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Error: lib/Sisimai/


Name Abstract Version View
Sisimai Mail Analyzing Interface for bounce mails. v5.1.0 metacpan
Sisimai::ARF Decoder class for detecting ARF: Abuse Feedback Reporting Format. metacpan
Sisimai::Address Email address object metacpan
Sisimai::DateTime Date and time utilities metacpan
Sisimai::Fact Decoded data object metacpan
Sisimai::Fact::JSON Dumps decoded data object as a JSON format metacpan
Sisimai::Fact::YAML Dumps decoded data object as a YAML format metacpan
Sisimai::Lhost Base class for Sisimai::Lhost::* metacpan
Sisimai::Lhost::Activehunter bounce mail decodeder class for QUALITIA Active!hunter L<> metacpan
Sisimai::Lhost::Amavis bounce mail decoder class for C<amavisd-new>. metacpan
Sisimai::Lhost::AmazonSES bounce mail decoder class for Amazon SES L<> metacpan
Sisimai::Lhost::AmazonWorkMail bounce mail decoder class for Amazon WorkMail L<>. metacpan
Sisimai::Lhost::Aol bounce mail decoder class for Aol Mail L<>. metacpan
Sisimai::Lhost::ApacheJames bounce mail decoder class for Apache James L<>. metacpan
Sisimai::Lhost::Barracuda bounce mail decoder class for Barracuda L<>. metacpan
Sisimai::Lhost::Bigfoot bounce mail decoder class for Bigfoot L<>. metacpan
Sisimai::Lhost::Biglobe bounce mail decoder class for BIGLOBE (L<>). metacpan
Sisimai::Lhost::Courier bounce mail decoder class for Courier MTA L<>. metacpan
Sisimai::Lhost::Domino bounce mail decoder class for HCL Domino L<>. metacpan
Sisimai::Lhost::DragonFly bounce mail decoder class for DMA: DragonFly Mail Agent L<>. metacpan
Sisimai::Lhost::EZweb bounce mail decoder class for au EZweb L<>. metacpan
Sisimai::Lhost::EinsUndEins bounce mail decoder class for 1&1 L<>. metacpan
Sisimai::Lhost::Exchange2003 bounce mail decoder class for Microsft Exchange Server 2003 L<>. metacpan
Sisimai::Lhost::Exchange2007 bounce mail decoder class for Microsft Exchange Server 2007 L<>. metacpan
Sisimai::Lhost::Exim bounce mail decoder class for Exim Internet Mailer L<>. metacpan
Sisimai::Lhost::FML bounce mail decoder class for FML L<>. metacpan
Sisimai::Lhost::Facebook bounce mail decoder class for Facebook L<>. metacpan
Sisimai::Lhost::GMX bounce mail decoder class for GMX L<> and metacpan
Sisimai::Lhost::GSuite bounce mail decoder class for Google Workspace L<> metacpan
Sisimai::Lhost::Gmail bounce mail decoder class for Gmail L<>. metacpan
Sisimai::Lhost::GoogleGroups bounce mail decoder class for Google Groups L<>. metacpan
Sisimai::Lhost::IMailServer bounce mail decoder class for Progress iMail Server L<>. metacpan
Sisimai::Lhost::InterScanMSS bounce mail decoder class for Trend Micro InterScan Messaging Security Suite L<>. metacpan
Sisimai::Lhost::KDDI bounce mail decoder class for au by KDDI L<> metacpan
Sisimai::Lhost::MXLogic bounce mail decoder class for McAfee SAAS (formerly MX Logic). metacpan
Sisimai::Lhost::MailFoundry bounce mail decoder class for MailFoundry L<>. metacpan
Sisimai::Lhost::MailMarshalSMTP bounce mail decoder class for Trustwave Secure Email Gateway L<>. metacpan
Sisimai::Lhost::MailRu bounce mail decoder class for L<>. metacpan
Sisimai::Lhost::McAfee bounce mail decode class for McAfee Email Appliance. metacpan
Sisimai::Lhost::MessageLabs bounce mail decode class for Email Security (formerly Messaging Security) L<> metacpan
Sisimai::Lhost::MessagingServer bounce mail decoder class for C<Sun Java System Messaging Server> and C<Oracle Communications Messaging Server> L<>. metacpan
Sisimai::Lhost::Notes bounce mail decoder class for HCL Notes (formerly Lotus Notes Server). metacpan
