Shipment 3.10 Latest
Kwalitee Issues
- use_strict
Add 'use strict' (or its equivalents) to all modules, or convince us that your favorite module is well-known enough and people can easily see the modules are strictly written.
Error: Shipment, Shipment::SOAP::WSDL
- prereq_matches_use
List all used modules in META.yml requires
- SOAP::WSDL::Client::Base
- SOAP::WSDL::XSD::Typelib::AttributeSet
- SOAP::WSDL::XSD::Typelib::Builtin::decimal
- SOAP::WSDL::XSD::Typelib::Builtin::int
- SOAP::WSDL::XSD::Typelib::Builtin::nonNegativeInteger
- SOAP::WSDL::XSD::Typelib::Builtin::string
- SOAP::WSDL::XSD::Typelib::ComplexType
- SOAP::WSDL::XSD::Typelib::Element
- no_pod_errors
Remove the POD errors. You can check for POD errors automatically by including Test::Pod to your test suite.
Error: Shipment-3.10/lib/Shipment/UPS/WSDL/RateTypes/ -- Around line 73: =back without =over
- meta_yml_declares_perl_version
If you are using Build.PL define the {requires}{perl} = VERSION field. If you are using MakeMaker (Makefile.PL) you should upgrade ExtUtils::MakeMaker to 6.48 and use MIN_PERL_VERSION parameter. Perl::MinimumVersion can help you determine which version of Perl your module needs.
- has_meta_json
Add a META.json to the distribution. Your buildtool should be able to autogenerate it.
- use_warnings
Add 'use warnings' (or its equivalents) to all modules, or convince us that your favorite module is well-known enough and people can easily see the modules warn when something bad happens.
Error: Shipment, Shipment::SOAP::WSDL
- meta_yml_has_provides
Add all modules contained in this distribution to the META.yml field 'provides'. Module::Build or Dist::Zilla::Plugin::MetaProvides do this automatically for you.
Name | Abstract | Version | View |
Shipment | Interface to Popular Shipping Services | 3.10 | metacpan |
Shipment::Activity | a tracking activity | 3.10 | metacpan |
Shipment::Address | a shipping address | 3.10 | metacpan |
Shipment::Base | base class for a shipping module | 3.10 | metacpan |
Shipment::CanadaPost | Interface to Canada Post Web Services API | 3.10 | metacpan |
Shipment::CanadaPost::XSD | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx | Interface to FedEx Shipping Web Services | 3.10 | metacpan |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::CloseElements::GroundCloseDocumentsReply | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::CloseElements::GroundCloseReply | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::CloseElements::GroundCloseReportsReprintReply | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::CloseElements::GroundCloseReportsReprintRequest | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::CloseElements::GroundCloseRequest | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::CloseElements::GroundCloseWithDocumentsRequest | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::CloseElements::ReprintGroundCloseDocumentsRequest | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::CloseElements::SmartPostCloseReply | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::CloseElements::SmartPostCloseRequest | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::CloseInterfaces::CloseService::CloseServicePort | SOAP Interface for the CloseService Web Service | 3.10 | metacpan |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::CloseTypemaps::CloseService | typemap for CloseService | 3.10 | metacpan |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::CloseTypes::CarrierCodeType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::CloseTypes::ClientDetail | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::CloseTypes::CloseDocument | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::CloseTypes::CloseDocumentFormat | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::CloseTypes::CloseDocumentSpecification | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::CloseTypes::CloseDocumentType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::CloseTypes::CloseReportType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::CloseTypes::CustomerImageUsage | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::CloseTypes::CustomerImageUsageType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::CloseTypes::EMailNotificationRecipientType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::CloseTypes::GroundCloseDocumentsReply | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::CloseTypes::GroundCloseReply | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::CloseTypes::GroundCloseReportsReprintReply | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::CloseTypes::GroundCloseReportsReprintRequest | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::CloseTypes::GroundCloseRequest | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::CloseTypes::GroundCloseWithDocumentsRequest | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::CloseTypes::ImageId | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::CloseTypes::InternalImageType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::CloseTypes::LinearMeasure | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::CloseTypes::LinearUnits | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::CloseTypes::Localization | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::CloseTypes::ManifestFile | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::CloseTypes::Notification | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::CloseTypes::NotificationParameter | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::CloseTypes::NotificationSeverityType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::CloseTypes::Op950Detail | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::CloseTypes::ReprintGroundCloseDocumentsOptionType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::CloseTypes::ReprintGroundCloseDocumentsRequest | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::CloseTypes::ShippingDocumentDispositionDetail | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::CloseTypes::ShippingDocumentDispositionType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::CloseTypes::ShippingDocumentEMailDetail | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::CloseTypes::ShippingDocumentEMailGroupingType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::CloseTypes::ShippingDocumentEMailRecipient | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::CloseTypes::ShippingDocumentGroupingType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::CloseTypes::ShippingDocumentImageType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::CloseTypes::ShippingDocumentNamingType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::CloseTypes::ShippingDocumentPart | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::CloseTypes::ShippingDocumentPrintDetail | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::CloseTypes::ShippingDocumentStockType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::CloseTypes::ShippingDocumentStorageDetail | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::CloseTypes::SmartPostCloseReply | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::CloseTypes::SmartPostCloseRequest | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::CloseTypes::TransactionDetail | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::CloseTypes::VersionId | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::CloseTypes::WebAuthenticationCredential | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::CloseTypes::WebAuthenticationDetail | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateElements::RateReply | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateElements::RateRequest | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateInterfaces::RateService::RateServicePort | SOAP Interface for the RateService Web Service | 3.10 | metacpan |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypemaps::RateService | typemap for RateService | 3.10 | metacpan |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::AdditionalLabelsDetail | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::AdditionalLabelsType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::Address | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::B13AFilingOptionType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::BarcodeSymbologyType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::CarrierCodeType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::CertificateOfOriginDetail | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::ClearanceBrokerageType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::ClientDetail | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::CodAddTransportationChargesType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::CodCollectionType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::CodDetail | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::CodReturnReferenceIndicatorType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::CommercialInvoice | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::CommercialInvoiceDetail | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::CommitDetail | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::CommitmentDelayType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::Commodity | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::ConfigurableLabelReferenceEntry | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::Contact | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::ContactAndAddress | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::ContentRecord | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::CurrencyExchangeRate | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::CustomDeliveryWindowDetail | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::CustomDeliveryWindowType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::CustomDocumentDetail | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::CustomLabelBarcodeEntry | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::CustomLabelBoxEntry | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::CustomLabelCoordinateUnits | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::CustomLabelDetail | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::CustomLabelGraphicEntry | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::CustomLabelPosition | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::CustomLabelTextEntry | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::CustomerImageUsage | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::CustomerImageUsageType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::CustomerReference | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::CustomerReferenceType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::CustomerSpecifiedLabelDetail | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::CustomsClearanceDetail | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::DangerousGoodsAccessibilityType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::DangerousGoodsDetail | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::DateRange | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::DayOfWeekType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::DelayDetail | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::DelayLevelType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::DelayPointType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::DestinationControlDetail | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::DestinationControlStatementType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::Dimensions | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::Distance | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::DistanceUnits | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::DocTabContent | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::DocTabContentBarcoded | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::DocTabContentType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::DocTabContentZone001 | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::DocTabZoneJustificationType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::DocTabZoneSpecification | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::DropoffType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::EMailLabelDetail | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::EMailNotificationDetail | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::EMailNotificationFormatType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::EMailNotificationRecipient | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::EMailNotificationRecipientType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::EdtCommodityTax | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::EdtExciseCondition | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::EdtRequestType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::EdtTaxDetail | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::EdtTaxType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::EtdDetail | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::ExportDetail | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::ExpressFreightDetail | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::ExpressFreightDetailContact | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::ExpressRegionCode | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::FedExLocationType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::FlatbedTrailerDetail | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::FlatbedTrailerOption | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::FreightAccountPaymentType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::FreightBaseCharge | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::FreightBaseChargeCalculationType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::FreightChargeBasisType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::FreightClassType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::FreightCommitDetail | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::FreightGuaranteeDetail | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::FreightGuaranteeType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::FreightOnValueType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::FreightRateDetail | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::FreightRateNotation | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::FreightServiceCenterDetail | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::FreightServiceSchedulingType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::FreightShipmentDetail | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::FreightShipmentLineItem | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::FreightShipmentRoleType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::FreightSpecialServicePayment | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::GeneralAgencyAgreementDetail | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::HazardousCommodityContent | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::HazardousCommodityDescription | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::HazardousCommodityLabelTextOptionType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::HazardousCommodityOptionDetail | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::HazardousCommodityOptionType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::HazardousCommodityPackagingDetail | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::HazardousCommodityPackingGroupType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::HazardousCommodityQuantityDetail | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::HoldAtLocationDetail | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::HomeDeliveryPremiumDetail | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::HomeDeliveryPremiumType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::ImageId | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::InternationalDocumentContentType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::LabelFormatType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::LabelMaskableDataType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::LabelPrintingOrientationType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::LabelRotationType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::LabelSpecification | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::LabelStockType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::LiabilityCoverageDetail | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::LiabilityCoverageType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::LinearMeasure | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::LinearUnits | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::Localization | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::Measure | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::MinimumChargeType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::Money | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::NaftaCertificateOfOriginDetail | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::NaftaCommodityDetail | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::NaftaImporterSpecificationType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::NaftaNetCostMethodCode | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::NaftaPreferenceCriterionCode | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::NaftaProducer | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::NaftaProducerDeterminationCode | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::NaftaProducerSpecificationType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::Notification | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::NotificationParameter | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::NotificationSeverityType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::Op900Detail | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::OversizeClassType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::PackageRateDetail | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::PackageSpecialServiceType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::PackageSpecialServicesRequested | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::PackagingType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::Party | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::Payment | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::PaymentType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::Payor | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::PendingShipmentDetail | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::PendingShipmentType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::PhysicalPackagingType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::PickupDetail | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::PickupRequestSourceType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::PickupRequestType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::PricingCodeType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::PriorityAlertDetail | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::PurposeOfShipmentType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::RateDimensionalDivisorType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::RateDiscount | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::RateDiscountType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::RateReply | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::RateReplyDetail | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::RateRequest | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::RateRequestType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::RatedPackageDetail | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::RatedShipmentDetail | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::RatedWeightMethod | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::Rebate | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::RebateType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::RecipientCustomsId | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::RecipientCustomsIdType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::RegulatoryControlType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::RequestedPackageDetailType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::RequestedPackageLineItem | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::RequestedShipment | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::RequestedShippingDocumentType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::RequiredShippingDocumentType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::ReturnEMailAllowedSpecialServiceType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::ReturnEMailDetail | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::ReturnShipmentDetail | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::ReturnType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::ReturnedRateType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::Rma | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::ServiceOptionType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::ServiceSubOptionDetail | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::ServiceType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::ShipmentDryIceDetail | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::ShipmentRateDetail | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::ShipmentSpecialServiceType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::ShipmentSpecialServicesRequested | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::ShippingDocumentDispositionDetail | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::ShippingDocumentDispositionType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::ShippingDocumentEMailDetail | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::ShippingDocumentEMailGroupingType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::ShippingDocumentEMailRecipient | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::ShippingDocumentFormat | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::ShippingDocumentGroupingType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::ShippingDocumentImageType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::ShippingDocumentPrintDetail | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::ShippingDocumentSpecification | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::ShippingDocumentStockType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::SignatureOptionDetail | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::SignatureOptionType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::SmartPostAncillaryEndorsementType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::SmartPostIndiciaType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::SmartPostShipmentDetail | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::SpecialRatingAppliedType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::Surcharge | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::SurchargeLevelType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::SurchargeType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::Tax | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::TaxType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::TaxpayerIdentification | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::TermsOfSaleType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::TinType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::TrackingId | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::TrackingIdType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::TransactionDetail | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::TransitTimeType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::UploadDocumentDetail | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::UploadDocumentIdProducer | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::UploadDocumentProducerType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::UploadDocumentReferenceDetail | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::UploadDocumentType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::VariableHandlingChargeDetail | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::VariableHandlingChargeType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::VariableHandlingCharges | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::VersionId | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::Volume | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::VolumeUnits | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::WebAuthenticationCredential | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::WebAuthenticationDetail | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::Weight | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::WeightUnits | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipElements::CancelPendingShipmentReply | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipElements::CancelPendingShipmentRequest | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipElements::CreatePendingShipmentReply | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipElements::CreatePendingShipmentRequest | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipElements::DeleteShipmentRequest | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipElements::DeleteTagRequest | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipElements::ProcessShipmentReply | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipElements::ProcessShipmentRequest | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipElements::ProcessTagReply | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipElements::ProcessTagRequest | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipElements::ShipmentReply | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipElements::ValidateShipmentRequest | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipInterfaces::ShipService::ShipServicePort | SOAP Interface for the ShipService Web Service | 3.10 | metacpan |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypemaps::ShipService | typemap for ShipService | 3.10 | metacpan |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::AdditionalLabelsDetail | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::AdditionalLabelsType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::Address | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::AstraLabelElement | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::B13AFilingOptionType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::BarcodeSymbologyType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::BinaryBarcode | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::BinaryBarcodeType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::CancelPendingShipmentReply | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::CancelPendingShipmentRequest | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::CarrierCodeType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::CertificateOfOriginDetail | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::ClearanceBrokerageType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::ClientDetail | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::CodAddTransportationChargesType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::CodCollectionType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::CodDetail | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::CodReturnPackageDetail | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::CodReturnReferenceIndicatorType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::CodReturnShipmentDetail | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::CommercialInvoice | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::CommercialInvoiceDetail | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::Commodity | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::CompletedEtdDetail | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::CompletedHoldAtLocationDetail | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::CompletedPackageDetail | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::CompletedShipmentDetail | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::CompletedSmartPostDetail | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::CompletedTagDetail | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::ConfigurableLabelReferenceEntry | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::Contact | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::ContactAndAddress | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::ContentRecord | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::CreatePendingShipmentReply | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::CreatePendingShipmentRequest | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::CurrencyExchangeRate | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::CustomDeliveryWindowDetail | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::CustomDeliveryWindowType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::CustomDocumentDetail | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::CustomLabelBarcodeEntry | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::CustomLabelBoxEntry | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::CustomLabelCoordinateUnits | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::CustomLabelDetail | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::CustomLabelGraphicEntry | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::CustomLabelPosition | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::CustomLabelTextEntry | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::CustomerImageUsage | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::CustomerImageUsageType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::CustomerReference | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::CustomerReferenceType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::CustomerSpecifiedLabelDetail | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::CustomsClearanceDetail | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::DangerousGoodsAccessibilityType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::DangerousGoodsDetail | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::DateRange | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::DayOfWeekType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::DeleteShipmentRequest | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::DeleteTagRequest | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::DeletionControlType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::DestinationControlDetail | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::DestinationControlStatementType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::Dimensions | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::DocTabContent | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::DocTabContentBarcoded | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::DocTabContentType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::DocTabContentZone001 | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::DocTabZoneJustificationType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::DocTabZoneSpecification | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::DropoffType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::EMailLabelDetail | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::EMailNotificationAggregationType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::EMailNotificationDetail | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::EMailNotificationFormatType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::EMailNotificationRecipient | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::EMailNotificationRecipientType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::EdtCommodityTax | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::EdtExciseCondition | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::EdtRequestType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::EdtTaxDetail | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::EdtTaxType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::ErrorLabelBehaviorType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::EtdDetail | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::ExportDetail | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::ExpressFreightDetail | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::Fault | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::FaultDetail | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::FedExLocationType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::FreightAccountPaymentType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::FreightAddressLabelDetail | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::FreightBaseCharge | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::FreightChargeBasisType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::FreightClassType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::FreightCollectTermsType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::FreightOnValueType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::FreightRateDetail | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::FreightRateNotation | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::FreightShipmentDetail | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::FreightShipmentLineItem | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::FreightShipmentRoleType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::FreightSpecialServicePayment | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::GeneralAgencyAgreementDetail | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::HazardousCommodityContent | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::HazardousCommodityDescription | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::HazardousCommodityLabelTextOptionType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::HazardousCommodityOptionDetail | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::HazardousCommodityOptionType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::HazardousCommodityPackagingDetail | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::HazardousCommodityPackingGroupType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::HazardousCommodityQuantityDetail | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::HoldAtLocationDetail | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::HomeDeliveryPremiumDetail | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::HomeDeliveryPremiumType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::ImageId | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::InternationalDocumentContentType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::LabelFormatType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::LabelMaskableDataType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::LabelPrintingOrientationType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::LabelRotationType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::LabelSpecification | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::LabelStockType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::LiabilityCoverageDetail | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::LiabilityCoverageType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::LinearMeasure | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::LinearUnits | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::Localization | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::Measure | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::MinimumChargeType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::Money | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::NaftaCertificateOfOriginDetail | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::NaftaCommodityDetail | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::NaftaImporterSpecificationType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::NaftaNetCostMethodCode | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::NaftaPreferenceCriterionCode | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::NaftaProducer | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::NaftaProducerDeterminationCode | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::NaftaProducerSpecificationType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::Notification | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::NotificationParameter | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::NotificationSeverityType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::Op900Detail | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::OversizeClassType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::PackageBarcodes | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::PackageRateDetail | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::PackageRating | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::PackageSpecialServiceType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::PackageSpecialServicesRequested | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::PackagingType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::Party | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::Payment | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::PaymentType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::Payor | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::PendingShipmentAccessDetail | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::PendingShipmentDetail | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::PendingShipmentType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::PhysicalPackagingType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::PickupDetail | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::PickupRequestSourceType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::PickupRequestType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::PricingCodeType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::PrintedReference | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::PrintedReferenceType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::PriorityAlertDetail | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::ProcessShipmentReply | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::ProcessShipmentRequest | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::ProcessTagReply | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::ProcessTagRequest | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::PurposeOfShipmentType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::RateDimensionalDivisorType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::RateDiscount | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::RateDiscountType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::RateRequestType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::RatedWeightMethod | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::Rebate | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::RebateType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::RecipientCustomsId | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::RecipientCustomsIdType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::RegulatoryControlType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::RequestedPackageDetailType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::RequestedPackageLineItem | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::RequestedShipment | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::RequestedShippingDocumentType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::ReturnEMailAllowedSpecialServiceType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::ReturnEMailDetail | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::ReturnShipmentDetail | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::ReturnType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::ReturnedRateType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::ReturnedShippingDocumentType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::Rma | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::RoutingAstraDetail | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::RoutingDetail | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::ServiceType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::ShipmentDryIceDetail | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::ShipmentRateDetail | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::ShipmentRating | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::ShipmentReply | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::ShipmentRoutingDetail | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::ShipmentSpecialServiceType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::ShipmentSpecialServicesRequested | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::ShippingDocument | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::ShippingDocumentDispositionDetail | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::ShippingDocumentDispositionType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::ShippingDocumentEMailDetail | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::ShippingDocumentEMailGroupingType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::ShippingDocumentEMailRecipient | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::ShippingDocumentFormat | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::ShippingDocumentGroupingType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::ShippingDocumentImageType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::ShippingDocumentPart | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::ShippingDocumentPrintDetail | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::ShippingDocumentSpecification | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::ShippingDocumentStockType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::SignatureOptionDetail | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::SignatureOptionType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::SmartPostAncillaryEndorsementType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::SmartPostIndiciaType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::SmartPostShipmentDetail | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::SpecialRatingAppliedType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::StringBarcode | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::StringBarcodeType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::Surcharge | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::SurchargeLevelType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::SurchargeType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::Tax | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::TaxType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::TaxpayerIdentification | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::TermsOfSaleType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::TinType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::TrackingId | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::TrackingIdType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::TransactionDetail | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::TransitTimeType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::UploadDocumentIdProducer | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::UploadDocumentProducerType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::UploadDocumentReferenceDetail | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::UploadDocumentType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::ValidateShipmentRequest | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::ValidatedHazardousCommodityContent | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::ValidatedHazardousCommodityDescription | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::VariableHandlingChargeDetail | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::VariableHandlingChargeType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::VariableHandlingCharges | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::VersionId | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::Volume | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::VolumeUnits | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::WebAuthenticationCredential | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::WebAuthenticationDetail | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::Weight | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::WeightUnits | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::TrackElements::SendNotificationsReply | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::TrackElements::SendNotificationsRequest | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::TrackElements::SignatureProofOfDeliveryFaxReply | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::TrackElements::SignatureProofOfDeliveryFaxRequest | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::TrackElements::SignatureProofOfDeliveryLetterReply | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::TrackElements::SignatureProofOfDeliveryLetterRequest | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::TrackElements::TrackReply | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::TrackElements::TrackRequest | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::TrackInterfaces::TrackService::TrackServicePort | SOAP Interface for the TrackService Web Service | 3.10 | metacpan |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::TrackTypemaps::TrackService | typemap for TrackService | 3.10 | metacpan |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::TrackTypes::Address | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::TrackTypes::AppointmentDetail | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::TrackTypes::AppointmentTimeDetail | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::TrackTypes::AppointmentWindowType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::TrackTypes::ArrivalLocationType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::TrackTypes::AvailableImageType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::TrackTypes::CarrierCodeType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::TrackTypes::ClientDetail | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::TrackTypes::Commodity | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::TrackTypes::CompletedTrackDetail | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::TrackTypes::Contact | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::TrackTypes::ContactAndAddress | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::TrackTypes::ContentRecord | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::TrackTypes::CustomerExceptionRequestDetail | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::TrackTypes::CustomsOptionDetail | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::TrackTypes::CustomsOptionType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::TrackTypes::DateRange | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::TrackTypes::DeliveryOptionEligibilityDetail | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::TrackTypes::DeliveryOptionType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::TrackTypes::Dimensions | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::TrackTypes::Distance | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::TrackTypes::DistanceUnits | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::TrackTypes::EMailNotificationDetail | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::TrackTypes::EMailNotificationEventType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::TrackTypes::EMailNotificationFormatType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::TrackTypes::EMailNotificationRecipient | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::TrackTypes::EMailNotificationRecipientType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::TrackTypes::EdtExciseCondition | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::TrackTypes::EligibilityType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::TrackTypes::FedExLocationType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::TrackTypes::LinearUnits | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::TrackTypes::LocalTimeRange | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::TrackTypes::Localization | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::TrackTypes::Measure | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::TrackTypes::Money | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::TrackTypes::NaftaCommodityDetail | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::TrackTypes::NaftaNetCostMethodCode | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::TrackTypes::NaftaPreferenceCriterionCode | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::TrackTypes::NaftaProducerDeterminationCode | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::TrackTypes::Notification | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::TrackTypes::NotificationParameter | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::TrackTypes::NotificationSeverityType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::TrackTypes::OfficeOrderDeliveryMethodType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::TrackTypes::OperatingCompanyType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::TrackTypes::PackagingType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::TrackTypes::PagingDetail | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::TrackTypes::PieceCountLocationType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::TrackTypes::PieceCountVerificationDetail | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::TrackTypes::QualifiedTrackingNumber | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::TrackTypes::SendNotificationsReply | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::TrackTypes::SendNotificationsRequest | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::TrackTypes::ServiceType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::TrackTypes::SignatureImageDetail | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::TrackTypes::SignatureProofOfDeliveryFaxReply | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::TrackTypes::SignatureProofOfDeliveryFaxRequest | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::TrackTypes::SignatureProofOfDeliveryImageType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::TrackTypes::SignatureProofOfDeliveryLetterReply | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::TrackTypes::SignatureProofOfDeliveryLetterRequest | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::TrackTypes::SpecialInstructionStatusDetail | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::TrackTypes::SpecialInstructionsStatusCode | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::TrackTypes::StringBarcode | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::TrackTypes::StringBarcodeType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::TrackTypes::TrackAdvanceNotificationDetail | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::TrackTypes::TrackAdvanceNotificationStatusType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::TrackTypes::TrackChargeDetail | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::TrackTypes::TrackChargeDetailType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::TrackTypes::TrackDeliveryLocationType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::TrackTypes::TrackDeliveryOptionType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::TrackTypes::TrackDetail | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::TrackTypes::TrackDetailAttributeType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::TrackTypes::TrackEvent | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::TrackTypes::TrackIdentifierType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::TrackTypes::TrackNotificationPackage | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::TrackTypes::TrackNotificationRecipientDetail | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::TrackTypes::TrackOtherIdentifierDetail | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::TrackTypes::TrackPackageIdentifier | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::TrackTypes::TrackPaymentType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::TrackTypes::TrackPossessionStatusType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::TrackTypes::TrackReconciliation | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::TrackTypes::TrackReply | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::TrackTypes::TrackRequest | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::TrackTypes::TrackRequestProcessingOptionType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::TrackTypes::TrackReturnDetail | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::TrackTypes::TrackReturnLabelType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::TrackTypes::TrackReturnMovementStatusType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::TrackTypes::TrackSelectionDetail | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::TrackTypes::TrackServiceDescriptionDetail | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::TrackTypes::TrackSpecialHandling | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::TrackTypes::TrackSpecialHandlingType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::TrackTypes::TrackSpecialInstruction | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::TrackTypes::TrackSplitShipmentPart | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::TrackTypes::TrackStatusAncillaryDetail | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::TrackTypes::TrackStatusDetail | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::TrackTypes::TransactionDetail | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::TrackTypes::VersionId | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::TrackTypes::WebAuthenticationCredential | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::TrackTypes::WebAuthenticationDetail | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::TrackTypes::Weight | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::TrackTypes::WeightUnits | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Generic | a very Generic shipping interface | 3.10 | metacpan |
