Kwalitee Issues


Add 'use strict' (or its equivalents) to all modules, or convince us that your favorite module is well-known enough and people can easily see the modules are strictly written.

Error: WebAPI::DBIC::Resource::ActiveModel, WebAPI::DBIC::Resource::HAL, WebAPI::DBIC::Resource::JSONAPI


List all used modules in META.yml requires


  • Hash::MultiValue


Add 'use warnings' (or its equivalents) to all modules, or convince us that your favorite module is well-known enough and people can easily see the modules warn when something bad happens.

Error: WebAPI::DBIC::Resource::ActiveModel, WebAPI::DBIC::Resource::HAL, WebAPI::DBIC::Resource::JSONAPI


Add all modules contained in this distribution to the META.yml field 'provides'. Module::Build or Dist::Zilla::Plugin::MetaProvides do this automatically for you.


Name Abstract Version View
WebAPI::DBIC A composable RESTful JSON API to DBIx::Class schemas using roles and Web::Machine 0.004002 metacpan
WebAPI::DBIC::Resource::ActiveModel ActiveModel support for WebAPI::DBIC 0.004002 metacpan
WebAPI::DBIC::Resource::ActiveModel::Role::DBIC a role with core methods for DBIx::Class resources 0.004002 metacpan
WebAPI::DBIC::Resource::ActiveModel::Role::Item methods related to handling requests for item resources 0.004002 metacpan
WebAPI::DBIC::Resource::ActiveModel::Role::ItemWritable methods handling JSON API requests to update item resources 0.004002 metacpan
WebAPI::DBIC::Resource::ActiveModel::Role::Set add content type support for set resources 0.004002 metacpan
WebAPI::DBIC::Resource::ActiveModel::Role::SetWritable methods handling requests to update set resources 0.004002 metacpan
WebAPI::DBIC::Resource::Base Base class for WebAPI::DBIC::Resource's 0.004002 metacpan
WebAPI::DBIC::Resource::GenericCore a set of core roles to implement a generic DBIC resources 0.004002 metacpan
WebAPI::DBIC::Resource::GenericItem a set of roles to implement a generic DBIC item resource 0.004002 metacpan
WebAPI::DBIC::Resource::GenericItemInvoke a set of roles to implement a resource for making method calls on a DBIC item 0.004002 metacpan
WebAPI::DBIC::Resource::GenericRoot a set of roles to implement a 'root' resource describing the application 0.004002 metacpan
WebAPI::DBIC::Resource::GenericSet a set of roles to implement a generic DBIC set resource 0.004002 metacpan
WebAPI::DBIC::Resource::GenericSetInvoke a set of roles to implement a resource for making method calls on a DBIC item 0.004002 metacpan
WebAPI::DBIC::Resource::HAL HAL support for WebAPI::DBIC 0.004002 metacpan
WebAPI::DBIC::Resource::HAL::Role::DBIC a role with core HAL methods for DBIx::Class resources 0.004002 metacpan
WebAPI::DBIC::Resource::HAL::Role::Item methods related to handling HAL requests for item resources 0.004002 metacpan
WebAPI::DBIC::Resource::HAL::Role::ItemWritable methods handling HAL requests to update item resources 0.004002 metacpan
WebAPI::DBIC::Resource::HAL::Role::Root provide a description of the API for HAL browser 0.004002 metacpan
WebAPI::DBIC::Resource::HAL::Role::Set add HAL content type support for set resources 0.004002 metacpan
WebAPI::DBIC::Resource::HAL::Role::SetWritable methods handling HAL requests to update set resources 0.004002 metacpan
WebAPI::DBIC::Resource::JSONAPI JSON API support for WebAPI::DBIC 0.004002 metacpan
WebAPI::DBIC::Resource::JSONAPI::Role::DBIC a role with core JSON API methods for DBIx::Class resources 0.004002 metacpan
WebAPI::DBIC::Resource::JSONAPI::Role::Item methods related to handling JSON API requests for item resources 0.004002 metacpan
WebAPI::DBIC::Resource::JSONAPI::Role::ItemWritable methods handling JSON API requests to update item resources 0.004002 metacpan
WebAPI::DBIC::Resource::JSONAPI::Role::Set add JSON API content type support for set resources 0.004002 metacpan
WebAPI::DBIC::Resource::JSONAPI::Role::SetWritable methods handling JSON API requests to update set resources 0.004002 metacpan
WebAPI::DBIC::Resource::Role::DBIC a role with core methods for DBIx::Class resources 0.004002 metacpan
WebAPI::DBIC::Resource::Role::DBICAuth methods for authentication and authorization 0.004002 metacpan
WebAPI::DBIC::Resource::Role::DBICException methods for handling exceptions from resources 0.004002 metacpan
WebAPI::DBIC::Resource::Role::DBICParams methods for handling url parameters 0.004002 metacpan
WebAPI::DBIC::Resource::Role::Identity methods related to the identity of resources 0.004002 metacpan
WebAPI::DBIC::Resource::Role::Item methods related to handling requests for item resources 0.004002 metacpan
WebAPI::DBIC::Resource::Role::ItemInvoke methods for resources representing method calls on item resources 0.004002 metacpan
WebAPI::DBIC::Resource::Role::ItemWritable methods handling requests to update item resources 0.004002 metacpan
WebAPI::DBIC::Resource::Role::Relationship methods relating to relationships between resources 0.004002 metacpan
WebAPI::DBIC::Resource::Role::Root methods to handle requests for the root resource 0.004002 metacpan
WebAPI::DBIC::Resource::Role::Router interface with the router 0.004002 metacpan
WebAPI::DBIC::Resource::Role::Set methods related to handling requests for set resources 0.004002 metacpan
WebAPI::DBIC::Resource::Role::SetInvoke methods for resources representing method calls on item resources 0.004002 metacpan
WebAPI::DBIC::Resource::Role::SetWritable methods handling requests to update set resources 0.004002 metacpan
WebAPI::DBIC::Role::JsonEncoder 0.004002 metacpan
WebAPI::DBIC::Role::JsonParams 0.004002 metacpan
WebAPI::DBIC::Route A URL path to a WebAPI::DBIC Resource 0.004002 metacpan
WebAPI::DBIC::RouteMaker Make routes for resultsets 0.004002 metacpan
WebAPI::DBIC::Router Route URL paths to resources 0.004002 metacpan
WebAPI::DBIC::TypeNamer 0.004002 metacpan
WebAPI::DBIC::Util General Utility module 0.004002 metacpan
WebAPI::DBIC::WebApp Build a Plack app using WebAPI::DBIC 0.004002 metacpan
WebAPI::HTTP::Throwable::Factory methods to support throwing HTTP exceptions 0.004002 metacpan
WebAPI::HTTP::Throwable::Role::JSONBody an exception with a JSON body 0.004002 metacpan

Other Files

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MANIFEST metacpan
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META.yml metacpan
Makefile.PL metacpan
README metacpan metacpan
cpanfile metacpan
dist.ini metacpan