Sisimai::Lhost::Office365 bounce mail decoder class for Microsoft 365 L<>. metacpan
Sisimai::Lhost::OpenSMTPD bounce mail decoder class for OpenSMTPD L<>. metacpan
Sisimai::Lhost::Outlook bounce mail decoder class for L<>. metacpan
Sisimai::Lhost::Postfix bounce mail decoder class for Postfix L<>. metacpan
Sisimai::Lhost::PowerMTA bounce mail decoder class for PowerMTA L<>. metacpan
Sisimai::Lhost::ReceivingSES bounce mail decoder class for Amazon SES C<>. metacpan
Sisimai::Lhost::SendGrid bounce mail decoder class for Twilio SendGrid L<>. metacpan
Sisimai::Lhost::Sendmail bounce mail decoder class for Sendmail Open Source L<>. metacpan
Sisimai::Lhost::SurfControl bounce mail decoder class for SurfControl. metacpan
Sisimai::Lhost::V5sendmail bounce mail decoder class for V5 Sendmail. metacpan
Sisimai::Lhost::Verizon bounce mail decoder class for Verizon L<>. metacpan
Sisimai::Lhost::X1 bounce mail decoder class for X1. metacpan
Sisimai::Lhost::X2 bounce mail decoder class for X2. metacpan
Sisimai::Lhost::X3 bounce mail decoder class for X3. metacpan
Sisimai::Lhost::X4 bounce mail decoder class for Unknown MTA which is developed as a qmail clone. metacpan
Sisimai::Lhost::X5 bounce mail decoder class for unknown MTA #5. metacpan
Sisimai::Lhost::X6 bounce mail decoder class for C<X6>. metacpan
Sisimai::Lhost::Yahoo bounce mail decoder class for Yahoo Mail L<>. metacpan
Sisimai::Lhost::Yandex bounce mail decoder class for Yandex Mail L<>. metacpan
Sisimai::Lhost::Zoho bounce mail decoder class for Zoho Mail L<>. metacpan
Sisimai::Lhost::mFILTER bounce mail decoder class for Digital Arts m-FILTER L<>. metacpan
Sisimai::Lhost::qmail bounce mail decoder class for qmail L<>. metacpan
Sisimai::MDA Error message decoder for MDA metacpan
Sisimai::Mail Handler of Mbox/Maildir for reading each mail. metacpan
Sisimai::Mail::Maildir Mailbox reader metacpan
Sisimai::Mail::Mbox Mailbox reader metacpan
Sisimai::Mail::Memory Mailbox reader metacpan
Sisimai::Mail::STDIN Mailbox reader metacpan
Sisimai::Message Converts the bounce email text to the data structure. metacpan
Sisimai::Order A Class for making an optimized order list for calling MTA modules in C<Sisimai::Lhost::*> metacpan
Sisimai::RFC1894 DSN field defined in RFC3464 (obsoletes RFC1894) metacpan
Sisimai::RFC2045 MIME Utilities metacpan
Sisimai::RFC3464 bounce mail decoder class for Fallback. metacpan
Sisimai::RFC3834 RFC3834 auto reply message detector metacpan
Sisimai::RFC5322 Email address related utilities metacpan
Sisimai::RFC5965 A class for An Extensible Format for Email Feedback Reports metacpan
Sisimai::Reason Detect the bounce reason metacpan
Sisimai::Reason::AuthFailure Bounce reason is C<authfailure> or not. metacpan
Sisimai::Reason::BadReputation Bounce reason is C<badreputation> or not. metacpan
Sisimai::Reason::Blocked Bounce reason is "blocked" or not. metacpan
Sisimai::Reason::ContentError Bounce reason is C<contenterror> or not. metacpan
Sisimai::Reason::Delivered Email delivered successfully metacpan
Sisimai::Reason::ExceedLimit Bounce reason is C<exceedlimit> or not. metacpan
Sisimai::Reason::Expired Bounce reason is C<expired> or not. metacpan
Sisimai::Reason::Feedback Email forwarded as a complaint message metacpan
Sisimai::Reason::Filtered Bounce reason is C<filtered> or not. metacpan
Sisimai::Reason::HasMoved Bounce reason is C<hasmoved> or not. metacpan
Sisimai::Reason::HostUnknown Bounce reason is C<hostunknown> or not. metacpan
Sisimai::Reason::MailboxFull Bounce reason is C<mailboxfull> or not. metacpan
