Kwalitee Issues


Add 'use strict' (or its equivalents) to all modules, or convince us that your favorite module is well-known enough and people can easily see the modules are strictly written.

Error: SemanticWeb::Schema::CreativeWork, SemanticWeb::Schema::Offer, SemanticWeb::Schema::Organization, SemanticWeb::Schema::Product


Sign the dist as the last step before creating the archive. Take care not to modify/regenerate dist meta files or the manifest.

Error: gpg: Signature made Fri 27 Oct 2023 09:01:07 PM JST gpg: using RSA key 788C2AECF7F27F1B6CB2BE671E65AB7181830BAC gpg: requesting key 1E65AB7181830BAC from hkp server gpg: Can't check signature: No public key ==> BAD/TAMPERED signature detected! <==


Add 'use warnings' (or its equivalents) to all modules, or convince us that your favorite module is well-known enough and people can easily see the modules warn when something bad happens.

Error: SemanticWeb::Schema::CreativeWork, SemanticWeb::Schema::Offer, SemanticWeb::Schema::Organization, SemanticWeb::Schema::Product


Name Abstract Version View
SemanticWeb::Schema Moo classes for classes v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::3DModel A 3D model represents some kind of 3D content v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::AMRadioChannel A radio channel that uses AM. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::APIReference Reference documentation for application programming interfaces (APIs). v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::AboutPage Web page type: About page. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::AcceptAction The act of committing to/adopting an object v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::Accommodation An accommodation is a place that can accommodate human beings v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::AccountingService Accountancy business v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::AchieveAction The act of accomplishing something via previous efforts v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::Action An action performed by a direct agent and indirect participants upon a direct object v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::ActionAccessSpecification A set of requirements that must be fulfilled in order to perform an Action. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::ActionStatusType The status of an Action. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::ActivateAction The act of starting or activating a device or application (e v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::AddAction The act of editing by adding an object to a collection. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::AdministrativeArea A geographical region v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::AdultEntertainment An adult entertainment establishment. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::AdultOrientedEnumeration Enumeration of considerations that make a product relevant or potentially restricted for adults only. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::AdvertiserContentArticle An [[Article]] that an external entity has paid to place or to produce to its specifications v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::AggregateOffer When a single product is associated with multiple offers (for example v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::AggregateRating The average rating based on multiple ratings or reviews. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::AgreeAction The act of expressing a consistency of opinion with the object v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::Airline An organization that provides flights for passengers. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::Airport An airport. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::AlignmentObject An intangible item that describes an alignment between a learning resource and a node in an educational framework v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::AllocateAction The act of organizing tasks/objects/events by associating resources to it. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::AmpStory A creative work with a visual storytelling format intended to be viewed online v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::AmusementPark An amusement park. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::AnalysisNewsArticle An AnalysisNewsArticle is a [[NewsArticle]] that v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::AnatomicalStructure Any part of the human body v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::AnatomicalSystem An anatomical system is a group of anatomical structures that work together to perform a certain task v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::AnimalShelter Animal shelter. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::Answer An answer offered to a question; perhaps correct v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::Apartment An apartment (in American English) or flat (in British English) is a self-contained housing unit (a type of residential real estate) that occupies only part of a building (source: Wikipedia v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::ApartmentComplex Residence type: Apartment complex. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::AppendAction The act of inserting at the end if an ordered collection. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::ApplyAction The act of registering to an organization/service without the guarantee to receive it v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::ApprovedIndication An indication for a medical therapy that has been formally specified or approved by a regulatory body that regulates use of the therapy; for example v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::Aquarium Aquarium. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::ArchiveComponent An intangible type to be applied to any archive content v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::ArchiveOrganization An organization with archival holdings v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::ArriveAction The act of arriving at a place v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::ArtGallery An art gallery. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::Artery A type of blood vessel that specifically carries blood away from the heart. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::Article An article v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::AskAction The act of posing a question / favor to someone v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::AskPublicNewsArticle A [[NewsArticle]] expressing an open call by a [[NewsMediaOrganization]] asking the public for input v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::AssessAction The act of forming one's opinion v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::AssignAction The act of allocating an action/event/task to some destination (someone or something). v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::Atlas A collection or bound volume of maps v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::Attorney Professional service: Attorney v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::Audience Intended audience for an item, i v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::AudioObject An audio file. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::AudioObjectSnapshot A specific and exact (byte-for-byte) version of an [[AudioObject]] v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::Audiobook An audiobook. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::AuthorizeAction The act of granting permission to an object. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::AutoBodyShop Auto body shop. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::AutoDealer An car dealership. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::AutoPartsStore An auto parts store. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::AutoRental A car rental business. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::AutoRepair Car repair business. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::AutoWash A car wash business. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::AutomatedTeller ATM/cash machine. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::AutomotiveBusiness Car repair, sales, or parts. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::BackgroundNewsArticle A [[NewsArticle]] providing historical context v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::Bakery A bakery. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::BankAccount A product or service offered by a bank whereby one may deposit v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::BankOrCreditUnion Bank or credit union. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::BarOrPub A bar or pub. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::Barcode An image of a visual machine-readable code such as a barcode or QR code. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::Beach Beach. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::BeautySalon Beauty salon. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::BedAndBreakfast Bed and breakfast v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::BedDetails An entity holding detailed information about the available bed types v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::BedType A type of bed v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::BefriendAction The act of forming a personal connection with someone (object) mutually/bidirectionally/symmetrically v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::BikeStore A bike store. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::BioChemEntity Any biological v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::Blog A [blog](https://en v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::BlogPosting A blog post. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::BloodTest A medical test performed on a sample of a patient's blood. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::BoardingPolicyType A type of boarding policy used by an airline. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::BoatReservation A reservation for boat travel v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::BoatTerminal A terminal for boats v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::BoatTrip A trip on a commercial ferry line. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::BodyMeasurementTypeEnumeration Enumerates types (or dimensions) of a person's body measurements v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::BodyOfWater A body of water v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::Bone Rigid connective tissue that comprises up the skeletal structure of the human body. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::Book A book. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::BookFormatType The publication format of the book. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::BookSeries A series of books v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::BookStore A bookstore. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::BookmarkAction An agent bookmarks/flags/labels/tags/marks an object. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::BorrowAction The act of obtaining an object under an agreement to return it at a later date v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::BowlingAlley A bowling alley. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::BrainStructure Any anatomical structure which pertains to the soft nervous tissue functioning as the coordinating center of sensation and intellectual and nervous activity. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::Brand A brand is a name used by an organization or business person for labeling a product v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::BreadcrumbList A BreadcrumbList is an ItemList consisting of a chain of linked Web pages v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::Brewery Brewery. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::Bridge A bridge. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::BroadcastChannel A unique instance of a BroadcastService on a CableOrSatelliteService lineup. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::BroadcastEvent An over the air or online broadcast event. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::BroadcastFrequencySpecification The frequency in MHz and the modulation used for a particular BroadcastService. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::BroadcastService A delivery service through which content is provided via broadcast over the air or online. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::BrokerageAccount An account that allows an investor to deposit funds and place investment orders with a licensed broker or brokerage firm. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::BuddhistTemple A Buddhist temple. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::BusOrCoach A bus (also omnibus or autobus) is a road vehicle designed to carry passengers v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::BusReservation A reservation for bus travel v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::BusStation A bus station. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::BusStop A bus stop. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::BusTrip A trip on a commercial bus line. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::BusinessAudience A set of characteristics belonging to businesses v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::BusinessEntityType A business entity type is a conceptual entity representing the legal form v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::BusinessEvent Event type: Business event. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::BusinessFunction The business function specifies the type of activity or access (i v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::BuyAction The act of giving money to a seller in exchange for goods or services rendered v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::CDCPMDRecord A CDCPMDRecord is a data structure representing a record in a CDC tabular data format used for hospital data reporting v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::CableOrSatelliteService A service which provides access to media programming like TV or radio v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::CafeOrCoffeeShop A cafe or coffee shop. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::Campground A camping site v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::CampingPitch A [[CampingPitch]] is an individual place for overnight stay in the outdoors v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::Canal A canal, like the Panama Canal. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::CancelAction The act of asserting that a future event/action is no longer going to happen v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::Car A car is a wheeled v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::CarUsageType A value indicating a special usage of a car v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::Casino A casino. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::CategoryCode A Category Code. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::CategoryCodeSet A set of Category Code values. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::CatholicChurch A Catholic church. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::Cemetery A graveyard. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::Chapter One of the sections into which a book is divided v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::CheckAction An agent inspects v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::CheckInAction The act of an agent communicating (service provider v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::CheckOutAction The act of an agent communicating (service provider v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::CheckoutPage Web page type: Checkout page. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::ChemicalSubstance A chemical substance is 'a portion of matter of constant composition v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::ChildCare A Childcare center. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::ChildrensEvent Event type: Children's event. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::ChooseAction The act of expressing a preference from a set of options or a large or unbounded set of choices/options. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::Church A church. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::City A city or town. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::CityHall A city hall. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::CivicStructure A public structure v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::Claim A [[Claim]] in Schema v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::ClaimReview A fact-checking review of claims made (or reported) in some creative work (referenced via itemReviewed). v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::Class A class v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::Clip A short TV or radio program or a segment/part of a program. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::ClothingStore A clothing store. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::Code Computer programming source code v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::Collection A collection of items, e v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::CollectionPage Web page type: Collection page. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::CollegeOrUniversity A college v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::ComedyClub A comedy club. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::ComedyEvent Event type: Comedy event. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::ComicCoverArt The artwork on the cover of a comic. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::ComicIssue Individual comic issues are serially published as part of a larger series v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::ComicSeries A sequential publication of comic stories under a unifying title v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::ComicStory The term "story" is any indivisible v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::Comment A comment on an item - for example v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::CommentAction The act of generating a comment about a subject. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::CommunicateAction The act of conveying information to another person via a communication medium (instrument) such as speech v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::CompleteDataFeed A [[CompleteDataFeed]] is a [[DataFeed]] whose standard representation includes content for every item currently in the feed v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::CompoundPriceSpecification A compound price specification is one that bundles multiple prices that all apply in combination for different dimensions of consumption v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::ComputerLanguage This type covers computer programming languages such as Scheme and Lisp v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::ComputerStore A computer store. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::ConfirmAction The act of notifying someone that a future event/action is going to happen as expected v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::Consortium A Consortium is a membership [[Organization]] whose members are typically Organizations. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::ConstraintNode The ConstraintNode type is provided to support usecases in which a node in a structured data graph is described with properties which appear to describe a single entity v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::ConsumeAction The act of ingesting information/resources/food. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::ContactPage Web page type: Contact page. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::ContactPoint A contact point—for example v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::ContactPointOption Enumerated options related to a ContactPoint. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::Continent One of the continents (for example v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::ControlAction An agent controls a device or application. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::ConvenienceStore A convenience store. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::Conversation One or more messages between organizations or people on a particular topic v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::CookAction The act of producing/preparing food. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::Corporation Organization: A business corporation. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::CorrectionComment A [[comment]] that corrects [[CreativeWork]]. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::Country A country. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::Course A description of an educational course which may be offered as distinct instances which take place at different times or take place at different locations v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::CourseInstance An instance of a [[Course]] which is distinct from other instances because it is offered at a different time or location or through different media or modes of study or to a specific section of students. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::Courthouse A courthouse. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::CoverArt The artwork on the outer surface of a CreativeWork. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::CovidTestingFacility A CovidTestingFacility is a [[MedicalClinic]] where testing for the COVID-19 Coronavirus disease is available v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::CreateAction The act of deliberately creating/producing/generating/building a result out of the agent. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::CreativeWork The most generic kind of creative work v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::CreativeWorkSeason A media season, e v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::CreativeWorkSeries A CreativeWorkSeries in schema v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::CreditCard A card payment method of a particular brand or name v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::Crematorium A crematorium. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::CriticReview A [[CriticReview]] is a more specialized form of Review written or published by a source that is recognized for its reviewing activities v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::CurrencyConversionService A service to convert funds from one currency to another currency. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::DDxElement An alternative v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::DanceEvent Event type: A social dance. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::DanceGroup A dance group—for example v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::DataCatalog A collection of datasets. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::DataDownload All or part of a [[Dataset]] in downloadable form v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::DataFeed A single feed providing structured information about one or more entities or topics. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::DataFeedItem A single item within a larger data feed. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::Dataset A body of structured information describing some topic(s) of interest. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::DatedMoneySpecification A DatedMoneySpecification represents monetary values with optional start and end dates v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::DayOfWeek The day of the week, e v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::DaySpa A day spa. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::DeactivateAction The act of stopping or deactivating a device or application (e v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::DefenceEstablishment A defence establishment v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::DefinedRegion A DefinedRegion is a geographic area defined by potentially arbitrary (rather than political v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::DefinedTerm A word, name, acronym, phrase, etc v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::DefinedTermSet A set of defined terms v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::DeleteAction The act of editing a recipient by removing one of its objects. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::DeliveryChargeSpecification The price for the delivery of an offer using a particular delivery method. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::DeliveryEvent An event involving the delivery of an item. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::DeliveryMethod A delivery method is a standardized procedure for transferring the product or service to the destination of fulfillment chosen by the customer v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::DeliveryTimeSettings A DeliveryTimeSettings represents re-usable pieces of shipping information v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::Demand A demand entity represents the public v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::Dentist A dentist. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::DepartAction The act of departing from a place v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::DepartmentStore A department store. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::DepositAccount A type of Bank Account with a main purpose of depositing funds to gain interest or other benefits. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::DiagnosticLab A medical laboratory that offers on-site or off-site diagnostic services. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::DiagnosticProcedure A medical procedure intended primarily for diagnostic v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::Diet A strategy of regulating the intake of food to achieve or maintain a specific health-related goal. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::DietarySupplement A product taken by mouth that contains a dietary ingredient intended to supplement the diet v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::DigitalDocument An electronic file or document. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::DigitalDocumentPermission A permission for a particular person or group to access a particular file. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::DigitalDocumentPermissionType A type of permission which can be granted for accessing a digital document. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::DigitalPlatformEnumeration Enumerates some common technology platforms v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::DisagreeAction The act of expressing a difference of opinion with the object v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::DiscoverAction The act of discovering/finding an object. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::DiscussionForumPosting A posting to a discussion forum. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::DislikeAction The act of expressing a negative sentiment about the object v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::Distance Properties that take Distances as values are of the form '<Number> <Length unit of measure>' v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::Distillery A distillery. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::DonateAction The act of providing goods v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::DoseSchedule A specific dosing schedule for a drug or supplement. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::DownloadAction The act of downloading an object. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::DrawAction The act of producing a visual/graphical representation of an object v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::Drawing A picture or diagram made with a pencil v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::DrinkAction The act of swallowing liquids. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::DriveWheelConfigurationValue A value indicating which roadwheels will receive torque. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::Drug A chemical or biologic substance v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::DrugClass A class of medical drugs, e v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::DrugCost The cost per unit of a medical drug v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::DrugCostCategory Enumerated categories of medical drug costs. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::DrugLegalStatus The legal availability status of a medical drug. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::DrugPregnancyCategory Categories that represent an assessment of the risk of fetal injury due to a drug or pharmaceutical used as directed by the mother during pregnancy. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::DrugPrescriptionStatus Indicates whether this drug is available by prescription or over-the-counter. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::DrugStrength A specific strength in which a medical drug is available in a specific country. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::DryCleaningOrLaundry A dry-cleaning business. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::Duration Quantity: Duration (use [ISO 8601 duration format](http://en v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::EUEnergyEfficiencyEnumeration Enumerates the EU energy efficiency classes A-G as well as A+ v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::EatAction The act of swallowing solid objects. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::EducationEvent Event type: Education event. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::EducationalAudience An EducationalAudience. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::EducationalOccupationalCredential An educational or occupational credential v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::EducationalOccupationalProgram A program offered by an institution which determines the learning progress to achieve an outcome v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::EducationalOrganization An educational organization. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::Electrician An electrician. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::ElectronicsStore An electronics store. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::ElementarySchool An elementary school. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::EmailMessage An email message. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::Embassy An embassy. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::EmergencyService An emergency service v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::EmployeeRole A subclass of OrganizationRole used to describe employee relationships. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::EmployerAggregateRating An aggregate rating of an Organization related to its role as an employer. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::EmployerReview An [[EmployerReview]] is a review of an [[Organization]] regarding its role as an employer v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::EmploymentAgency An employment agency. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::EndorseAction An agent approves/certifies/likes/supports/sanctions an object. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::EndorsementRating An EndorsementRating is a rating that expresses some level of endorsement v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::Energy Properties that take Energy as values are of the form '<Number> <Energy unit of measure>'. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::EnergyConsumptionDetails EnergyConsumptionDetails represents information related to the energy efficiency of a product that consumes energy v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::EnergyEfficiencyEnumeration Enumerates energy efficiency levels (also known as "classes" or "ratings") and certifications that are part of several international energy efficiency standards. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::EnergyStarEnergyEfficiencyEnumeration Used to indicate whether a product is EnergyStar certified. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::EngineSpecification Information about the engine of the vehicle v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::EntertainmentBusiness A business providing entertainment. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::EntryPoint An entry point v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::Enumeration Lists or enumerations—for example v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::Episode A media episode (e v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::Event An event happening at a certain time and location v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::EventAttendanceModeEnumeration An EventAttendanceModeEnumeration value is one of potentially several modes of organising an event v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::EventReservation A reservation for an event like a concert v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::EventSeries A series of [[Event]]s v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::EventStatusType EventStatusType is an enumeration type whose instances represent several states that an Event may be in. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::EventVenue An event venue. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::ExchangeRateSpecification A structured value representing exchange rate. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::ExerciseAction The act of participating in exertive activity for the purposes of improving health and fitness. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::ExerciseGym A gym. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::ExercisePlan Fitness-related activity designed for a specific health-related purpose v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::ExhibitionEvent Event type: Exhibition event, e v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::FAQPage A [[FAQPage]] is a [[WebPage]] presenting one or more "[Frequently asked questions](https://en v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::FMRadioChannel A radio channel that uses FM. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::FastFoodRestaurant A fast-food restaurant. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::Festival Event type: Festival. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::FilmAction The act of capturing sound and moving images on film v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::FinancialProduct A product provided to consumers and businesses by financial institutions such as banks v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::FinancialService Financial services business. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::FindAction The act of finding an object v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::FireStation A fire station. With firemen. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::Flight An airline flight. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::FlightReservation A reservation for air travel v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::FloorPlan A FloorPlan is an explicit representation of a collection of similar accommodations v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::Florist A florist. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::FollowAction The act of forming a personal connection with someone/something (object) unidirectionally/asymmetrically to get updates polled from v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::FoodEstablishment A food-related business. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::FoodEstablishmentReservation A reservation to dine at a food-related business v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::FoodEvent Event type: Food event. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::FoodService A food service v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::FundingAgency A FundingAgency is an organization that implements one or more [[FundingScheme]]s and manages the granting process (via [[Grant]]s v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::FundingScheme A FundingScheme combines organizational v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::FurnitureStore A furniture store. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::Game The Game type represents things which are games v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::GameAvailabilityEnumeration For a [[VideoGame]] v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::GamePlayMode Indicates whether this game is multi-player v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::GameServer Server that provides game interaction in a multiplayer game. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::GameServerStatus Status of a game server. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::GardenStore A garden store. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::GasStation A gas station. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::GatedResidenceCommunity Residence type: Gated community. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::GenderType An enumeration of genders. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::Gene A discrete unit of inheritance which affects one or more biological traits (Source: [https://en v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::GeneralContractor A general contractor. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::GeoCircle A GeoCircle is a GeoShape representing a circular geographic area v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::GeoCoordinates The geographic coordinates of a place or event. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::GeoShape The geographic shape of a place v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::GeospatialGeometry (Eventually to be defined as) a supertype of GeoShape designed to accommodate definitions from Geo-Spatial best practices. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::GiveAction The act of transferring ownership of an object to a destination v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::GolfCourse A golf course. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::GovernmentBenefitsType GovernmentBenefitsType enumerates several kinds of government benefits to support the COVID-19 situation v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::GovernmentBuilding A government building. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::GovernmentOffice A government office—for example v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::GovernmentOrganization A governmental organization or agency. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::GovernmentPermit A permit issued by a government agency. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::GovernmentService A service provided by a government organization v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::Grant A grant v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::GroceryStore A grocery store. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::Guide [[Guide]] is a page or article that recommends specific products or services v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::HVACBusiness A business that provides Heating v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::Hackathon A [hackathon](https://en v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::HairSalon A hair salon. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::HardwareStore A hardware store. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::HealthAndBeautyBusiness Health and beauty. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::HealthAspectEnumeration HealthAspectEnumeration enumerates several aspects of health content online v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::HealthClub A health club. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::HealthInsurancePlan A US-style health insurance plan v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::HealthPlanCostSharingSpecification A description of costs to the patient under a given network or formulary. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::HealthPlanFormulary For a given health insurance plan v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::HealthPlanNetwork A US-style health insurance plan network. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::HealthTopicContent [[HealthTopicContent]] is [[WebContent]] that is about some aspect of a health topic v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::HighSchool A high school. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::HinduTemple A Hindu temple. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::HobbyShop A store that sells materials useful or necessary for various hobbies. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::HomeAndConstructionBusiness A construction business v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::HomeGoodsStore A home goods store. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::Hospital A hospital. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::Hostel A hostel - cheap accommodation v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::Hotel A hotel is an establishment that provides lodging paid on a short-term basis (source: Wikipedia v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::HotelRoom A hotel room is a single room in a hotel v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::House A house is a building or structure that has the ability to be occupied for habitation by humans or other creatures (source: Wikipedia v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::HousePainter A house painting service. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::HowTo Instructions that explain how to achieve a result by performing a sequence of steps. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::HowToDirection A direction indicating a single action to do in the instructions for how to achieve a result. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::HowToItem An item used as either a tool or supply when performing the instructions for how to achieve a result. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::HowToSection A sub-grouping of steps in the instructions for how to achieve a result (e v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::HowToStep A step in the instructions for how to achieve a result v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::HowToSupply A supply consumed when performing the instructions for how to achieve a result. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::HowToTip An explanation in the instructions for how to achieve a result v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::HowToTool A tool used (but not consumed) when performing instructions for how to achieve a result. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::HyperToc A HyperToc represents a hypertext table of contents for complex media objects v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::HyperTocEntry A HyperToEntry is an item within a [[HyperToc]] v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::IceCreamShop An ice cream shop. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::IgnoreAction The act of intentionally disregarding the object v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::ImageGallery Web page type: Image gallery page. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::ImageObject An image file. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::ImageObjectSnapshot A specific and exact (byte-for-byte) version of an [[ImageObject]] v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::ImagingTest Any medical imaging modality typically used for diagnostic purposes. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::IndividualProduct A single, identifiable product instance (e v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::InfectiousAgentClass Classes of agents or pathogens that transmit infectious diseases v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::InfectiousDisease An infectious disease is a clinically evident human disease resulting from the presence of pathogenic microbial agents v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::InformAction The act of notifying someone of information pertinent to them v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::InsertAction The act of adding at a specific location in an ordered collection. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::InstallAction The act of installing an application. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::InsuranceAgency An Insurance agency. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::Intangible A utility class that serves as the umbrella for a number of 'intangible' things such as quantities v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::InteractAction The act of interacting with another person or organization. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::InteractionCounter A summary of how users have interacted with this CreativeWork v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::InternetCafe An internet cafe. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::InvestmentFund A company or fund that gathers capital from a number of investors to create a pool of money that is then re-invested into stocks v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::InvestmentOrDeposit A type of financial product that typically requires the client to transfer funds to a financial service in return for potential beneficial financial return. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::InviteAction The act of asking someone to attend an event v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::Invoice A statement of the money due for goods or services; a bill. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::ItemAvailability A list of possible product availability options. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::ItemList A list of items of any sort—for example v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::ItemListOrderType Enumerated for values for itemListOrder for indicating how an ordered ItemList is organized. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::ItemPage A page devoted to a single item v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::JewelryStore A jewelry store. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::JobPosting A listing that describes a job opening in a certain organization. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::JoinAction An agent joins an event/group with participants/friends at a location v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::Joint The anatomical location at which two or more bones make contact. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::LakeBodyOfWater A lake (for example, Lake Pontrachain). v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::Landform A landform or physical feature v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::LandmarksOrHistoricalBuildings An historical landmark or building. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::Language Natural languages such as Spanish v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::LearningResource The LearningResource type can be used to indicate [[CreativeWork]]s (whether physical or digital) that have a particular and explicit orientation towards learning v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::LeaveAction An agent leaves an event / group with participants/friends at a location v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::LegalForceStatus A list of possible statuses for the legal force of a legislation. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::LegalService A LegalService is a business that provides legally-oriented services v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::LegalValueLevel A list of possible levels for the legal validity of a legislation. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::Legislation A legal document such as an act v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::LegislationObject A specific object or file containing a Legislation v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::LegislativeBuilding A legislative building—for example v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::LendAction The act of providing an object under an agreement that it will be returned at a later date v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::Library A library. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::LibrarySystem A [[LibrarySystem]] is a collaborative system amongst several libraries. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::LifestyleModification A process of care involving exercise v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::Ligament A short band of tough v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::LikeAction The act of expressing a positive sentiment about the object v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::LinkRole A Role that represents a Web link, e v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::LiquorStore A shop that sells alcoholic drinks such as wine v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::ListItem An list item, e v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::ListenAction The act of consuming audio content. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::LiteraryEvent Event type: Literary event. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::LiveBlogPosting A [[LiveBlogPosting]] is a [[BlogPosting]] intended to provide a rolling textual coverage of an ongoing event through continuous updates. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::LoanOrCredit A financial product for the loaning of an amount of money v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::LocalBusiness A particular physical business or branch of an organization v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::LocationFeatureSpecification Specifies a location feature by providing a structured value representing a feature of an accommodation as a property-value pair of varying degrees of formality. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::LockerDelivery A DeliveryMethod in which an item is made available via locker. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::Locksmith A locksmith. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::LodgingBusiness A lodging business v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::LodgingReservation A reservation for lodging at a hotel v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::LoseAction The act of being defeated in a competitive activity. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::LymphaticVessel A type of blood vessel that specifically carries lymph fluid unidirectionally toward the heart. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::Manuscript A book v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::Map A map. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::MapCategoryType An enumeration of several kinds of Map. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::MarryAction The act of marrying a person. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::Mass Properties that take Mass as values are of the form '<Number> <Mass unit of measure>' v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::MathSolver A math solver which is capable of solving a subset of mathematical problems. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::MaximumDoseSchedule The maximum dosing schedule considered safe for a drug or supplement as recommended by an authority or by the drug/supplement's manufacturer v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::MeasurementMethodEnum Enumeration(s) for use with [[measurementMethod]]. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::MeasurementTypeEnumeration Enumeration of common measurement types (or dimensions) v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::MediaGallery Web page type: Media gallery page v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::MediaManipulationRatingEnumeration Codes for use with the [[mediaAuthenticityCategory]] property v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::MediaObject A media object v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::MediaReview A [[MediaReview]] is a more specialized form of Review dedicated to the evaluation of media content online v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::MediaReviewItem Represents an item or group of closely related items treated as a unit for the sake of evaluation in a [[MediaReview]] v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::MediaSubscription A subscription which allows a user to access media including audio v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::MedicalAudience Target audiences for medical web pages. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::MedicalAudienceType Target audiences types for medical web pages v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::MedicalBusiness A particular physical or virtual business of an organization for medical purposes v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::MedicalCause The causative agent(s) that are responsible for the pathophysiologic process that eventually results in a medical condition v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::MedicalClinic A facility v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::MedicalCondition Any condition of the human body that affects the normal functioning of a person v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::MedicalConditionStage A stage of a medical condition v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::MedicalContraindication A condition or factor that serves as a reason to withhold a certain medical therapy v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::MedicalDevice Any object used in a medical capacity v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::MedicalDevicePurpose Categories of medical devices v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::MedicalEntity The most generic type of entity related to health and the practice of medicine. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::MedicalEnumeration Enumerations related to health and the practice of medicine: A concept that is used to attribute a quality to another concept v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::MedicalEvidenceLevel Level of evidence for a medical guideline v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::MedicalGuideline Any recommendation made by a standard society (e v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::MedicalGuidelineContraindication A guideline contraindication that designates a process as harmful and where quality of the data supporting the contraindication is sound. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::MedicalGuidelineRecommendation A guideline recommendation that is regarded as efficacious and where quality of the data supporting the recommendation is sound. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::MedicalImagingTechnique Any medical imaging modality typically used for diagnostic purposes v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::MedicalIndication A condition or factor that indicates use of a medical therapy v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::MedicalIntangible A utility class that serves as the umbrella for a number of 'intangible' things in the medical space. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::MedicalObservationalStudy An observational study is a type of medical study that attempts to infer the possible effect of a treatment through observation of a cohort of subjects over a period of time v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::MedicalObservationalStudyDesign Design models for observational medical studies v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::MedicalOrganization A medical organization (physical or not) v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::MedicalProcedure A process of care used in either a diagnostic v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::MedicalProcedureType An enumeration that describes different types of medical procedures. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::MedicalRiskCalculator A complex mathematical calculation requiring an online calculator v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::MedicalRiskEstimator Any rule set or interactive tool for estimating the risk of developing a complication or condition. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::MedicalRiskFactor A risk factor is anything that increases a person's likelihood of developing or contracting a disease v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::MedicalRiskScore A simple system that adds up the number of risk factors to yield a score that is associated with prognosis v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::MedicalScholarlyArticle A scholarly article in the medical domain. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::MedicalSign Any physical manifestation of a person's medical condition discoverable by objective diagnostic tests or physical examination. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::MedicalSignOrSymptom Any feature associated or not with a medical condition v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::MedicalSpecialty Any specific branch of medical science or practice v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::MedicalStudy A medical study is an umbrella type covering all kinds of research studies relating to human medicine or health v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::MedicalStudyStatus The status of a medical study v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::MedicalSymptom Any complaint sensed and expressed by the patient (therefore defined as subjective) like stomachache v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::MedicalTest Any medical test v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::MedicalTestPanel Any collection of tests commonly ordered together. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::MedicalTherapy Any medical intervention designed to prevent v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::MedicalTrial A medical trial is a type of medical study that uses a scientific process to compare the safety and efficacy of medical therapies or medical procedures v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::MedicalTrialDesign Design models for medical trials v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::MedicalWebPage A web page that provides medical information. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::MedicineSystem Systems of medical practice. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::MeetingRoom A meeting room v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::MensClothingStore A men's clothing store. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::Menu A structured representation of food or drink items available from a FoodEstablishment. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::MenuItem A food or drink item listed in a menu or menu section. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::MenuSection A sub-grouping of food or drink items in a menu v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::MerchantReturnEnumeration Enumerates several kinds of product return policies. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::MerchantReturnPolicy A MerchantReturnPolicy provides information about product return policies associated with an [[Organization]] v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::MerchantReturnPolicySeasonalOverride A seasonal override of a return policy v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::Message A single message from a sender to one or more organizations or people. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::MiddleSchool A middle school (typically for children aged around 11-14 v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::MobileApplication A software application designed specifically to work well on a mobile device such as a telephone. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::MobilePhoneStore A store that sells mobile phones and related accessories. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::MolecularEntity Any constitutionally or isotopically distinct atom v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::MonetaryAmount A monetary value or range v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::MonetaryAmountDistribution A statistical distribution of monetary amounts. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::MonetaryGrant A monetary grant. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::MoneyTransfer The act of transferring money from one place to another place v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::MortgageLoan A loan in which property or real estate is used as collateral v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::Mosque A mosque. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::Motel A motel v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::Motorcycle A motorcycle or motorbike is a single-track v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::MotorcycleDealer A motorcycle dealer. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::MotorcycleRepair A motorcycle repair shop. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::MotorizedBicycle A motorized bicycle is a bicycle with an attached motor used to power the vehicle v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::Mountain A mountain v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::MoveAction The act of an agent relocating to a place v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::Movie A movie. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::MovieClip A short segment/part of a movie. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::MovieRentalStore A movie rental store. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::MovieSeries A series of movies v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::MovieTheater A movie theater. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::MovingCompany A moving company. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::Muscle A muscle is an anatomical structure consisting of a contractile form of tissue that animals use to effect movement. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::Museum A museum. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::MusicAlbum A collection of music tracks. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::MusicAlbumProductionType Classification of the album by its type of content: soundtrack v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::MusicAlbumReleaseType The kind of release which this album is: single v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::MusicComposition A musical composition. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::MusicEvent Event type: Music event. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::MusicGroup A musical group v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::MusicPlaylist A collection of music tracks in playlist form. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::MusicRecording A music recording (track) v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::MusicRelease A MusicRelease is a specific release of a music album. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::MusicReleaseFormatType Format of this release (the type of recording media used v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::MusicStore A music store. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::MusicVenue A music venue. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::MusicVideoObject A music video file. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::NGO Organization: Non-governmental Organization. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::NLNonprofitType NLNonprofitType: Non-profit organization type originating from the Netherlands. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::NailSalon A nail salon. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::Nerve A common pathway for the electrochemical nerve impulses that are transmitted along each of the axons. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::NewsArticle A NewsArticle is an article whose content reports news v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::NewsMediaOrganization A News/Media organization such as a newspaper or TV station. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::Newspaper A publication containing information about varied topics that are pertinent to general information v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::NightClub A nightclub or discotheque. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::NonprofitType NonprofitType enumerates several kinds of official non-profit types of which a non-profit organization can be. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::Notary A notary. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::NoteDigitalDocument A file containing a note v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::NutritionInformation Nutritional information about the recipe. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::Observation Instances of the class [[Observation]] are used to specify observations about an entity at a particular time v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::Occupation A profession v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::OccupationalExperienceRequirements Indicates employment-related experience requirements v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::OccupationalTherapy A treatment of people with physical v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::OceanBodyOfWater An ocean (for example, the Pacific). v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::Offer An offer to transfer some rights to an item or to provide a service — for example v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::OfferCatalog An OfferCatalog is an ItemList that contains related Offers and/or further OfferCatalogs that are offeredBy the same provider. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::OfferForLease An [[OfferForLease]] in Schema v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::OfferForPurchase An [[OfferForPurchase]] in Schema v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::OfferItemCondition A list of possible conditions for the item. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::OfferShippingDetails OfferShippingDetails represents information about shipping destinations v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::OfficeEquipmentStore An office equipment store. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::OnDemandEvent A publication event, e v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::OnlineBusiness A particular online business v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::OnlineStore An eCommerce site. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::OpeningHoursSpecification A structured value providing information about the opening hours of a place or a certain service inside a place v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::OpinionNewsArticle An [[OpinionNewsArticle]] is a [[NewsArticle]] that primarily expresses opinions rather than journalistic reporting of news and events v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::Optician A store that sells reading glasses and similar devices for improving vision. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::Order An order is a confirmation of a transaction (a receipt) v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::OrderAction An agent orders an object/product/service to be delivered/sent. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::OrderItem An order item is a line of an order v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::OrderStatus Enumerated status values for Order. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::Organization An organization such as a school v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::OrganizationRole A subclass of Role used to describe roles within organizations. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::OrganizeAction The act of manipulating/administering/supervising/controlling one or more objects. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::OutletStore An outlet store. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::OwnershipInfo A structured value providing information about when a certain organization or person owned a certain product. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::PaintAction The act of producing a painting v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::Painting A painting. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::PalliativeProcedure A medical procedure intended primarily for palliative purposes v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::ParcelDelivery The delivery of a parcel either via the postal service or a commercial service. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::ParcelService A private parcel service as the delivery mode available for a certain offer v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::ParentAudience A set of characteristics describing parents v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::Park A park. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::ParkingFacility A parking lot or other parking facility. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::PathologyTest A medical test performed by a laboratory that typically involves examination of a tissue sample by a pathologist. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::Patient A patient is any person recipient of health care services. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::PawnShop A shop that will buy v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::PayAction An agent pays a price to a participant. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::PaymentCard A payment method using a credit v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::PaymentChargeSpecification The costs of settling the payment using a particular payment method. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::PaymentMethod A payment method is a standardized procedure for transferring the monetary amount for a purchase v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::PaymentService A Service to transfer funds from a person or organization to a beneficiary person or organization. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::PaymentStatusType A specific payment status v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::PeopleAudience A set of characteristics belonging to people v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::PerformAction The act of participating in performance arts. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::PerformanceRole A PerformanceRole is a Role that some entity places with regard to a theatrical performance v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::PerformingArtsTheater A theater or other performing art center. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::PerformingGroup A performance group v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::Periodical A publication in any medium issued in successive parts bearing numerical or chronological designations and intended to continue indefinitely v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::Permit A permit issued by an organization, e v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::Person A person (alive v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::PetStore A pet store. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::Pharmacy A pharmacy or drugstore. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::Photograph A photograph. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::PhotographAction The act of capturing still images of objects using a camera. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::PhysicalActivity Any bodily activity that enhances or maintains physical fitness and overall health and wellness v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::PhysicalActivityCategory Categories of physical activity v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::PhysicalExam A type of physical examination of a patient performed by a physician v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::PhysicalTherapy A process of progressive physical care and rehabilitation aimed at improving a health condition. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::Physician A doctor's office. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::Place Entities that have a somewhat fixed v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::PlaceOfWorship Place of worship v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::PlanAction The act of planning the execution of an event/task/action/reservation/plan to a future date. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::Play A play is a form of literature v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::PlayAction The act of playing/exercising/training/performing for enjoyment v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::PlayGameAction The act of playing a video game. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::Playground A playground. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::Plumber A plumbing service. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::PodcastEpisode A single episode of a podcast series. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::PodcastSeason A single season of a podcast v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::PodcastSeries A podcast is an episodic series of digital audio or video files which a user can download and listen to. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::PoliceStation A police station. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::PoliticalParty Organization: Political Party. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::Pond A pond. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::PostOffice A post office. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::PostalAddress The mailing address. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::PostalCodeRangeSpecification Indicates a range of postal codes v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::Poster A large v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::PreOrderAction An agent orders a (not yet released) object/product/service to be delivered/sent. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::PrependAction The act of inserting at the beginning if an ordered collection. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::Preschool A preschool. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::PresentationDigitalDocument A file containing slides or used for a presentation. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::PreventionIndication An indication for preventing an underlying condition v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::PriceComponentTypeEnumeration Enumerates different price components that together make up the total price for an offered product. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::PriceSpecification A structured value representing a price or price range v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::PriceTypeEnumeration Enumerates different price types v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::Product Any offered product or service v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::ProductCollection A set of products (either [[ProductGroup]]s or specific variants) that are listed together e v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::ProductGroup A ProductGroup represents a group of [[Product]]s that vary only in certain well-described ways v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::ProductModel A datasheet or vendor specification of a product (in the sense of a prototypical description). v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::ProductReturnEnumeration ProductReturnEnumeration enumerates several kinds of product return policy v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::ProductReturnPolicy A ProductReturnPolicy provides information about product return policies associated with an [[Organization]] or [[Product]]. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::ProfessionalService Original definition: "provider of professional services v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::ProfilePage Web page type: Profile page. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::ProgramMembership Used to describe membership in a loyalty programs (e v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::Project An enterprise (potentially individual but typically collaborative) v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::Property A property v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::PropertyValue A property-value pair, e v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::PropertyValueSpecification A Property value specification. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::Protein Protein is here used in its widest possible definition v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::PsychologicalTreatment A process of care relying upon counseling v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::PublicSwimmingPool A public swimming pool. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::PublicToilet A public toilet is a room or small building containing one or more toilets (and possibly also urinals) which is available for use by the general public v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::PublicationEvent A PublicationEvent corresponds indifferently to the event of publication for a CreativeWork of any type v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::PublicationIssue A part of a successively published publication such as a periodical or publication volume v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::PublicationVolume A part of a successively published publication such as a periodical or multi-volume work v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::QAPage A QAPage is a WebPage focussed on a specific Question and its Answer(s) v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::QualitativeValue A predefined value for a product characteristic v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::QuantitativeValue A point value or interval for product characteristics and other purposes. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::QuantitativeValueDistribution A statistical distribution of values. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::Quantity Quantities such as distance v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::Question A specific question - e v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::Quiz Quiz: A test of knowledge v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::Quotation A quotation v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::QuoteAction An agent quotes/estimates/appraises an object/product/service with a price at a location/store. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::RVPark A place offering space for "Recreational Vehicles" v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::RadiationTherapy A process of care using radiation aimed at improving a health condition. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::RadioBroadcastService A delivery service through which radio content is provided via broadcast over the air or online. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::RadioChannel A unique instance of a radio BroadcastService on a CableOrSatelliteService lineup. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::RadioClip A short radio program or a segment/part of a radio program. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::RadioEpisode A radio episode which can be part of a series or season. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::RadioSeason Season dedicated to radio broadcast and associated online delivery. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::RadioSeries CreativeWorkSeries dedicated to radio broadcast and associated online delivery. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::RadioStation A radio station. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::Rating A rating is an evaluation on a numeric scale v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::ReactAction The act of responding instinctively and emotionally to an object v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::ReadAction The act of consuming written content. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::RealEstateAgent A real-estate agent. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::RealEstateListing A [[RealEstateListing]] is a listing that describes one or more real-estate [[Offer]]s (whose [[businessFunction]] is typically to lease out v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::ReceiveAction The act of physically/electronically taking delivery of an object that has been transferred from an origin to a destination v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::Recipe A recipe v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::Recommendation [[Recommendation]] is a type of [[Review]] that suggests or proposes something as the best option or best course of action v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::RecommendedDoseSchedule A recommended dosing schedule for a drug or supplement as prescribed or recommended by an authority or by the drug/supplement's manufacturer v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::RecyclingCenter A recycling center. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::RefundTypeEnumeration Enumerates several kinds of product return refund types. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::RegisterAction The act of registering to be a user of a service v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::RejectAction The act of rejecting to/adopting an object v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::RentAction The act of giving money in return for temporary use v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::RentalCarReservation A reservation for a rental car v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::RepaymentSpecification A structured value representing repayment. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::ReplaceAction The act of editing a recipient by replacing an old object with a new object. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::ReplyAction The act of responding to a question/message asked/sent by the object v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::Report A Report generated by governmental or non-governmental organization. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::ReportageNewsArticle The [[ReportageNewsArticle]] type is a subtype of [[NewsArticle]] representing news articles which are the result of journalistic news reporting conventions v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::ReportedDoseSchedule A patient-reported or observed dosing schedule for a drug or supplement. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::ResearchOrganization A Research Organization (e v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::ResearchProject A Research project. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::Researcher Researchers. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::Reservation Describes a reservation for travel v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::ReservationPackage A group of multiple reservations with common values for all sub-reservations. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::ReservationStatusType Enumerated status values for Reservation. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::ReserveAction Reserving a concrete object v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::Reservoir A reservoir of water v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::Residence The place where a person lives. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::Resort A resort is a place used for relaxation or recreation v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::Restaurant A restaurant. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::RestrictedDiet A diet restricted to certain foods or preparations for cultural v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::ResumeAction The act of resuming a device or application which was formerly paused (e v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::ReturnAction The act of returning to the origin that which was previously received (concrete objects) or taken (ownership). v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::ReturnFeesEnumeration Enumerates several kinds of policies for product return fees. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::ReturnLabelSourceEnumeration Enumerates several types of return labels for product returns. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::ReturnMethodEnumeration Enumerates several types of product return methods. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::Review A review of an item - for example v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::ReviewAction The act of producing a balanced opinion about the object for an audience v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::ReviewNewsArticle A [[NewsArticle]] and [[CriticReview]] providing a professional critic's assessment of a service v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::RiverBodyOfWater A river (for example v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::Role Represents additional information about a relationship or property v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::RoofingContractor A roofing contractor. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::Room A room is a distinguishable space within a structure v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::RsvpAction The act of notifying an event organizer as to whether you expect to attend the event. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::RsvpResponseType RsvpResponseType is an enumeration type whose instances represent responding to an RSVP request. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::SaleEvent Event type: Sales event. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::SatiricalArticle An [[Article]] whose content is primarily [[satirical]](https://en v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::Schedule A schedule defines a repeating time period used to describe a regularly occurring [[Event]] v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::ScheduleAction Scheduling future actions, events, or tasks v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::ScholarlyArticle A scholarly article. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::School A school. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::SchoolDistrict A School District is an administrative area for the administration of schools. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::ScreeningEvent A screening of a movie or other video. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::Sculpture A piece of sculpture. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::SeaBodyOfWater A sea (for example, the Caspian sea). v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::SearchAction The act of searching for an object v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::SearchRescueOrganization A Search and Rescue organization of some kind. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::SearchResultsPage Web page type: Search results page. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::Season A media season, e v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::Seat Used to describe a seat v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::SeekToAction This is the [[Action]] of navigating to a specific [[startOffset]] timestamp within a [[VideoObject]] v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::SelfStorage A self-storage facility. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::SellAction The act of taking money from a buyer in exchange for goods or services rendered v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::SendAction The act of physically/electronically dispatching an object for transfer from an origin to a destination v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::Series A Series in schema v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::Service A service provided by an organization, e v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::ServiceChannel A means for accessing a service, e v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::ShareAction The act of distributing content to people for their amusement or edification. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::SheetMusic Printed music v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::ShippingDeliveryTime ShippingDeliveryTime provides various pieces of information about delivery times for shipping. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::ShippingRateSettings A ShippingRateSettings represents re-usable pieces of shipping information v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::ShoeStore A shoe store. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::ShoppingCenter A shopping center or mall. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::ShortStory Short story or tale v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::SingleFamilyResidence Residence type: Single-family home. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::SiteNavigationElement A navigation element of the page. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::SizeGroupEnumeration Enumerates common size groups for various product categories. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::SizeSpecification Size related properties of a product v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::SizeSystemEnumeration Enumerates common size systems for different categories of products v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::SkiResort A ski resort. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::SocialEvent Event type: Social event. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::SocialMediaPosting A post to a social media platform v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::SoftwareApplication A software application. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::SoftwareSourceCode Computer programming source code v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::SolveMathAction The action that takes in a math expression and directs users to a page potentially capable of solving/simplifying that expression. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::SomeProducts A placeholder for multiple similar products of the same kind. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::SpeakableSpecification A SpeakableSpecification indicates (typically via [[xpath]] or [[cssSelector]]) sections of a document that are highlighted as particularly [[speakable]] v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::SpecialAnnouncement A SpecialAnnouncement combines a simple date-stamped textual information update with contextualized Web links and other structured data v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::Specialty Any branch of a field in which people typically develop specific expertise v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::SportingGoodsStore A sporting goods store. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::SportsActivityLocation A sports location, such as a playing field. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::SportsClub A sports club. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::SportsEvent Event type: Sports event. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::SportsOrganization Represents the collection of all sports organizations v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::SportsTeam Organization: Sports team. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::SpreadsheetDigitalDocument A spreadsheet file. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::StadiumOrArena A stadium. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::State A state or province of a country. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::Statement A statement about something v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::StatisticalPopulation A StatisticalPopulation is a set of instances of a certain given type that satisfy some set of constraints v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::StatisticalVariable [[StatisticalVariable]] represents any type of statistical metric that can be measured at a place and time v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::StatusEnumeration Lists or enumerations dealing with status types. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::SteeringPositionValue A value indicating a steering position. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::Store A retail good store. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::StructuredValue Structured values are used when the value of a property has a more complex structure than simply being a textual value or a reference to another thing. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::StupidType A StupidType for testing. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::SubscribeAction The act of forming a personal connection with someone/something (object) unidirectionally/asymmetrically to get updates pushed to v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::Substance Any matter of defined composition that has discrete existence v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::SubwayStation A subway station. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::Suite A suite in a hotel or other public accommodation v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::SuperficialAnatomy Anatomical features that can be observed by sight (without dissection) v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::SurgicalProcedure A medical procedure involving an incision with instruments; performed for diagnose v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::SuspendAction The act of momentarily pausing a device or application (e v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::Syllabus A syllabus that describes the material covered in a course v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::Synagogue A synagogue. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::TVClip A short TV program or a segment/part of a TV program. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::TVEpisode A TV episode which can be part of a series or season. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::TVSeason Season dedicated to TV broadcast and associated online delivery. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::TVSeries CreativeWorkSeries dedicated to TV broadcast and associated online delivery. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::Table A table on a Web page. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::TakeAction The act of gaining ownership of an object from an origin v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::TattooParlor A tattoo parlor. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::Taxi A taxi. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::TaxiReservation A reservation for a taxi v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::TaxiService A service for a vehicle for hire with a driver for local travel v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::TaxiStand A taxi stand. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::Taxon A set of organisms asserted to represent a natural cohesive biological unit. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::TechArticle A technical article - Example: How-to (task) topics v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::TelevisionChannel A unique instance of a television BroadcastService on a CableOrSatelliteService lineup. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::TelevisionStation A television station. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::TennisComplex A tennis complex. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::TextObject A text file v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::TheaterEvent Event type: Theater performance. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::TheaterGroup A theater group or company v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::TherapeuticProcedure A medical procedure intended primarily for therapeutic purposes v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::Thesis A thesis or dissertation document submitted in support of candidature for an academic degree or professional qualification. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::Thing The most generic type of item. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::Ticket Used to describe a ticket to an event v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::TieAction The act of reaching a draw in a competitive activity. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::TipAction The act of giving money voluntarily to a beneficiary in recognition of services rendered. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::TireShop A tire shop. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::TouristAttraction A tourist attraction v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::TouristDestination A tourist destination v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::TouristInformationCenter A tourist information center. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::TouristTrip A tourist trip v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::ToyStore A toy store. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::TrackAction An agent tracks an object for updates v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::TradeAction The act of participating in an exchange of goods and services for monetary compensation v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::TrainReservation A reservation for train travel v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::TrainStation A train station. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::TrainTrip A trip on a commercial train line. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::TransferAction The act of transferring/moving (abstract or concrete) animate or inanimate objects from one place to another. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::TravelAction The act of traveling from a fromLocation to a destination by a specified mode of transport v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::TravelAgency A travel agency. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::TreatmentIndication An indication for treating an underlying condition v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::Trip A trip or journey v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::TypeAndQuantityNode A structured value indicating the quantity v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::UKNonprofitType UKNonprofitType: Non-profit organization type originating from the United Kingdom. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::USNonprofitType USNonprofitType: Non-profit organization type originating from the United States. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::UnRegisterAction The act of un-registering from a service v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::UnitPriceSpecification The price asked for a given offer by the respective organization or person. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::UpdateAction The act of managing by changing/editing the state of the object. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::UseAction The act of applying an object to its intended purpose. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::UserBlocks UserInteraction and its subtypes is an old way of talking about users interacting with pages v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::UserCheckins UserInteraction and its subtypes is an old way of talking about users interacting with pages v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::UserComments UserInteraction and its subtypes is an old way of talking about users interacting with pages v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::UserDownloads UserInteraction and its subtypes is an old way of talking about users interacting with pages v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::UserInteraction UserInteraction and its subtypes is an old way of talking about users interacting with pages v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::UserLikes UserInteraction and its subtypes is an old way of talking about users interacting with pages v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::UserPageVisits UserInteraction and its subtypes is an old way of talking about users interacting with pages v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::UserPlays UserInteraction and its subtypes is an old way of talking about users interacting with pages v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::UserPlusOnes UserInteraction and its subtypes is an old way of talking about users interacting with pages v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::UserReview A review created by an end-user (e v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::UserTweets UserInteraction and its subtypes is an old way of talking about users interacting with pages v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::VacationRental A kind of lodging business that focuses on renting single properties for limited time. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::Vehicle A vehicle is a device that is designed or used to transport people or cargo over land v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::Vein A type of blood vessel that specifically carries blood to the heart. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::Vessel A component of the human body circulatory system comprised of an intricate network of hollow tubes that transport blood throughout the entire body. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::VeterinaryCare A vet's office. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::VideoGallery Web page type: Video gallery page. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::VideoGame A video game is an electronic game that involves human interaction with a user interface to generate visual feedback on a video device. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::VideoGameClip A short segment/part of a video game. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::VideoGameSeries A video game series. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::VideoObject A video file. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::VideoObjectSnapshot A specific and exact (byte-for-byte) version of a [[VideoObject]] v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::ViewAction The act of consuming static visual content. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::VirtualLocation An online or virtual location for attending events v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::VisualArtsEvent Event type: Visual arts event. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::VisualArtwork A work of art that is primarily visual in character. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::VitalSign Vital signs are measures of various physiological functions in order to assess the most basic body functions. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::Volcano A volcano, like Fujisan. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::VoteAction The act of expressing a preference from a fixed/finite/structured set of choices/options. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::WPAdBlock An advertising section of the page. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::WPFooter The footer section of the page. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::WPHeader The header section of the page. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::WPSideBar A sidebar section of the page. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::WantAction The act of expressing a desire about the object v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::WarrantyPromise A structured value representing the duration and scope of services that will be provided to a customer free of charge in case of a defect or malfunction of a product. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::WarrantyScope A range of services that will be provided to a customer free of charge in case of a defect or malfunction of a product v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::WatchAction The act of consuming dynamic/moving visual content. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::Waterfall A waterfall, like Niagara. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::WearAction The act of dressing oneself in clothing. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::WearableMeasurementTypeEnumeration Enumerates common types of measurement for wearables products. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::WearableSizeGroupEnumeration Enumerates common size groups (also known as "size types") for wearable products. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::WearableSizeSystemEnumeration Enumerates common size systems specific for wearable products. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::WebAPI An application programming interface accessible over Web/Internet technologies. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::WebApplication Web applications. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::WebContent WebContent is a type representing all [[WebPage]] v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::WebPage A web page v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::WebPageElement A web page element v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::WebSite A WebSite is a set of related web pages and other items typically served from a single web domain and accessible via URLs. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::WholesaleStore A wholesale store. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::WinAction The act of achieving victory in a competitive activity. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::Winery A winery. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::WorkBasedProgram A program with both an educational and employment component v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::WorkersUnion A Workers Union (also known as a Labor Union v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::WriteAction The act of authoring written creative content. v23.0.0 metacpan
SemanticWeb::Schema::Zoo A zoo. v23.0.0 metacpan

Other Files

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