Sort-Sub 0.121 Latest
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Error: Sub::Sort
- use_warnings
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Error: Sub::Sort
Name | Abstract | Version | View |
Sort::Sub | Collection of sort subroutines | 0.121 | metacpan |
Sort::Sub::asciibetically | Sort ascibetically (string-wise) | 0.121 | metacpan |
Sort::Sub::by_ascii_then_num | Sort non-numbers (sorted asciibetically) before numbers (sorted numerically) | 0.121 | metacpan |
Sort::Sub::by_count | Sort by number of occurrences of pattern in string | 0.121 | metacpan |
Sort::Sub::by_first_num_in_text | Sort by first number found in text or (if no number is found) ascibetically | 0.121 | metacpan |
Sort::Sub::by_last_num_in_text | Sort by last number found in text or (if no number is found) ascibetically | 0.121 | metacpan |
Sort::Sub::by_length | Sort by length of string | 0.121 | metacpan |
Sort::Sub::by_num_in_text | Sort by first number found in text or (if no number is found) ascibetically | 0.121 | metacpan |
Sort::Sub::by_num_then_ascii | Sort numbers (sorted numerically) before non-numbers (sorted asciibetically) | 0.121 | metacpan |
Sort::Sub::by_perl_code | Sort by Perl code | 0.121 | metacpan |
Sort::Sub::by_perl_function | Sort by Perl function | 0.121 | metacpan |
Sort::Sub::by_perl_op | Sort by Perl operator | 0.121 | metacpan |
Sort::Sub::by_rand | Sort randomly using Perl's rand() | 0.121 | metacpan |
Sort::Sub::naturally | Sort naturally (by number or string parts) | 0.121 | metacpan |
Sort::Sub::numerically | Sort numerically | 0.121 | metacpan |
Sort::Sub::numerically_no_warning | Sort numerically (without warning when comparing non-numbers) | 0.121 | metacpan |
Sort::Sub::randomly | Sort randomly using Perl's rand() | 0.121 | metacpan |
Sort::Sub::record_by_order | 0.121 | metacpan | |
Sort::Sub::record_by_reverse_order | 0.121 | metacpan | |
Sub::Sort | Dummy module to catch Sort::Sub typo | 0.121 | metacpan |
Test::Sort::Sub | Test Sort::Sub::* subroutine | 0.121 | metacpan |