Shipment::Label | a shipping label/document | 3.10 | metacpan |
Shipment::Package | a package to be shipped | 3.10 | metacpan |
Shipment::Purolator | Interface to Purolator Shipping Web Services | 3.10 | metacpan |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Elements::Address | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Elements::ArrayOfContentDetail | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Elements::ArrayOfDocument | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Elements::ArrayOfDocumentCriteria | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Elements::ArrayOfDocumentDetail | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Elements::ArrayOfError | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Elements::ArrayOfInformationalMessage | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Elements::ArrayOfManifestBatch | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Elements::ArrayOfManifestBatchDetail | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Elements::ArrayOfOption | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Elements::ArrayOfOptionIDValuePair | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Elements::ArrayOfOptionPrice | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Elements::ArrayOfOptionRule | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Elements::ArrayOfOptionValue | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Elements::ArrayOfPIN | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Elements::ArrayOfPiece | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Elements::ArrayOfService | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Elements::ArrayOfServiceOptionRules | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Elements::ArrayOfServiceRule | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Elements::ArrayOfShipmentEstimate | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Elements::ArrayOfShipmentManifestDocumentCriteria | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Elements::ArrayOfShortAddress | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Elements::ArrayOfSuggestedAddress | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Elements::ArrayOfSurcharge | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Elements::ArrayOfTax | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Elements::ArrayOfValidationDetail | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Elements::BillDutiesToParty | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Elements::BusinessRelationship | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Elements::BuyerInformation | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Elements::ConsolidateRequest | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Elements::ConsolidateRequestContainer | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Elements::ConsolidateResponse | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Elements::ConsolidateResponseContainer | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Elements::ContentDetail | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Elements::CreateShipmentRequest | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Elements::CreateShipmentRequestContainer | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Elements::CreateShipmentResponse | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Elements::CreateShipmentResponseContainer | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Elements::CreditCardInformation | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Elements::CreditCardType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Elements::Dimension | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Elements::DimensionUnit | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Elements::Document | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Elements::DocumentCriteria | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Elements::DocumentDetail | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Elements::DocumentStatus | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Elements::DocumentTypes | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Elements::DutyCurrency | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Elements::DutyInformation | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Elements::Error | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Elements::GetDocumentsRequest | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Elements::GetDocumentsRequestContainer | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Elements::GetDocumentsResponse | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Elements::GetDocumentsResponseContainer | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Elements::GetFullEstimateRequest | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Elements::GetFullEstimateRequestContainer | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Elements::GetFullEstimateResponse | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Elements::GetFullEstimateResponseContainer | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Elements::GetQuickEstimateRequest | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Elements::GetQuickEstimateRequestContainer | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Elements::GetQuickEstimateResponse | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Elements::GetQuickEstimateResponseContainer | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Elements::GetServiceRulesRequest | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Elements::GetServiceRulesRequestContainer | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Elements::GetServiceRulesResponse | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Elements::GetServiceRulesResponseContainer | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Elements::GetServicesOptionsRequest | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Elements::GetServicesOptionsRequestContainer | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Elements::GetServicesOptionsResponse | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Elements::GetServicesOptionsResponseContainer | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Elements::GetShipmentManifestDocumentRequest | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Elements::GetShipmentManifestDocumentRequestContainer | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Elements::GetShipmentManifestDocumentResponse | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Elements::GetShipmentManifestDocumentResponseContainer | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Elements::ImportExportType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Elements::InformationalMessage | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Elements::InternationalInformation | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Elements::Language | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Elements::ManifestBatch | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Elements::ManifestBatchDetail | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Elements::NotificationInformation | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Elements::Option | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Elements::OptionIDValuePair | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Elements::OptionPrice | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Elements::OptionRule | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Elements::OptionValue | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Elements::OptionsInformation | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Elements::OtherInformation | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Elements::PIN | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Elements::PackageInformation | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Elements::PaymentInformation | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Elements::PaymentType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Elements::PhoneNumber | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Elements::PickupInformation | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Elements::PickupType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Elements::Piece | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Elements::PrinterType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Elements::ReceiverInformation | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Elements::RequestContainer | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Elements::RequestContext | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Elements::ResponseContainer | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Elements::ResponseContext | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Elements::ResponseInformation | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Elements::ReturnShipment | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Elements::ReturnShipmentInformation | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Elements::SenderInformation | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Elements::Service | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Elements::ServiceOptionRules | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Elements::ServiceRule | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Elements::Shipment | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Elements::ShipmentEstimate | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Elements::ShipmentManifestDocumentCriteria | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Elements::ShortAddress | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Elements::SuggestedAddress | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Elements::Surcharge | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Elements::Tax | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Elements::TotalWeight | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Elements::TrackingReferenceInformation | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Elements::ValidateCityPostalCodeZipRequest | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Elements::ValidateCityPostalCodeZipRequestContainer | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Elements::ValidateCityPostalCodeZipResponse | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Elements::ValidateCityPostalCodeZipResponseContainer | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Elements::ValidateShipmentRequest | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Elements::ValidateShipmentRequestContainer | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Elements::ValidateShipmentResponse | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Elements::ValidateShipmentResponseContainer | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Elements::ValidationDetail | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Elements::ValidationFault | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Elements::ValueType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Elements::VoidShipmentRequest | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Elements::VoidShipmentRequestContainer | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Elements::VoidShipmentResponse | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Elements::VoidShipmentResponseContainer | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Elements::Weight | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Elements::WeightUnit | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Interfaces::EstimatingService::EstimatingServiceEndpoint | SOAP Interface for the EstimatingService Web Service | 3.10 | metacpan |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Interfaces::ServiceAvailabilityService::ServiceAvailabilityServiceEndpoint | SOAP Interface for the ServiceAvailabilityService Web Service | 3.10 | metacpan |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Interfaces::ShippingDocumentsService::ShippingDocumentsServiceEndpoint | SOAP Interface for the ShippingDocumentsService Web Service | 3.10 | metacpan |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Interfaces::ShippingService::ShippingServiceEndpoint | SOAP Interface for the ShippingService Web Service | 3.10 | metacpan |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Typemaps::EstimatingService | typemap for EstimatingService | 3.10 | metacpan |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Typemaps::ServiceAvailabilityService | typemap for ServiceAvailabilityService | 3.10 | metacpan |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Typemaps::ShippingDocumentsService | typemap for ShippingDocumentsService | 3.10 | metacpan |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Typemaps::ShippingService | typemap for ShippingService | 3.10 | metacpan |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Types::Address | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Types::ArrayOfContentDetail | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Types::ArrayOfDocument | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Types::ArrayOfDocumentCriteria | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Types::ArrayOfDocumentDetail | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Types::ArrayOfError | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Types::ArrayOfInformationalMessage | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Types::ArrayOfManifestBatch | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Types::ArrayOfManifestBatchDetail | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Types::ArrayOfOption | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Types::ArrayOfOptionIDValuePair | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Types::ArrayOfOptionPrice | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Types::ArrayOfOptionRule | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Types::ArrayOfOptionValue | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Types::ArrayOfPIN | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Types::ArrayOfPiece | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Types::ArrayOfService | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Types::ArrayOfServiceOptionRules | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Types::ArrayOfServiceRule | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Types::ArrayOfShipmentEstimate | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Types::ArrayOfShipmentManifestDocumentCriteria | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Types::ArrayOfShortAddress | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Types::ArrayOfSuggestedAddress | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Types::ArrayOfSurcharge | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Types::ArrayOfTax | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Types::ArrayOfValidationDetail | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Types::BillDutiesToParty | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Types::BusinessRelationship | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Types::BuyerInformation | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Types::ConsolidateRequestContainer | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Types::ConsolidateResponseContainer | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Types::ContentDetail | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Types::CreateShipmentRequestContainer | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Types::CreateShipmentResponseContainer | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Types::CreditCardInformation | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Types::CreditCardType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Types::Dimension | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Types::DimensionUnit | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Types::Document | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Types::DocumentCriteria | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Types::DocumentDetail | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Types::DocumentStatus | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Types::DocumentTypes | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Types::DutyCurrency | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Types::DutyInformation | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Types::Error | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Types::GetDocumentsRequestContainer | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Types::GetDocumentsResponseContainer | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Types::GetFullEstimateRequestContainer | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Types::GetFullEstimateResponseContainer | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Types::GetQuickEstimateRequestContainer | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Types::GetQuickEstimateResponseContainer | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Types::GetServiceRulesRequestContainer | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Types::GetServiceRulesResponseContainer | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Types::GetServicesOptionsRequestContainer | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Types::GetServicesOptionsResponseContainer | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Types::GetShipmentManifestDocumentRequestContainer | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Types::GetShipmentManifestDocumentResponseContainer | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Types::ImportExportType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Types::InformationalMessage | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Types::InternationalInformation | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Types::Language | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Types::ManifestBatch | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Types::ManifestBatchDetail | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Types::NotificationInformation | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Types::Option | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Types::OptionIDValuePair | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Types::OptionPrice | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Types::OptionRule | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Types::OptionValue | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Types::OptionsInformation | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Types::OtherInformation | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Types::PIN | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Types::PackageInformation | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Types::PaymentInformation | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Types::PaymentType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Types::PhoneNumber | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Types::PickupInformation | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Types::PickupType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Types::Piece | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Types::PrinterType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Types::ReceiverInformation | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Types::RequestContainer | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Types::RequestContext | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Types::ResponseContainer | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Types::ResponseContext | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Types::ResponseInformation | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Types::ReturnShipment | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Types::ReturnShipmentInformation | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Types::SenderInformation | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Types::Service | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Types::ServiceOptionRules | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Types::ServiceRule | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Types::Shipment | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Types::ShipmentEstimate | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Types::ShipmentManifestDocumentCriteria | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Types::ShortAddress | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Types::SuggestedAddress | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Types::Surcharge | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Types::Tax | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Types::TotalWeight | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Types::TrackingReferenceInformation | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Types::ValidateCityPostalCodeZipRequestContainer | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Types::ValidateCityPostalCodeZipResponseContainer | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Types::ValidateShipmentRequestContainer | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Types::ValidateShipmentResponseContainer | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Types::ValidationDetail | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Types::ValidationFault | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Types::ValueType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Types::VoidShipmentRequestContainer | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Types::VoidShipmentResponseContainer | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Types::Weight | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDL::Types::WeightUnit | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Elements::Address | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Elements::ArrayOfContentDetail | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Elements::ArrayOfDocument | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Elements::ArrayOfDocumentCriteria | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Elements::ArrayOfDocumentDetail | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Elements::ArrayOfError | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Elements::ArrayOfInformationalMessage | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Elements::ArrayOfManifestBatch | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Elements::ArrayOfManifestBatchDetail | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Elements::ArrayOfOption | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Elements::ArrayOfOptionIDValuePair | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Elements::ArrayOfOptionPrice | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Elements::ArrayOfOptionRule | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Elements::ArrayOfOptionValue | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Elements::ArrayOfPIN | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Elements::ArrayOfPiece | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Elements::ArrayOfService | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Elements::ArrayOfServiceOptionRules | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Elements::ArrayOfServiceRule | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Elements::ArrayOfShipmentEstimate | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Elements::ArrayOfShipmentManifestDocumentCriteria | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Elements::ArrayOfShortAddress | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Elements::ArrayOfSuggestedAddress | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Elements::ArrayOfSurcharge | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Elements::ArrayOfTax | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Elements::ArrayOfValidationDetail | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Elements::BillDutiesToParty | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Elements::BusinessRelationship | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Elements::BuyerInformation | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Elements::ConsolidateRequest | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Elements::ConsolidateRequestContainer | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Elements::ConsolidateResponse | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Elements::ConsolidateResponseContainer | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Elements::ContentDetail | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Elements::CreateShipmentRequest | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Elements::CreateShipmentRequestContainer | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Elements::CreateShipmentResponse | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Elements::CreateShipmentResponseContainer | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Elements::CreditCardInformation | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Elements::CreditCardType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Elements::Dimension | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Elements::DimensionUnit | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Elements::Document | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Elements::DocumentCriteria | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Elements::DocumentDetail | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Elements::DocumentStatus | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Elements::DocumentTypes | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Elements::DutyCurrency | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Elements::DutyInformation | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Elements::Error | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Elements::GetDocumentsRequest | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Elements::GetDocumentsRequestContainer | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Elements::GetDocumentsResponse | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Elements::GetDocumentsResponseContainer | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Elements::GetFullEstimateRequest | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Elements::GetFullEstimateRequestContainer | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Elements::GetFullEstimateResponse | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Elements::GetFullEstimateResponseContainer | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Elements::GetQuickEstimateRequest | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Elements::GetQuickEstimateRequestContainer | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Elements::GetQuickEstimateResponse | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Elements::GetQuickEstimateResponseContainer | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Elements::GetServiceRulesRequest | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Elements::GetServiceRulesRequestContainer | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Elements::GetServiceRulesResponse | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Elements::GetServiceRulesResponseContainer | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Elements::GetServicesOptionsRequest | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Elements::GetServicesOptionsRequestContainer | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Elements::GetServicesOptionsResponse | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Elements::GetServicesOptionsResponseContainer | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Elements::GetShipmentManifestDocumentRequest | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Elements::GetShipmentManifestDocumentRequestContainer | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Elements::GetShipmentManifestDocumentResponse | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Elements::GetShipmentManifestDocumentResponseContainer | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Elements::ImportExportType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Elements::InformationalMessage | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Elements::InternationalInformation | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Elements::Language | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Elements::ManifestBatch | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Elements::ManifestBatchDetail | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Elements::NotificationInformation | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Elements::Option | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Elements::OptionIDValuePair | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Elements::OptionPrice | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Elements::OptionRule | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Elements::OptionValue | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Elements::OptionsInformation | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Elements::OtherInformation | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Elements::PIN | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Elements::PackageInformation | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Elements::PaymentInformation | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Elements::PaymentType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Elements::PhoneNumber | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Elements::PickupInformation | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Elements::PickupType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Elements::Piece | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Elements::PrinterType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Elements::ReceiverInformation | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Elements::RequestContainer | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Elements::RequestContext | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Elements::ResponseContainer | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Elements::ResponseContext | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Elements::ResponseInformation | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Elements::ReturnShipment | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Elements::ReturnShipmentInformation | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Elements::SenderInformation | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Elements::Service | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Elements::ServiceOptionRules | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Elements::ServiceRule | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Elements::Shipment | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Elements::ShipmentEstimate | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Elements::ShipmentManifestDocumentCriteria | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Elements::ShortAddress | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Elements::SuggestedAddress | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Elements::Surcharge | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Elements::Tax | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Elements::TotalWeight | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Elements::TrackingReferenceInformation | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Elements::ValidateCityPostalCodeZipRequest | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Elements::ValidateCityPostalCodeZipRequestContainer | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Elements::ValidateCityPostalCodeZipResponse | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Elements::ValidateCityPostalCodeZipResponseContainer | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Elements::ValidateShipmentRequest | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Elements::ValidateShipmentRequestContainer | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Elements::ValidateShipmentResponse | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Elements::ValidateShipmentResponseContainer | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Elements::ValidationDetail | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Elements::ValidationFault | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Elements::ValueType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Elements::VoidShipmentRequest | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Elements::VoidShipmentRequestContainer | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Elements::VoidShipmentResponse | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Elements::VoidShipmentResponseContainer | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Elements::Weight | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Elements::WeightUnit | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Interfaces::EstimatingService::EstimatingServiceEndpoint | SOAP Interface for the EstimatingService Web Service | 3.10 | metacpan |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Interfaces::ServiceAvailabilityService::ServiceAvailabilityServiceEndpoint | SOAP Interface for the ServiceAvailabilityService Web Service | 3.10 | metacpan |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Interfaces::ShippingService::ShippingServiceEndpoint | SOAP Interface for the ShippingService Web Service | 3.10 | metacpan |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Typemaps::EstimatingService | typemap for EstimatingService | 3.10 | metacpan |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Typemaps::ServiceAvailabilityService | typemap for ServiceAvailabilityService | 3.10 | metacpan |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Typemaps::ShippingDocumentsService | typemap for ShippingDocumentsService | 3.10 | metacpan |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Typemaps::ShippingService | typemap for ShippingService | 3.10 | metacpan |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Types::Address | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Types::ArrayOfContentDetail | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Types::ArrayOfDocument | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Types::ArrayOfDocumentCriteria | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Types::ArrayOfDocumentDetail | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Types::ArrayOfError | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Types::ArrayOfInformationalMessage | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Types::ArrayOfManifestBatch | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Types::ArrayOfManifestBatchDetail | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Types::ArrayOfOption | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Types::ArrayOfOptionIDValuePair | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Types::ArrayOfOptionPrice | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Types::ArrayOfOptionRule | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Types::ArrayOfOptionValue | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Types::ArrayOfPIN | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Types::ArrayOfPiece | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Types::ArrayOfService | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Types::ArrayOfServiceOptionRules | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Types::ArrayOfServiceRule | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Types::ArrayOfShipmentEstimate | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Types::ArrayOfShipmentManifestDocumentCriteria | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Types::ArrayOfShortAddress | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Types::ArrayOfSuggestedAddress | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Types::ArrayOfSurcharge | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Types::ArrayOfTax | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Types::ArrayOfValidationDetail | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Types::BillDutiesToParty | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Types::BusinessRelationship | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Types::BuyerInformation | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Types::ConsolidateRequestContainer | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Types::ConsolidateResponseContainer | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Types::ContentDetail | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Types::CreateShipmentRequestContainer | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Types::CreateShipmentResponseContainer | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Types::CreditCardInformation | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Types::CreditCardType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Types::Dimension | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Types::DimensionUnit | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Types::Document | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Types::DocumentCriteria | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Types::DocumentDetail | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Types::DocumentStatus | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Types::DocumentTypes | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Types::DutyCurrency | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Types::DutyInformation | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Types::Error | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Types::GetDocumentsRequestContainer | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Types::GetDocumentsResponseContainer | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Types::GetFullEstimateRequestContainer | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Types::GetFullEstimateResponseContainer | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Types::GetQuickEstimateRequestContainer | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Types::GetQuickEstimateResponseContainer | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Types::GetServiceRulesRequestContainer | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Types::GetServiceRulesResponseContainer | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Types::GetServicesOptionsRequestContainer | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Types::GetServicesOptionsResponseContainer | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Types::GetShipmentManifestDocumentRequestContainer | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Types::GetShipmentManifestDocumentResponseContainer | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Types::ImportExportType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Types::InformationalMessage | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Types::InternationalInformation | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Types::Language | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Types::ManifestBatch | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Types::ManifestBatchDetail | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Types::NotificationInformation | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Types::Option | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Types::OptionIDValuePair | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Types::OptionPrice | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Types::OptionRule | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Types::OptionValue | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Types::OptionsInformation | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Types::OtherInformation | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Types::PIN | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Types::PackageInformation | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Types::PaymentInformation | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Types::PaymentType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Types::PhoneNumber | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Types::PickupInformation | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Types::PickupType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Types::Piece | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Types::PrinterType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Types::ReceiverInformation | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Types::RequestContainer | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Types::RequestContext | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Types::ResponseContainer | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Types::ResponseContext | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Types::ResponseInformation | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Types::ReturnShipment | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Types::ReturnShipmentInformation | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Types::SenderInformation | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Types::Service | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Types::ServiceOptionRules | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Types::ServiceRule | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Types::Shipment | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Types::ShipmentEstimate | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Types::ShipmentManifestDocumentCriteria | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Types::ShortAddress | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Types::SuggestedAddress | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Types::Surcharge | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Types::Tax | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Types::TotalWeight | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Types::TrackingReferenceInformation | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Types::ValidateCityPostalCodeZipRequestContainer | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Types::ValidateCityPostalCodeZipResponseContainer | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Types::ValidateShipmentRequestContainer | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Types::ValidateShipmentResponseContainer | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Types::ValidationDetail | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Types::ValidationFault | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Types::ValueType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Types::VoidShipmentRequestContainer | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Types::VoidShipmentResponseContainer | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Types::Weight | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Purolator::WSDLV2::Types::WeightUnit | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::SOAP::WSDL | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Service | a shipping service | 3.10 | metacpan |
Shipment::Temando | Interface to Temando Shipping Web Services | 3.10 | metacpan |
Shipment::Temando::WSDL::Elements::TemandoSecurity | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Temando::WSDL::Elements::addBookingDetails | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Temando::WSDL::Elements::addBookingDetailsResponse | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Temando::WSDL::Elements::cancelRequest | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Temando::WSDL::Elements::cancelRequestResponse | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Temando::WSDL::Elements::confirmManifest | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Temando::WSDL::Elements::confirmManifestResponse | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Temando::WSDL::Elements::createClient | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Temando::WSDL::Elements::createClientResponse | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Temando::WSDL::Elements::createLocation | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Temando::WSDL::Elements::createLocationResponse | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Temando::WSDL::Elements::getClient | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Temando::WSDL::Elements::getClientResponse | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Temando::WSDL::Elements::getLocations | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Temando::WSDL::Elements::getLocationsResponse | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Temando::WSDL::Elements::getManifest | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Temando::WSDL::Elements::getManifestResponse | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Temando::WSDL::Elements::getQuotesByRequest | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Temando::WSDL::Elements::getQuotesByRequestResponse | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Temando::WSDL::Elements::getRequest | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Temando::WSDL::Elements::getRequestResponse | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Temando::WSDL::Elements::getRequestsRequiringBooking | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Temando::WSDL::Elements::getRequestsRequiringBookingResponse | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Temando::WSDL::Elements::lodgeDispatch | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Temando::WSDL::Elements::lodgeDispatchResponse | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Temando::WSDL::Elements::makeBookingByRequest | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Temando::WSDL::Elements::makeBookingByRequestResponse | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Temando::WSDL::Elements::updateClient | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Temando::WSDL::Elements::updateClientResponse | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Temando::WSDL::Elements::updateLocation | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Temando::WSDL::Elements::updateLocationResponse | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Temando::WSDL::Elements::updateRequest | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Temando::WSDL::Elements::updateRequestResponse | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Temando::WSDL::Elements::updateTrackingDetails | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Temando::WSDL::Elements::updateTrackingDetailsResponse | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Temando::WSDL::Interfaces::quoting_Service::quoting_port | SOAP Interface for the quoting_Service Web Service | 3.10 | metacpan |
Shipment::Temando::WSDL::Typemaps::quoting_Service | typemap for quoting_Service | 3.10 | metacpan |
Shipment::Temando::WSDL::Types::Address | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Temando::WSDL::Types::Adjustment | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Temando::WSDL::Types::AdjustmentDescription | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Temando::WSDL::Types::AnimalAge | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Temando::WSDL::Types::AnimalBreed | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Temando::WSDL::Types::AnimalCrate | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Temando::WSDL::Types::AnimalType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Temando::WSDL::Types::Anything | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Temando::WSDL::Types::AnythingIndex | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Temando::WSDL::Types::Anytime | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Temando::WSDL::Types::Anywhere | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Temando::WSDL::Types::Article | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Temando::WSDL::Types::ArticleNumber | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Temando::WSDL::Types::AuspostLodgementFacility | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Temando::WSDL::Types::AuspostMerchantLocationId | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Temando::WSDL::Types::AvailableQuote | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Temando::WSDL::Types::BoatHullType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Temando::WSDL::Types::BoatMake | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Temando::WSDL::Types::BoatModel | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Temando::WSDL::Types::BookingNumber | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Temando::WSDL::Types::BookingQuote | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Temando::WSDL::Types::Carrier | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Temando::WSDL::Types::CarrierAccountNumber | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Temando::WSDL::Types::CarrierConditions | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Temando::WSDL::Types::CarrierCreatorId | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Temando::WSDL::Types::CarrierId | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Temando::WSDL::Types::CarrierPreference | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Temando::WSDL::Types::CarrierReference | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Temando::WSDL::Types::City | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Temando::WSDL::Types::Class | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Temando::WSDL::Types::Client | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Temando::WSDL::Types::ClientId | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Temando::WSDL::Types::ClientReference | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Temando::WSDL::Types::Comments | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Temando::WSDL::Types::CompanyName | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Temando::WSDL::Types::CompanyNumber | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Temando::WSDL::Types::ConsignmentDocument | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Temando::WSDL::Types::ConsignmentDocumentType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Temando::WSDL::Types::ConsignmentNumber | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Temando::WSDL::Types::ContactName | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Temando::WSDL::Types::ContainerDimensions | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Temando::WSDL::Types::ContainerNature | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Temando::WSDL::Types::CountryCode | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Temando::WSDL::Types::CreditCardExpiryDate | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Temando::WSDL::Types::CreditCardName | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Temando::WSDL::Types::CreditCardNumber | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Temando::WSDL::Types::CreditCardType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Temando::WSDL::Types::Cubic | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Temando::WSDL::Types::CurrencyAmount | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Temando::WSDL::Types::CurrencyType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Temando::WSDL::Types::Date | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Temando::WSDL::Types::Datetime | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Temando::WSDL::Types::DeliveryMethod | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Temando::WSDL::Types::DeliveryNature | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Temando::WSDL::Types::DeliveryType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Temando::WSDL::Types::Depot | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Temando::WSDL::Types::DepotInstructions | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Temando::WSDL::Types::DepotName | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Temando::WSDL::Types::Detail | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Temando::WSDL::Types::DispatchDetails | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Temando::WSDL::Types::DistanceMeasurementType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Temando::WSDL::Types::Email | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Temando::WSDL::Types::Eta | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Temando::WSDL::Types::Extra | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Temando::WSDL::Types::ExtraDetails | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Temando::WSDL::Types::ExtraSummary | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Temando::WSDL::Types::Fax | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Temando::WSDL::Types::Firstname | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Temando::WSDL::Types::General | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Temando::WSDL::Types::GeneratedType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Temando::WSDL::Types::Height | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Temando::WSDL::Types::Inclusion | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Temando::WSDL::Types::InclusionDetails | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Temando::WSDL::Types::InclusionSummary | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Temando::WSDL::Types::IndividualCompany | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Temando::WSDL::Types::Instructions | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Temando::WSDL::Types::ItemDescription | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Temando::WSDL::Types::LabelDocument | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Temando::WSDL::Types::LabelDocumentType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Temando::WSDL::Types::LabelPrinterType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Temando::WSDL::Types::Length | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Temando::WSDL::Types::LivestockType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Temando::WSDL::Types::Location | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Temando::WSDL::Types::LocationName | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Temando::WSDL::Types::LocationPosition | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Temando::WSDL::Types::LocationType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Temando::WSDL::Types::LoginDetails | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Temando::WSDL::Types::LoginId | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Temando::WSDL::Types::ManifestDocument | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Temando::WSDL::Types::ManifestDocumentType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Temando::WSDL::Types::ManifestNumber | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Temando::WSDL::Types::ManifestType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Temando::WSDL::Types::Mode | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Temando::WSDL::Types::Packaging | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Temando::WSDL::Types::PalletNature | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Temando::WSDL::Types::PalletType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Temando::WSDL::Types::Password | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Temando::WSDL::Types::Payment | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Temando::WSDL::Types::PaymentType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Temando::WSDL::Types::PaypalPayerId | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Temando::WSDL::Types::PaypalToken | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Temando::WSDL::Types::PaypalTransactionId | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Temando::WSDL::Types::Phone | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Temando::WSDL::Types::PortName | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Temando::WSDL::Types::PortType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Temando::WSDL::Types::PostalCode | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Temando::WSDL::Types::PromotionCode | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Temando::WSDL::Types::Quantity | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Temando::WSDL::Types::QuoteFilter | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Temando::WSDL::Types::QuotePreference | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Temando::WSDL::Types::RateName | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Temando::WSDL::Types::ReadyTime | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Temando::WSDL::Types::Request | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Temando::WSDL::Types::RequestStatus | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Temando::WSDL::Types::Sex | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Temando::WSDL::Types::State | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Temando::WSDL::Types::Subclass | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Temando::WSDL::Types::Suburb | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Temando::WSDL::Types::Surname | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Temando::WSDL::Types::TlSubclass | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Temando::WSDL::Types::TrackingFurtherDetails | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Temando::WSDL::Types::TrackingStatus | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Temando::WSDL::Types::UpdateAction | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Temando::WSDL::Types::VehicleDescription | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Temando::WSDL::Types::VehicleMake | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Temando::WSDL::Types::VehicleModel | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Temando::WSDL::Types::VehicleRegistration | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Temando::WSDL::Types::VehicleYear | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Temando::WSDL::Types::Website | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Temando::WSDL::Types::Weight | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Temando::WSDL::Types::WeightMeasurementType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Temando::WSDL::Types::Width | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Temando::WSDL::Types::YesNoOption | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::Temando::WSDL::Types::ZoneName | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS | Interface to UPS Shipping Web Services | 3.10 | metacpan |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::RateElements::ClientInformation | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::RateElements::Errors | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::RateElements::FaultDetail | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::RateElements::RateRequest | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::RateElements::RateResponse | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::RateElements::Request | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::RateElements::Response | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::RateElements::UPSSecurity | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::RateInterfaces::RateService::RatePort | SOAP Interface for the RateService Web Service | 3.10 | metacpan |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::RateTypemaps::RateService | typemap for RateService | 3.10 | metacpan |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::RateTypes::AdditionalCodeDescType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::RateTypes::AdditionalInfoType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::RateTypes::AddressType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::RateTypes::BillingWeightType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::RateTypes::CODAmountType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::RateTypes::CODType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::RateTypes::ChargesType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::RateTypes::ClientInformationType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::RateTypes::CodeDescriptionType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::RateTypes::CodeType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::RateTypes::CommodityType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::RateTypes::DeliveryConfirmationType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::RateTypes::DimensionsType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::RateTypes::ErrorDetailType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::RateTypes::FRSPaymentInfoType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::RateTypes::FRSShipmentType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::RateTypes::GuaranteedDeliveryType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::RateTypes::InsuredValueType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::RateTypes::InvoiceLineTotalType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::RateTypes::LocationType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::RateTypes::NMFCCommodityType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::RateTypes::OnCallPickupType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::RateTypes::PackageServiceOptionsType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::RateTypes::PackageType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::RateTypes::PackageWeightType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::RateTypes::PayerAddressType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::RateTypes::PhoneType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::RateTypes::RatedPackageType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::RateTypes::RatedShipmentInfoType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::RateTypes::RatedShipmentType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::RateTypes::RequestType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::RateTypes::ResponseType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::RateTypes::ScheduleType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::RateTypes::ShipFromType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::RateTypes::ShipToAddressType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::RateTypes::ShipToPhoneType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::RateTypes::ShipToType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::RateTypes::ShipmentChargesType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::RateTypes::ShipmentRatingOptionsType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::RateTypes::ShipmentServiceOptionsType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::RateTypes::ShipmentType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::RateTypes::ShipperType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::RateTypes::TotalChargeType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::RateTypes::TransactionReferenceType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::RateTypes::TransportationChargesType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::RateTypes::UOMCodeDescriptionType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::ShipElements::ClientInformation | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::ShipElements::Errors | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::ShipElements::FaultDetail | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::ShipElements::Request | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::ShipElements::Response | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::ShipElements::ShipAcceptRequest | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::ShipElements::ShipAcceptResponse | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::ShipElements::ShipConfirmRequest | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::ShipElements::ShipConfirmResponse | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::ShipElements::ShipmentRequest | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::ShipElements::ShipmentResponse | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::ShipElements::UPSSecurity | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::ShipElements::VoidShipmentRequest | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::ShipElements::VoidShipmentResponse | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::ShipInterfaces::ShipService::ShipPort | SOAP Interface for the ShipService Web Service | 3.10 | metacpan |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::ShipInterfaces::VoidService::VoidPort | SOAP Interface for the VoidService Web Service | 3.10 | metacpan |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::ShipTypemaps::ShipService | typemap for ShipService | 3.10 | metacpan |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::ShipTypemaps::VoidService | typemap for VoidService | 3.10 | metacpan |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::ShipTypes::AccountAddressType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::ShipTypes::AdditionalCodeDescType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::ShipTypes::AdditionalInfoType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::ShipTypes::AddressType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::ShipTypes::BillReceiverAddressType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::ShipTypes::BillReceiverType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::ShipTypes::BillShipperType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::ShipTypes::BillThirdPartyChargeType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::ShipTypes::BillingUnitOfMeasurementType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::ShipTypes::BillingWeightType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::ShipTypes::BlanketPeriodType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::ShipTypes::CODType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::ShipTypes::ClientInformationType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::ShipTypes::CodeDescriptionType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::ShipTypes::CodeType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::ShipTypes::CommodityType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::ShipTypes::CompanyInfoType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::ShipTypes::ContactInfoType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::ShipTypes::ContactType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::ShipTypes::CreditCardAddressType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::ShipTypes::CreditCardType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::ShipTypes::CurrencyMonetaryType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::ShipTypes::DeclaredValueType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::ShipTypes::DeliveryConfirmationType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::ShipTypes::DimensionsType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::ShipTypes::EmailDetailsType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::ShipTypes::ErrorDetailType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::ShipTypes::FRSPaymentInfoType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::ShipTypes::FRSShipmentDataType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::ShipTypes::FormImageType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::ShipTypes::FormType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::ShipTypes::ForwardAgentType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::ShipTypes::FreightCollectType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::ShipTypes::HighValueReportType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::ShipTypes::IFChargesType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::ShipTypes::ImageFormatType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::ShipTypes::ImageType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::ShipTypes::IntermediateConsigneeType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::ShipTypes::InternationalFormType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::ShipTypes::LabelDeliveryType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::ShipTypes::LabelImageFormatType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::ShipTypes::LabelMethodType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::ShipTypes::LabelSpecificationType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::ShipTypes::LabelStockSizeType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::ShipTypes::LabelType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::ShipTypes::LicenseType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::ShipTypes::LocationType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::ShipTypes::NMFCType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::ShipTypes::NegotiatedRateChargesType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::ShipTypes::NetCostDateType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::ShipTypes::NotificationType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::ShipTypes::OnCallType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::ShipTypes::OtherChargesType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::ShipTypes::PSOCODType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::ShipTypes::PSONotificationType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::ShipTypes::PackageDeclaredValueType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::ShipTypes::PackageLevelResult | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::ShipTypes::PackageResultsType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::ShipTypes::PackageServiceOptionsType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::ShipTypes::PackageType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::ShipTypes::PackageWeightType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::ShipTypes::PackagingType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::ShipTypes::PaymentInfoType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::ShipTypes::PaymentType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::ShipTypes::PhoneType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::ShipTypes::PickupDetailsType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::ShipTypes::PrepaidType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::ShipTypes::ProducerType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::ShipTypes::ProductType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::ShipTypes::ProductWeightType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::ShipTypes::RateInfoType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::ShipTypes::ReceiptType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::ShipTypes::ReferenceNumberType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::ShipTypes::RequestType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::ShipTypes::ResponseType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::ShipTypes::ReturnServiceType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::ShipTypes::SCReportType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::ShipTypes::ScheduleBType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::ShipTypes::ServiceType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::ShipTypes::ShipAddressType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::ShipTypes::ShipChargeType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::ShipTypes::ShipFromType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::ShipTypes::ShipPhoneType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::ShipTypes::ShipToAddressType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::ShipTypes::ShipToType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::ShipTypes::ShipUnitOfMeasurementType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::ShipTypes::ShipmentChargeType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::ShipTypes::ShipmentChargesType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::ShipTypes::ShipmentResultsType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::ShipTypes::ShipmentServiceOptionsType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::ShipTypes::ShipmentType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::ShipTypes::ShipperType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::ShipTypes::SoldToType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::ShipTypes::TransactionReferenceType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::ShipTypes::TransportationChargeType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::ShipTypes::UltimateConsigneeType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::ShipTypes::UnitOfMeasurementType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::ShipTypes::UnitType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::ShipTypes::VerbalConfirmationType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::TrackElements::ClientInformation | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::TrackElements::Errors | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::TrackElements::FaultDetail | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::TrackElements::Request | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::TrackElements::Response | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::TrackElements::TrackRequest | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::TrackElements::TrackResponse | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::TrackElements::UPSSecurity | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::TrackInterfaces::TrackService::TrackPort | SOAP Interface for the TrackService Web Service | 3.10 | metacpan |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::TrackTypemaps::TrackService | typemap for TrackService | 3.10 | metacpan |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::TrackTypes::ActivityLocationType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::TrackTypes::ActivityType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::TrackTypes::AdditionalCodeDescType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::TrackTypes::AdditionalCodeDescriptionValueType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::TrackTypes::AdditionalInfoType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::TrackTypes::AddressRequestType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::TrackTypes::AddressType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::TrackTypes::AlternateTrackingInfoType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::TrackTypes::AmountType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::TrackTypes::AppointmentType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::TrackTypes::CODStatusType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::TrackTypes::CODType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::TrackTypes::CarrierActivityInformationType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::TrackTypes::ClientInformationType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::TrackTypes::CodeDescriptionType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::TrackTypes::CodeDescriptionValueType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::TrackTypes::CodeType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::TrackTypes::CommonCodeDescriptionType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::TrackTypes::DateTimeType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::TrackTypes::DeliveryDetailType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::TrackTypes::DestinationPortDetailType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::TrackTypes::DocumentType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::TrackTypes::ErrorDetailType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::TrackTypes::ImageFormatType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::TrackTypes::LocationType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::TrackTypes::MessageType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::TrackTypes::NumberOfPackagingUnitType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::TrackTypes::OriginPortDetailType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::TrackTypes::PODLetterType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::TrackTypes::PackageAddressType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::TrackTypes::PackageType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::TrackTypes::PickupDateRangeType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::TrackTypes::ProductCodeDescriptionType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::TrackTypes::RefShipmentType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::TrackTypes::ReferenceNumberType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::TrackTypes::RequestTransactionReferenceType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::TrackTypes::RequestType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::TrackTypes::ResponseTransactionReferenceType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::TrackTypes::ResponseType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::TrackTypes::ServiceCenterType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::TrackTypes::ServiceOptionType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::TrackTypes::ServiceType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::TrackTypes::ShipFromRequestType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::TrackTypes::ShipToRequestType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::TrackTypes::ShipmentActivityType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::TrackTypes::ShipmentAddressType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::TrackTypes::ShipmentReferenceNumberType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::TrackTypes::ShipmentType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::TrackTypes::ShipperAccountInfoType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::TrackTypes::SignatureImageType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::TrackTypes::StatusType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::TrackTypes::TransactionReferenceType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::TrackTypes::TransportFacilityType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::TrackTypes::UnitOfMeasurementType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::TrackTypes::VolumeType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::TrackTypes::WeightType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::XAVElements::ClientInformation | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::XAVElements::Errors | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::XAVElements::Request | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::XAVElements::Response | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::XAVElements::UPSSecurity | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::XAVElements::XAVRequest | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::XAVElements::XAVResponse | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::XAVInterfaces::XAVService::XAVPort | SOAP Interface for the XAVService Web Service | 3.10 | metacpan |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::XAVTypemaps::XAVService | typemap for XAVService | 3.10 | metacpan |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::XAVTypes::AddressClassificationType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::XAVTypes::AddressKeyFormatType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::XAVTypes::CandidateType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::XAVTypes::ClientInformationType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::XAVTypes::CodeDescriptionType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::XAVTypes::CodeType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::XAVTypes::ErrorDetailType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::XAVTypes::LocationType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::XAVTypes::RequestType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::XAVTypes::ResponseType | 3.10 | metacpan | |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::XAVTypes::TransactionReferenceType | 3.10 | metacpan |
Name | File | View |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::Dimensions::_Height | lib/Shipment/FedEx/WSDL/RateTypes/ | metacpan |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::Dimensions::_Length | lib/Shipment/FedEx/WSDL/RateTypes/ | metacpan |
Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::Dimensions::_Width | lib/Shipment/FedEx/WSDL/RateTypes/ | metacpan |
Shipment::Temando::WSDL::Elements::TemandoSecurity::_UsernameToken | lib/Shipment/Temando/WSDL/Elements/ | metacpan |
Shipment::Temando::WSDL::Elements::confirmManifestResponse::_requests | lib/Shipment/Temando/WSDL/Elements/ | metacpan |
Shipment::Temando::WSDL::Elements::getLocationsResponse::_locations | lib/Shipment/Temando/WSDL/Elements/ | metacpan |
Shipment::Temando::WSDL::Elements::getManifestResponse::_requests | lib/Shipment/Temando/WSDL/Elements/ | metacpan |
Shipment::Temando::WSDL::Elements::getQuotesByRequest::_anythings | lib/Shipment/Temando/WSDL/Elements/ | metacpan |
Shipment::Temando::WSDL::Elements::makeBookingByRequest::_anythings | lib/Shipment/Temando/WSDL/Elements/ | metacpan |
Shipment::Temando::WSDL::Elements::makeBookingByRequestResponse::_articles | lib/Shipment/Temando/WSDL/Elements/ | metacpan |
Shipment::Temando::WSDL::Elements::updateRequest::_anythings | lib/Shipment/Temando/WSDL/Elements/ | metacpan |
Shipment::Temando::WSDL::Elements::updateRequest::_articles | lib/Shipment/Temando/WSDL/Elements/ | metacpan |
Shipment::Temando::WSDL::Types::AvailableQuote::_AvailableQuote::XmlAttr | lib/Shipment/Temando/WSDL/Types/ | metacpan |
Shipment::Temando::WSDL::Types::AvailableQuote::_adjustments | lib/Shipment/Temando/WSDL/Types/ | metacpan |
Shipment::Temando::WSDL::Types::AvailableQuote::_articles | lib/Shipment/Temando/WSDL/Types/ | metacpan |
Shipment::Temando::WSDL::Types::AvailableQuote::_extras | lib/Shipment/Temando/WSDL/Types/ | metacpan |
Shipment::Temando::WSDL::Types::AvailableQuote::_inclusions | lib/Shipment/Temando/WSDL/Types/ | metacpan |
Shipment::Temando::WSDL::Types::BookingQuote::_extras | lib/Shipment/Temando/WSDL/Types/ | metacpan |
Shipment::Temando::WSDL::Types::CarrierPreference::_deliveryMethods | lib/Shipment/Temando/WSDL/Types/ | metacpan |
Shipment::Temando::WSDL::Types::Extra::_adjustments | lib/Shipment/Temando/WSDL/Types/ | metacpan |
Shipment::Temando::WSDL::Types::QuoteFilter::_carriers | lib/Shipment/Temando/WSDL/Types/ | metacpan |
Shipment::Temando::WSDL::Types::QuoteFilter::_extras | lib/Shipment/Temando/WSDL/Types/ | metacpan |
Shipment::Temando::WSDL::Types::Request::_Request::XmlAttr | lib/Shipment/Temando/WSDL/Types/ | metacpan |
Shipment::Temando::WSDL::Types::Request::_anythings | lib/Shipment/Temando/WSDL/Types/ | metacpan |
Shipment::Temando::WSDL::Types::Request::_quotes | lib/Shipment/Temando/WSDL/Types/ | metacpan |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::RateElements::UPSSecurity::_ServiceAccessToken | lib/Shipment/UPS/WSDL/RateElements/ | metacpan |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::RateElements::UPSSecurity::_UsernameToken | lib/Shipment/UPS/WSDL/RateElements/ | metacpan |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::RateTypes::ClientInformationType::_Property | lib/Shipment/UPS/WSDL/RateTypes/ | metacpan |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::RateTypes::ClientInformationType::_Property::XmlAttr | lib/Shipment/UPS/WSDL/RateTypes/ | metacpan |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::ShipElements::UPSSecurity::_ServiceAccessToken | lib/Shipment/UPS/WSDL/ShipElements/ | metacpan |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::ShipElements::UPSSecurity::_UsernameToken | lib/Shipment/UPS/WSDL/ShipElements/ | metacpan |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::ShipElements::VoidShipmentRequest::_VoidShipment | lib/Shipment/UPS/WSDL/ShipElements/ | metacpan |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::ShipElements::VoidShipmentResponse::_SummaryResult | lib/Shipment/UPS/WSDL/ShipElements/ | metacpan |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::ShipTypes::ClientInformationType::_Property | lib/Shipment/UPS/WSDL/ShipTypes/ | metacpan |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::ShipTypes::ClientInformationType::_Property::XmlAttr | lib/Shipment/UPS/WSDL/ShipTypes/ | metacpan |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::ShipTypes::ShipmentType::_ShipmentServiceOptions | lib/Shipment/UPS/WSDL/ShipTypes/ | metacpan |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::TrackElements::UPSSecurity::_ServiceAccessToken | lib/Shipment/UPS/WSDL/TrackElements/ | metacpan |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::TrackElements::UPSSecurity::_UsernameToken | lib/Shipment/UPS/WSDL/TrackElements/ | metacpan |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::TrackTypes::ClientInformationType::_Property | lib/Shipment/UPS/WSDL/TrackTypes/ | metacpan |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::TrackTypes::ClientInformationType::_Property::XmlAttr | lib/Shipment/UPS/WSDL/TrackTypes/ | metacpan |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::XAVElements::UPSSecurity::_ServiceAccessToken | lib/Shipment/UPS/WSDL/XAVElements/ | metacpan |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::XAVElements::UPSSecurity::_UsernameToken | lib/Shipment/UPS/WSDL/XAVElements/ | metacpan |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::XAVTypes::ClientInformationType::_Property | lib/Shipment/UPS/WSDL/XAVTypes/ | metacpan |
Shipment::UPS::WSDL::XAVTypes::ClientInformationType::_Property::XmlAttr | lib/Shipment/UPS/WSDL/XAVTypes/ | metacpan |