PlugAuth 0.39 Latest
Kwalitee Issues
- prereq_matches_use
List all used modules in META.yml requires
- Mojo::Base
- Mojo::ByteStream
- Mojo::EventEmitter
- Mojolicious::Plugin
- test_prereq_matches_use
List all modules used in the test suite in META.yml test_requires
- Test::Mojo
- meta_yml_has_provides
Add all modules contained in this distribution to the META.yml field 'provides'. Module::Build or Dist::Zilla::Plugin::MetaProvides do this automatically for you.
Name | Abstract | Version | View |
Clustericious::Plugin::SelfPlugAuth | Self authentication for PlugAuth | 0.39 | metacpan |
PlugAuth | (Deprecated) Pluggable authentication and authorization server. | 0.39 | metacpan |
PlugAuth::Client | PlugAuth Client | 0.39 | metacpan |
PlugAuth::Plugin::Audit | Audit log for authentication/authorization | 0.39 | metacpan |
PlugAuth::Plugin::DisableGroup | Disable accounts which belong to a group | 0.39 | metacpan |
PlugAuth::Plugin::FlatAuth | Authentication using Flat Files for PlugAuth | 0.39 | metacpan |
PlugAuth::Plugin::FlatAuthz | Authorization using flat files for PlugAuth | 0.39 | metacpan |
PlugAuth::Plugin::FlatUserList | PlugAuth plugin that provides a user list without authentication. | 0.39 | metacpan |
PlugAuth::Plugin::Test | Test Plugin server | 0.39 | metacpan |
PlugAuth::Role::Auth | Role for PlugAuth authentication plugins | 0.39 | metacpan |
PlugAuth::Role::Authz | Role for PlugAuth authorization plugins | 0.39 | metacpan |
PlugAuth::Role::Flat | private role used by L<FlatAuth|PlugAuth::Plugin::FlatAuth> and L<FlatAuthz|PlugAuth::Plugin::FlatAuthz>. | 0.39 | metacpan |
PlugAuth::Role::Plugin | Role for PlugAuth plugins | 0.39 | metacpan |
PlugAuth::Role::Refresh | Role for PlugAuth reload plugins | 0.39 | metacpan |
PlugAuth::Role::Welcome | Role for PlugAuth reload plugins | 0.39 | metacpan |
PlugAuth::Routes | routes for plugauth | 0.39 | metacpan |
Test::PlugAuth::Plugin | Private package for Test::PlugAUth::Plugin::* modules | 0.39 | metacpan |
Test::PlugAuth::Plugin::Auth | Test a PlugAuth Auth plugin for correctness | 0.39 | metacpan |
Test::PlugAuth::Plugin::Authz | Test a PlugAuth Authz plugin for correctness | 0.39 | metacpan |
Test::PlugAuth::Plugin::Refresh | Test a PlugAuth Refresh plugin for correctness | 0.39 | metacpan |