Sah-SchemaBundle-Perl 0.050 Latest
Kwalitee Issues
- use_strict
Add 'use strict' (or its equivalents) to all modules, or convince us that your favorite module is well-known enough and people can easily see the modules are strictly written.
Error: Sah::SchemaBundle::Perl, Sah::SchemaR::perl::distname, Sah::SchemaR::perl::distname::default_this_dist, Sah::SchemaR::perl::distname_with_optional_ver, Sah::SchemaR::perl::distname_with_ver, Sah::SchemaR::perl::funcname, Sah::SchemaR::perl::identifier::qualified_ascii, Sah::SchemaR::perl::identifier::qualified_unicode, Sah::SchemaR::perl::identifier::unqualified_ascii, Sah::SchemaR::perl::identifier::unqualified_unicode, Sah::SchemaR::perl::modargs, Sah::SchemaR::perl::modname, Sah::SchemaR::perl::modname::default_this_mod, Sah::SchemaR::perl::modname::installed, Sah::SchemaR::perl::modname::not_installed, Sah::SchemaR::perl::modname_or_prefix, Sah::SchemaR::perl::modname_pm, Sah::SchemaR::perl::modname_with_optional_args, Sah::SchemaR::perl::modname_with_optional_ver, Sah::SchemaR::perl::modname_with_ver, Sah::SchemaR::perl::modnames, Sah::SchemaR::perl::modprefix, Sah::SchemaR::perl::modprefixes, Sah::SchemaR::perl::module::release::version, Sah::SchemaR::perl::module::release::versions, Sah::SchemaR::perl::podname, Sah::SchemaR::perl::qualified_funcname, Sah::SchemaR::perl::release::version, Sah::SchemaR::perl::unqualified_funcname, Sah::SchemaR::perl::version
- use_warnings
Add 'use warnings' (or its equivalents) to all modules, or convince us that your favorite module is well-known enough and people can easily see the modules warn when something bad happens.
Error: Sah::Schema::perl::identifier::qualified_ascii, Sah::Schema::perl::identifier::unqualified_ascii, Sah::SchemaBundle::Perl, Sah::SchemaR::perl::distname, Sah::SchemaR::perl::distname::default_this_dist, Sah::SchemaR::perl::distname_with_optional_ver, Sah::SchemaR::perl::distname_with_ver, Sah::SchemaR::perl::funcname, Sah::SchemaR::perl::identifier::qualified_ascii, Sah::SchemaR::perl::identifier::qualified_unicode, Sah::SchemaR::perl::identifier::unqualified_ascii, Sah::SchemaR::perl::identifier::unqualified_unicode, Sah::SchemaR::perl::modargs, Sah::SchemaR::perl::modname, Sah::SchemaR::perl::modname::default_this_mod, Sah::SchemaR::perl::modname::installed, Sah::SchemaR::perl::modname::not_installed, Sah::SchemaR::perl::modname_or_prefix, Sah::SchemaR::perl::modname_pm, Sah::SchemaR::perl::modname_with_optional_args, Sah::SchemaR::perl::modname_with_optional_ver, Sah::SchemaR::perl::modname_with_ver, Sah::SchemaR::perl::modnames, Sah::SchemaR::perl::modprefix, Sah::SchemaR::perl::modprefixes, Sah::SchemaR::perl::module::release::version, Sah::SchemaR::perl::module::release::versions, Sah::SchemaR::perl::podname, Sah::SchemaR::perl::qualified_funcname, Sah::SchemaR::perl::release::version, Sah::SchemaR::perl::unqualified_funcname, Sah::SchemaR::perl::version
Name | Abstract | Version | View |
Data::Sah::Coerce::perl::To_array::From_str_or_array::expand_perl_modname_wildcard | 0.050 | metacpan | |
Data::Sah::Coerce::perl::To_array::From_str_or_array::expand_perl_modprefix_wildcard | 0.050 | metacpan | |
Data::Sah::Coerce::perl::To_obj::From_str::perl_version | 0.050 | metacpan | |
Data::Sah::Coerce::perl::To_str::From_str::convert_perl_pm_or_pod_to_path | 0.050 | metacpan | |
Data::Sah::Coerce::perl::To_str::From_str::convert_perl_pm_to_path | 0.050 | metacpan | |
Data::Sah::Coerce::perl::To_str::From_str::convert_perl_pod_or_pm_to_path | 0.050 | metacpan | |
Data::Sah::Coerce::perl::To_str::From_str::convert_perl_pod_to_path | 0.050 | metacpan | |
Data::Sah::Coerce::perl::To_str::From_str::normalize_perl_distname | 0.050 | metacpan | |
Data::Sah::Coerce::perl::To_str::From_str::normalize_perl_modname | 0.050 | metacpan | |
Data::Sah::Coerce::perl::To_str::From_str::normalize_perl_modname_or_prefix | 0.050 | metacpan | |
Data::Sah::Coerce::perl::To_str::From_str::normalize_perl_modprefix | 0.050 | metacpan | |
Data::Sah::Filter::perl::Perl::check_module_installed | 0.050 | metacpan | |
