
Name Abstract Version View
Test::XTFiles standard interface for author tests to find files to check 0.002 metacpan
XT::Files standard interface for author tests to find files to check 0.002 metacpan
XT::Files::File file object for XT::Files 0.002 metacpan
XT::Files::Plugin base class for XT::Files plugins 0.002 metacpan
XT::Files::Plugin::Default plugin with default configuration 0.002 metacpan
XT::Files::Plugin::Dirs plugin to add directories to be tested 0.002 metacpan
XT::Files::Plugin::Excludes plugin to configure excludes 0.002 metacpan
XT::Files::Plugin::Files plugin to add files to be tested 0.002 metacpan
XT::Files::Plugin::lib allow loading of local plugins 0.002 metacpan
XT::Files::Role::Logger logging role 0.002 metacpan

Other Files

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META.json metacpan
META.yml metacpan
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