Sisimai::Reason::MailerError Bounce reason is C<mailererror> or not. metacpan
Sisimai::Reason::MesgTooBig Bounce reason is C<mesgtoobig> or not. metacpan
Sisimai::Reason::NetworkError Bounce reason is C<networkerror> or not. metacpan
Sisimai::Reason::NoRelaying Bounce reason is C<norelaying> or not. metacpan
Sisimai::Reason::NotAccept Bounce reason is C<notaccept> or not. metacpan
Sisimai::Reason::NotCompliantRFC Bounce reason is C<notcompliantrfc> or not. metacpan
Sisimai::Reason::OnHold Bounce reason is C<onhold> or not. metacpan
Sisimai::Reason::PolicyViolation Bounce reason is C<policyviolation> or not. metacpan
Sisimai::Reason::Rejected Bounce reason is C<rejected> or not. metacpan
Sisimai::Reason::RequirePTR Bounce reason is "requireptr" or not. metacpan
Sisimai::Reason::SecurityError Bounce reason is C<securityerror> or not. metacpan
Sisimai::Reason::SpamDetected Bounce reason is C<spamdetected> due to Spam content in the message or not. metacpan
Sisimai::Reason::Speeding Bounce reason is C<speeding> or not. metacpan
Sisimai::Reason::Suspend Bounce reason is C<suspend> or not. metacpan
Sisimai::Reason::SyntaxError Bounce reason is C<syntaxerror> or not. metacpan
Sisimai::Reason::SystemError Bounce reason is C<systemerror> or not. metacpan
Sisimai::Reason::SystemFull Bounce reason is C<systemfull> or not. metacpan
Sisimai::Reason::TooManyConn Bounced due to that too many connections. metacpan
Sisimai::Reason::Undefined Sisimai could not detect the error reason. metacpan
Sisimai::Reason::UserUnknown Bounce reason is C<userunknown> or not. metacpan
Sisimai::Reason::Vacation the recipient is out of the office metacpan
Sisimai::Reason::VirusDetected Bounce reason is C<virusdetected> or not. metacpan
Sisimai::Rhost Detect the bounce reason returned from certain remote hosts. metacpan
Sisimai::Rhost::Apple Detect the bounce reason returned from Apple iCloud Mail metacpan
Sisimai::Rhost::Cox Detect the bounce reason returned from Cox metacpan
Sisimai::Rhost::FrancePTT Detect the bounce reason returned from Orange and La Poste. metacpan
Sisimai::Rhost::GoDaddy Detect the bounce reason returned from GoDaddy. metacpan
Sisimai::Rhost::Google Detect the bounce reason returned from Google Workspace. metacpan
Sisimai::Rhost::IUA Detect the bounce reason returned from metacpan
Sisimai::Rhost::KDDI Detect the bounce reason returned from au (KDDI). metacpan
Sisimai::Rhost::Microsoft Detect the bounce reason returned from on-premises Exchange 2019 or older and Office 365. metacpan
Sisimai::Rhost::Mimecast Detect the bounce reason returned from Mimecast metacpan
Sisimai::Rhost::NTTDOCOMO Detect the bounce reason returned from NTT docomo. metacpan
Sisimai::Rhost::Spectrum Detect the bounce reason returned from Spectrum. metacpan
Sisimai::Rhost::Tencent Detect the bounce reason returned from Tencent. metacpan
Sisimai::Rhost::YahooInc Detect the bounce reason returned from Yahoo Inc. metacpan
Sisimai::SMTP SMTP Status Codes related utilities metacpan
Sisimai::SMTP::Command SMTP Command related utilities metacpan
Sisimai::SMTP::Error SMTP Errors related utilities metacpan
Sisimai::SMTP::Reply SMTP reply code related class metacpan
Sisimai::SMTP::Status SMTP Enhanced Status Codes related utilities metacpan
Sisimai::SMTP::Transcript Transcript of the SMTP session decoder metacpan
Sisimai::String String related class metacpan
Sisimai::Time Child class of C<Time::Piece> for C<Sisimai::Fact> metacpan
Sisimai::Xe metacpan

Other Files

Build.PL metacpan metacpan
Changes metacpan
MANIFEST metacpan
META.json metacpan
META.yml metacpan metacpan metacpan
cpanfile metacpan