normalized Perl Document 1.281 metacpan
PPI::Dumper Dumping of PDOM trees 1.281 metacpan
PPI::Element The abstract Element class, a base for all source objects 1.281 metacpan
PPI::Exception The PPI exception base class 1.281 metacpan
PPI::Exception::ParserRejection 1.281 metacpan
PPI::Find Object version of the Element->find method 1.281 metacpan
PPI::Lexer The PPI Lexer 1.281 metacpan
PPI::Node Abstract PPI Node class, an Element that can contain other Elements 1.281 metacpan
PPI::Normal Normalize Perl Documents 1.281 metacpan
PPI::Normal::Standard Provides standard document normalization functions 1.281 metacpan
PPI::Singletons 1.281 metacpan
PPI::Statement The base class for Perl statements 1.281 metacpan
PPI::Statement::Break Statements which break out of normal statement flow 1.281 metacpan
PPI::Statement::Compound Describes all compound statements 1.281 metacpan
PPI::Statement::Data The __DATA__ section of a file 1.281 metacpan
PPI::Statement::End Content after the __END__ of a module 1.281 metacpan
PPI::Statement::Expression A generic and non-specialised statement 1.281 metacpan
PPI::Statement::Given A given-when statement 1.281 metacpan
PPI::Statement::Include Statements that include other code 1.281 metacpan
PPI::Statement::Include::Perl6 Inline Perl 6 file section 1.281 metacpan
PPI::Statement::Null A useless null statement 1.281 metacpan
PPI::Statement::Package A package statement 1.281 metacpan
PPI::Statement::Scheduled A scheduled code block 1.281 metacpan
PPI::Statement::Sub Subroutine declaration 1.281 metacpan
PPI::Statement::Unknown An unknown or transient statement 1.281 metacpan
PPI::Statement::UnmatchedBrace Isolated unmatched brace 1.281 metacpan
PPI::Statement::Variable Variable declaration statements 1.281 metacpan
PPI::Statement::When A when statement 1.281 metacpan
PPI::Structure The base class for Perl braced structures 1.281 metacpan
PPI::Structure::Block Curly braces representing a code block 1.281 metacpan
PPI::Structure::Condition Round braces for boolean context conditions 1.281 metacpan
PPI::Structure::Constructor Anonymous hash or array constructor 1.281 metacpan
PPI::Structure::For Circular braces for a for expression 1.281 metacpan
PPI::Structure::Given Circular braces for a switch statement 1.281 metacpan
PPI::Structure::List Explicit list or precedence ordering braces 1.281 metacpan
PPI::Structure::Signature List of subroutine signature elements 1.281 metacpan
PPI::Structure::Subscript Braces that represent an array or hash subscript 1.281 metacpan
PPI::Structure::Unknown An unknown or unresolved brace structure 1.281 metacpan
PPI::Structure::When Circular braces for a when statement 1.281 metacpan
PPI::Token A single token of Perl source code 1.281 metacpan
PPI::Token::ArrayIndex Token getting the last index for an array 1.281 metacpan
PPI::Token::Attribute A token for a subroutine attribute 1.281 metacpan
PPI::Token::BOM Tokens representing Unicode byte order marks 1.281 metacpan
PPI::Token::Cast A prefix which forces a value into a different context 1.281 metacpan
PPI::Token::Comment A comment in Perl source code 1.281 metacpan
PPI::Token::DashedWord A dashed bareword token 1.281 metacpan
PPI::Token::Data The actual data in the __DATA__ section of a file 1.281 metacpan
PPI::Token::End Completely useless content after the __END__ tag 1.281 metacpan
PPI::Token::HereDoc Token class for the here-doc 1.281 metacpan
PPI::Token::Label Token class for a statement label 1.281 metacpan
PPI::Token::Magic Tokens representing magic variables 1.281 metacpan
PPI::Token::Number Token class for a number 1.281 metacpan
PPI::Token::Number::Binary Token class for a binary number 1.281 metacpan
PPI::Token::Number::Exp Token class for an exponential notation number 1.281 metacpan
PPI::Token::Number::Float Token class for a floating-point number 1.281 metacpan
PPI::Token::Number::Hex Token class for a binary number 1.281 metacpan
PPI::Token::Number::Octal Token class for a binary number 1.281 metacpan
PPI::Token::Number::Version Token class for a byte-packed number 1.281 metacpan
PPI::Token::Operator Token class for operators 1.281 metacpan
PPI::Token::Pod Sections of POD in Perl documents 1.281 metacpan
PPI::Token::Prototype A subroutine prototype descriptor 1.281 metacpan
PPI::Token::Quote String quote abstract base class 1.281 metacpan
PPI::Token::Quote::Double A standard "double quote" token 1.281 metacpan
PPI::Token::Quote::Interpolate The interpolation quote-like operator 1.281 metacpan
PPI::Token::Quote::Literal The literal quote-like operator 1.281 metacpan
PPI::Token::Quote::Single A 'single quote' token 1.281 metacpan
PPI::Token::QuoteLike Quote-like operator abstract base class 1.281 metacpan
PPI::Token::QuoteLike::Backtick A `backticks` command token 1.281 metacpan
PPI::Token::QuoteLike::Command The command quote-like operator 1.281 metacpan
PPI::Token::QuoteLike::Readline The readline quote-like operator 1.281 metacpan
PPI::Token::QuoteLike::Regexp Regexp constructor quote-like operator 1.281 metacpan
PPI::Token::QuoteLike::Words Word list constructor quote-like operator 1.281 metacpan
PPI::Token::Regexp Regular expression abstract base class 1.281 metacpan
PPI::Token::Regexp::Match A standard pattern match regex 1.281 metacpan
PPI::Token::Regexp::Substitute A match and replace regular expression token 1.281 metacpan
PPI::Token::Regexp::Transliterate A transliteration regular expression token 1.281 metacpan
PPI::Token::Separator The __DATA__ and __END__ tags 1.281 metacpan
PPI::Token::Structure Token class for characters that define code structure 1.281 metacpan
PPI::Token::Symbol A token class for variables and other symbols 1.281 metacpan
PPI::Token::Unknown Token of unknown or as-yet undetermined type 1.281 metacpan
PPI::Token::Whitespace Tokens representing ordinary white space 1.281 metacpan
PPI::Token::Word The generic "word" Token 1.281 metacpan
PPI::Tokenizer The Perl Document Tokenizer 1.281 metacpan
PPI::Transform Abstract base class for document transformation classes 1.281 metacpan
PPI::Transform::UpdateCopyright Demonstration PPI::Transform class 1.281 metacpan
PPI::Util 1.281 metacpan
PPI::XSAccessor 1.281 metacpan

Other Files

Changes metacpan
MANIFEST metacpan
META.json metacpan
META.yml metacpan
Makefile.PL metacpan
README metacpan
cpanfile metacpan
dist.ini metacpan