
Name Abstract Version View
Poz A simple, composable, and extensible data validation library for Perl. 0.11 metacpan
Poz::Builder A module for building Poz projects metacpan
Poz::Types A module for handling type validation and transformation metacpan
Poz::Types::array Array type validation for Poz::Types metacpan
Poz::Types::enum Enum type handling for Poz metacpan
Poz::Types::null Null type validation for Poz::Types metacpan
Poz::Types::number A module for number type validation and coercion metacpan
Poz::Types::object A module for handling structured data with type validation metacpan
Poz::Types::scalar Scalar type handling for Poz framework metacpan
Poz::Types::string A module for validating and transforming strings. metacpan
Poz::Types::union Union type for multiple validators in Poz metacpan

Other Files

Build.PL metacpan
Changes metacpan
MANIFEST metacpan
META.json metacpan
META.yml metacpan metacpan
cpanfile metacpan