Data::Sah::Filter::perl::Perl::check_module_not_installed | 0.050 | metacpan | |
Data::Sah::Filter::perl::Perl::check_module_release_expr | 0.050 | metacpan | |
Data::Sah::Filter::perl::Perl::normalize_perl_modname | 0.050 | metacpan | |
Data::Sah::Filter::perl::Perl::normalize_perl_modname_pm | 0.050 | metacpan | |
Data::Sah::Value::perl::Perl::these_dists | 0.050 | metacpan | |
Data::Sah::Value::perl::Perl::these_mods | 0.050 | metacpan | |
Data::Sah::Value::perl::Perl::this_dist | 0.050 | metacpan | |
Data::Sah::Value::perl::Perl::this_mod | 0.050 | metacpan | |
Sah::Schema::perl::distname | Perl distribution name, e.g. Foo-Bar | 0.050 | metacpan |
Sah::Schema::perl::distname::default_this_dist | Perl distribution name, defaults to "this distribution" | 0.050 | metacpan |
Sah::Schema::perl::distname_with_optional_ver | Perl distribution name (e.g. Foo-Bar) with optional version number suffix (e.g. Foo-Bar@0.001) | 0.050 | metacpan |
Sah::Schema::perl::distname_with_ver | Perl distribution name with version number suffix, e.g. Foo-Bar@0.001 | 0.050 | metacpan |
Sah::Schema::perl::filename | Filename of Perl script/module/POD, e.g. /path/Foo/ | 0.050 | metacpan |
Sah::Schema::perl::funcname | Perl function name, either qualified with package name (e.g. Foo::subname) or unqualified (e.g. subname) | 0.050 | metacpan |
Sah::Schema::perl::identifier::qualified_ascii | Qualified identifier in Perl, without "use utf8" in effect | 0.050 | metacpan |
Sah::Schema::perl::identifier::qualified_unicode | Unqualified identifier in Perl, with "use utf8" in effect | 0.050 | metacpan |
Sah::Schema::perl::identifier::unqualified_ascii | Unqualified identifier in Perl, without "use utf8" in effect | 0.050 | metacpan |
Sah::Schema::perl::identifier::unqualified_unicode | Unqualified identifier in Perl, with "use utf8" in effect | 0.050 | metacpan |
Sah::Schema::perl::modargs | Shorter alias for perl::modname_with_optional_args | 0.050 | metacpan |
Sah::Schema::perl::modname | Perl module name, e.g. Foo::Bar | 0.050 | metacpan |
Sah::Schema::perl::modname::default_this_mod | Perl module, defaults to "this module" | 0.050 | metacpan |
Sah::Schema::perl::modname::installed | Name of a Perl module that is installed locally | 0.050 | metacpan |
Sah::Schema::perl::modname::not_installed | Name of a Perl module that is not installed locally | 0.050 | metacpan |
Sah::Schema::perl::modname_or_prefix | Perl module name (e.g. Foo::Bar) or prefix (e.g. Foo::Bar::) | 0.050 | metacpan |
Sah::Schema::perl::modname_pm | Perl module name in Foo/ form | 0.050 | metacpan |
Sah::Schema::perl::modname_with_optional_args | Perl module name (e.g. Foo::Bar) with optional arguments (e.g. Foo::Bar=arg1,arg2) | 0.050 | metacpan |
Sah::Schema::perl::modname_with_optional_ver | Perl module name (e.g. Foo::Bar) with optional version number suffix (e.g. Foo::Bar@0.001) | 0.050 | metacpan |
Sah::Schema::perl::modname_with_ver | Perl module name with version number suffix, e.g. Foo::Bar@0.001 | 0.050 | metacpan |
Sah::Schema::perl::modnames | Array of Perl module names, e.g. ["Foo::Bar", "Baz"] | 0.050 | metacpan |
Sah::Schema::perl::modprefix | Perl module prefix, e.g. Foo::Bar:: | 0.050 | metacpan |
Sah::Schema::perl::modprefixes | Perl module prefixes, e.g. ["", "Foo::", "Foo::Bar::"] | 0.050 | metacpan |
Sah::Schema::perl::module::release::version | Expression to select module release | 0.050 | metacpan |
Sah::Schema::perl::module::release::versions | 0.050 | metacpan | |
Sah::Schema::perl::pm_filename | A .pm filename, e.g. /path/ | 0.050 | metacpan |
Sah::Schema::perl::pod_filename | A .pod filename, e.g. /path/Foo.pod | 0.050 | metacpan |
Sah::Schema::perl::pod_or_pm_filename | A .pod or .pm filename, e.g. /path/ or /path/Bar/Baz.pod | 0.050 | metacpan |
Sah::Schema::perl::podname | Perl POD name, e.g. Moose::Cookbook | 0.050 | metacpan |
Sah::Schema::perl::qualified_funcname | Perl function name qualified with a package name, e.g. Foo::subname | 0.050 | metacpan |
Sah::Schema::perl::release::version | One of known released versions of perl (e.g. 5.010 or 5.10.0) | 0.050 | metacpan |
