Kwalitee Issues


Add 'use strict' (or its equivalents) to all modules, or convince us that your favorite module is well-known enough and people can easily see the modules are strictly written.

Error: Statistics::R::IO::Base, Statistics::R::IO::ParserState, Statistics::R::IO::RDS, Statistics::R::IO::RData, Statistics::R::IO::Rserve, Statistics::R::REXP, Statistics::R::REXP::BaseEnvironment, Statistics::R::REXP::Character, Statistics::R::REXP::Closure, Statistics::R::REXP::Complex, Statistics::R::REXP::Double, Statistics::R::REXP::EmptyEnvironment, Statistics::R::REXP::Environment, Statistics::R::REXP::Expression, Statistics::R::REXP::GlobalEnvironment, Statistics::R::REXP::Integer, Statistics::R::REXP::Language, Statistics::R::REXP::List, Statistics::R::REXP::Logical, Statistics::R::REXP::Null, Statistics::R::REXP::Raw, Statistics::R::REXP::S4, Statistics::R::REXP::Symbol, Statistics::R::REXP::Unknown, Statistics::R::REXP::Vector


List all used modules in META.yml requires


  • IO::Uncompress::Bunzip2


Fix MANIFEST (or MANIFEST.SKIP) to exclude dot directories from a distribution. Use an appropriate tool and avoid archiving your working directory by hand. If you switch your version control system, remove old VCS directories after you migrate.

Error: .build


Add 'use warnings' (or its equivalents) to all modules, or convince us that your favorite module is well-known enough and people can easily see the modules warn when something bad happens.

Error: Statistics::R::IO::Base, Statistics::R::IO::ParserState, Statistics::R::IO::RDS, Statistics::R::IO::RData, Statistics::R::IO::Rserve, Statistics::R::REXP, Statistics::R::REXP::BaseEnvironment, Statistics::R::REXP::Character, Statistics::R::REXP::Closure, Statistics::R::REXP::Complex, Statistics::R::REXP::Double, Statistics::R::REXP::EmptyEnvironment, Statistics::R::REXP::Environment, Statistics::R::REXP::Expression, Statistics::R::REXP::GlobalEnvironment, Statistics::R::REXP::Integer, Statistics::R::REXP::Language, Statistics::R::REXP::List, Statistics::R::REXP::Logical, Statistics::R::REXP::Null, Statistics::R::REXP::Raw, Statistics::R::REXP::S4, Statistics::R::REXP::Symbol, Statistics::R::REXP::Unknown, Statistics::R::REXP::Vector


Add all modules contained in this distribution to the META.yml field 'provides'. Module::Build or Dist::Zilla::Plugin::MetaProvides do this automatically for you.


Name Abstract Version View
Statistics::R::IO Perl interface to serialized R data 1.0002 metacpan
Statistics::R::IO::Base Common object methods for processing R files 1.0002 metacpan
Statistics::R::IO::Parser Functions for parsing R data files 1.0002 metacpan
Statistics::R::IO::ParserState Current state of the IO parser 1.0002 metacpan
Statistics::R::IO::QapEncoding Functions for parsing Rserve packets 1.0002 metacpan
Statistics::R::IO::RDS Supply object methods for RDS files 1.0002 metacpan
Statistics::R::IO::RData Supply object methods for RData files 1.0002 metacpan
Statistics::R::IO::REXPFactory Functions for parsing R data files 1.0002 metacpan
Statistics::R::IO::Rserve Supply object methods for Rserve communication 1.0002 metacpan
Statistics::R::REXP base class for R objects (C<SEXP>s) 1.0002 metacpan
Statistics::R::REXP::BaseEnvironment the base R environment (C<baseenv()>) 1.0002 metacpan
Statistics::R::REXP::Character an R character vector 1.0002 metacpan
Statistics::R::REXP::Closure an R closure 1.0002 metacpan
Statistics::R::REXP::Complex an R numeric vector 1.0002 metacpan
Statistics::R::REXP::Double an R numeric vector 1.0002 metacpan
Statistics::R::REXP::EmptyEnvironment the empty R environment (C<emptyenv()>) 1.0002 metacpan
Statistics::R::REXP::Environment an R environment 1.0002 metacpan
Statistics::R::REXP::Expression an R expression vector 1.0002 metacpan
Statistics::R::REXP::GlobalEnvironment the global R environment (C<.GlobalEnv>) 1.0002 metacpan
Statistics::R::REXP::Integer an R integer vector 1.0002 metacpan
Statistics::R::REXP::Language an R language vector 1.0002 metacpan
Statistics::R::REXP::List an R generic vector (list) 1.0002 metacpan
Statistics::R::REXP::Logical an R logical vector 1.0002 metacpan
Statistics::R::REXP::Null the R null object 1.0002 metacpan
Statistics::R::REXP::Raw an R raw vector 1.0002 metacpan
Statistics::R::REXP::S4 an R closure 1.0002 metacpan
Statistics::R::REXP::Symbol an R symbol 1.0002 metacpan
Statistics::R::REXP::Unknown R object not representable in Rserve 1.0002 metacpan
Statistics::R::REXP::Vector an R vector 1.0002 metacpan

Other Files

Changes metacpan
MANIFEST metacpan
META.json metacpan
META.yml metacpan
Makefile.PL metacpan
README metacpan
dist.ini metacpan