Kwalitee Issues


Add 'use strict' (or its equivalents) to all modules, or convince us that your favorite module is well-known enough and people can easily see the modules are strictly written.

Error: Shared::Examples::Net::Amazon::S3::Fixture


If you are using Build.PL define the {requires}{perl} = VERSION field. If you are using MakeMaker (Makefile.PL) you should upgrade ExtUtils::MakeMaker to 6.48 and use MIN_PERL_VERSION parameter. Perl::MinimumVersion can help you determine which version of Perl your module needs.


Move your *.pm files in a directory named 'lib'. The directory structure should look like 'lib/Your/' for a module named 'Your::Module'. If you need to provide additional files, e.g. for testing, that should not be considered for Kwalitee, then you should look at the 'provides' map in META.yml to limit the files scanned; or use the 'no_index' map to exclude parts of the distribution.

Error: trash/


Add 'use warnings' (or its equivalents) to all modules, or convince us that your favorite module is well-known enough and people can easily see the modules warn when something bad happens.

Error: Shared::Examples::Net::Amazon::S3::Fixture


Add all modules contained in this distribution to the META.yml field 'provides'. Module::Build or Dist::Zilla::Plugin::MetaProvides do this automatically for you.


Name Abstract Version View
Net::Amazon::S3 Use the Amazon S3 - Simple Storage Service 0.91 metacpan
Net::Amazon::S3::Authorization Authorization context base class 0.91 metacpan
Net::Amazon::S3::Authorization::Basic Basic authorization information 0.91 metacpan
Net::Amazon::S3::Authorization::IAM IAM authorization information 0.91 metacpan
Net::Amazon::S3::Bucket convenience object for working with Amazon S3 buckets 0.91 metacpan
Net::Amazon::S3::Client An easy-to-use Amazon S3 client 0.91 metacpan
Net::Amazon::S3::Client::Bucket An easy-to-use Amazon S3 client bucket 0.91 metacpan
Net::Amazon::S3::Client::Object An easy-to-use Amazon S3 client object 0.91 metacpan
Net::Amazon::S3::HTTPRequest Create a signed HTTP::Request 0.91 metacpan
Net::Amazon::S3::Request Base class for request objects 0.91 metacpan
Net::Amazon::S3::Request::AbortMultipartUpload An internal class to complete a multipart upload 0.91 metacpan
Net::Amazon::S3::Request::Bucket Base class for all S3 Bucket operations 0.91 metacpan
Net::Amazon::S3::Request::CompleteMultipartUpload An internal class to complete a multipart upload 0.91 metacpan
Net::Amazon::S3::Request::CreateBucket An internal class to create a bucket 0.91 metacpan
Net::Amazon::S3::Request::DeleteBucket An internal class to delete a bucket 0.91 metacpan
Net::Amazon::S3::Request::DeleteMultiObject An internal class to delete multiple objects from a bucket 0.91 metacpan
Net::Amazon::S3::Request::DeleteObject An internal class to delete an object 0.91 metacpan
Net::Amazon::S3::Request::GetBucketAccessControl An internal class to get a bucket's access control 0.91 metacpan
Net::Amazon::S3::Request::GetBucketLocationConstraint An internal class to get a bucket's location constraint 0.91 metacpan
Net::Amazon::S3::Request::GetObject An internal class to get an object 0.91 metacpan
Net::Amazon::S3::Request::GetObjectAccessControl An internal class to get an object's access control 0.91 metacpan
Net::Amazon::S3::Request::InitiateMultipartUpload An internal class to begin a multipart upload 0.91 metacpan
Net::Amazon::S3::Request::ListAllMyBuckets An internal class to list all buckets 0.91 metacpan
Net::Amazon::S3::Request::ListBucket An internal class to list a bucket 0.91 metacpan
Net::Amazon::S3::Request::ListParts List the parts in a multipart upload. 0.91 metacpan
Net::Amazon::S3::Request::Object Base class for all S3 Object operations 0.91 metacpan
Net::Amazon::S3::Request::PutObject An internal class to put an object 0.91 metacpan
Net::Amazon::S3::Request::PutPart An internal class to put part of a multipart upload 0.91 metacpan
Net::Amazon::S3::Request::RestoreObject An internal class implementing RestoreObject operation 0.91 metacpan