Sah::Schema::perl::unqualified_funcname | Perl function name which must not be qualified with a package name, e.g. subname | 0.050 | metacpan |
Sah::Schema::perl::version | Perl version object | 0.050 | metacpan |
Sah::SchemaBundle::Perl | Sah schemas related to Perl | 0.050 | metacpan |
Sah::SchemaR::perl::distname | Perl distribution name, e.g. Foo-Bar | 0.050 | metacpan |
Sah::SchemaR::perl::distname::default_this_dist | Perl distribution name, defaults to "this distribution" | 0.050 | metacpan |
Sah::SchemaR::perl::distname_with_optional_ver | Perl distribution name (e.g. Foo-Bar) with optional version number suffix (e.g. Foo-Bar@0.001) | 0.050 | metacpan |
Sah::SchemaR::perl::distname_with_ver | Perl distribution name with version number suffix, e.g. Foo-Bar@0.001 | 0.050 | metacpan |
Sah::SchemaR::perl::filename | Filename of Perl script/module/POD, e.g. /path/Foo/ | 0.050 | metacpan |
Sah::SchemaR::perl::funcname | Perl function name, either qualified with package name (e.g. Foo::subname) or unqualified (e.g. subname) | 0.050 | metacpan |
Sah::SchemaR::perl::identifier::qualified_ascii | Qualified identifier in Perl, without "use utf8" in effect | 0.050 | metacpan |
Sah::SchemaR::perl::identifier::qualified_unicode | Unqualified identifier in Perl, with "use utf8" in effect | 0.050 | metacpan |
Sah::SchemaR::perl::identifier::unqualified_ascii | Unqualified identifier in Perl, without "use utf8" in effect | 0.050 | metacpan |
Sah::SchemaR::perl::identifier::unqualified_unicode | Unqualified identifier in Perl, with "use utf8" in effect | 0.050 | metacpan |
Sah::SchemaR::perl::modargs | Shorter alias for perl::modname_with_optional_args | 0.050 | metacpan |
Sah::SchemaR::perl::modname | Perl module name, e.g. Foo::Bar | 0.050 | metacpan |
Sah::SchemaR::perl::modname::default_this_mod | Perl module, defaults to "this module" | 0.050 | metacpan |
Sah::SchemaR::perl::modname::installed | Name of a Perl module that is installed locally | 0.050 | metacpan |
Sah::SchemaR::perl::modname::not_installed | Name of a Perl module that is not installed locally | 0.050 | metacpan |
Sah::SchemaR::perl::modname_or_prefix | Perl module name (e.g. Foo::Bar) or prefix (e.g. Foo::Bar::) | 0.050 | metacpan |
Sah::SchemaR::perl::modname_pm | Perl module name in Foo/ form | 0.050 | metacpan |
Sah::SchemaR::perl::modname_with_optional_args | Perl module name (e.g. Foo::Bar) with optional arguments (e.g. Foo::Bar=arg1,arg2) | 0.050 | metacpan |
Sah::SchemaR::perl::modname_with_optional_ver | Perl module name (e.g. Foo::Bar) with optional version number suffix (e.g. Foo::Bar@0.001) | 0.050 | metacpan |
Sah::SchemaR::perl::modname_with_ver | Perl module name with version number suffix, e.g. Foo::Bar@0.001 | 0.050 | metacpan |
Sah::SchemaR::perl::modnames | Array of Perl module names, e.g. ["Foo::Bar", "Baz"] | 0.050 | metacpan |
Sah::SchemaR::perl::modprefix | Perl module prefix, e.g. Foo::Bar:: | 0.050 | metacpan |
Sah::SchemaR::perl::modprefixes | Perl module prefixes, e.g. ["", "Foo::", "Foo::Bar::"] | 0.050 | metacpan |
Sah::SchemaR::perl::module::release::version | Expression to select module release | 0.050 | metacpan |
Sah::SchemaR::perl::module::release::versions | 0.050 | metacpan | |
Sah::SchemaR::perl::pm_filename | A .pm filename, e.g. /path/ | 0.050 | metacpan |
Sah::SchemaR::perl::pod_filename | A .pod filename, e.g. /path/Foo.pod | 0.050 | metacpan |
Sah::SchemaR::perl::pod_or_pm_filename | A .pod or .pm filename, e.g. /path/ or /path/Bar/Baz.pod | 0.050 | metacpan |
Sah::SchemaR::perl::podname | Perl POD name, e.g. Moose::Cookbook | 0.050 | metacpan |
Sah::SchemaR::perl::qualified_funcname | Perl function name qualified with a package name, e.g. Foo::subname | 0.050 | metacpan |
Sah::SchemaR::perl::release::version | One of known released versions of perl (e.g. 5.010 or 5.10.0) | 0.050 | metacpan |
Sah::SchemaR::perl::unqualified_funcname | Perl function name which must not be qualified with a package name, e.g. subname | 0.050 | metacpan |
Sah::SchemaR::perl::version | Perl version object | 0.050 | metacpan |