ASNMTAP 3.002003
- consistent_version
- no_invalid_versions
- lib/ASNMTAP/Asnmtap/Plugins/ HASH(0x55a43f8314b8)
- no_pod_errors
ASNMTAP-3.002003/lib/ASNMTAP/Asnmtap/Applications.pod -- Around line 173: Non-ASCII character seen before =encoding in '©'. Assuming CP1252 Around line 1292: Expected '=item 4' Around line 1318: Expected '=item 5' Around line 1332: You have '=item 5' instead of the expected '=item 6' ASNMTAP-3.002003/lib/ASNMTAP/Asnmtap/Plugins/WebTransact.pod -- Around line 661: Non-ASCII character seen before =encoding in ''<b>N°\s+de\s+ticket\s*:</b>\s*\n*\s* (\w{3}-\w{7}-\w{2}-\w)';'. Assuming CP1252
- prereq_matches_use
- CGI::Session
- Device::Modem
- HTTP::Cookies
- HTTP::Request::Common
- LWP::Debug
- LWP::UserAgent
- NetAddr::IP