Net::Amazon::S3::Request::Role::HTTP::Header HTTP Header Role 0.91 metacpan
Net::Amazon::S3::Request::Role::HTTP::Header::Acl_short x-amz-acl header role 0.91 metacpan
Net::Amazon::S3::Request::Role::HTTP::Header::Content_length Content-Lenghth header role 0.91 metacpan
Net::Amazon::S3::Request::Role::HTTP::Header::Content_md5 Content-MD5 header role 0.91 metacpan
Net::Amazon::S3::Request::Role::HTTP::Header::Content_type Content-Type header role 0.91 metacpan
Net::Amazon::S3::Request::Role::HTTP::Header::Copy_source x-amz-copy-source header role 0.91 metacpan
Net::Amazon::S3::Request::Role::HTTP::Header::Encryption x-amz-server-side-encryption header role 0.91 metacpan
Net::Amazon::S3::Request::Role::HTTP::Method HTTP method role 0.91 metacpan
Net::Amazon::S3::Request::Role::HTTP::Method::DELETE HTTP DELETE method role 0.91 metacpan
Net::Amazon::S3::Request::Role::HTTP::Method::GET HTTP GET method role 0.91 metacpan
Net::Amazon::S3::Request::Role::HTTP::Method::POST HTTP POST method role 0.91 metacpan
Net::Amazon::S3::Request::Role::HTTP::Method::PUT HTTP PUT method role 0.91 metacpan
Net::Amazon::S3::Request::Role::Query::Action query action role 0.91 metacpan
Net::Amazon::S3::Request::Role::Query::Action::Acl acl query action role 0.91 metacpan
Net::Amazon::S3::Request::Role::Query::Action::Delete delete query action role 0.91 metacpan
Net::Amazon::S3::Request::Role::Query::Action::Location location query action role 0.91 metacpan
Net::Amazon::S3::Request::Role::Query::Action::Restore uploads query action role 0.91 metacpan
Net::Amazon::S3::Request::Role::Query::Action::Uploads uploads query action role 0.91 metacpan
Net::Amazon::S3::Request::Role::Query::Param request query params role 0.91 metacpan
Net::Amazon::S3::Request::Role::Query::Param::Delimiter delimiter query param role 0.91 metacpan
Net::Amazon::S3::Request::Role::Query::Param::Marker marker query param role 0.91 metacpan
Net::Amazon::S3::Request::Role::Query::Param::Max_keys max-keys query param role 0.91 metacpan
Net::Amazon::S3::Request::Role::Query::Param::Part_number partNumber query param role 0.91 metacpan
Net::Amazon::S3::Request::Role::Query::Param::Prefix prefix query param role 0.91 metacpan
Net::Amazon::S3::Request::Role::Query::Param::Upload_id upload_id query param role 0.91 metacpan
Net::Amazon::S3::Request::Service Base class for all S3 Service operations 0.91 metacpan
Net::Amazon::S3::Request::SetBucketAccessControl An internal class to set a bucket's access control 0.91 metacpan
Net::Amazon::S3::Request::SetObjectAccessControl An internal class to set an object's access control 0.91 metacpan
Net::Amazon::S3::Role::Bucket Bucket role 0.91 metacpan
Net::Amazon::S3::Signature S3 Signature implementation base class 0.91 metacpan
Net::Amazon::S3::Signature::V2 V2 signatures 0.91 metacpan
Net::Amazon::S3::Signature::V4 V4 signatures 0.91 metacpan
Net::Amazon::S3::Signature::V4Implementation Implements the Amazon Web Services signature version 4, AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 (copy of Net::Amazon::Signature::V4) 0.91 metacpan
Net::Amazon::S3::Vendor Base class for vendor specific behaviour 0.91 metacpan
Net::Amazon::S3::Vendor::Amazon Amazon AWS specific behaviour 0.91 metacpan
Net::Amazon::S3::Vendor::Generic Generic S3 vendor 0.91 metacpan
Shared::Examples::Net::Amazon::S3 used for testing and as example 0.91 metacpan
Shared::Examples::Net::Amazon::S3::API used for testing and as example 0.91 metacpan
Shared::Examples::Net::Amazon::S3::Client used for testing and as example 0.91 metacpan
Shared::Examples::Net::Amazon::S3::Fixture used for testing to provide test fixtures 0.91 metacpan
Shared::Examples::Net::Amazon::S3::Request used for testing and as example 0.91 metacpan


Name File View
Test::API::S3 trash/ metacpan
Test::API::S3::Client trash/ metacpan

Other Files

MANIFEST metacpan
META.json metacpan
META.yml metacpan
Makefile.PL metacpan
README metacpan metacpan
README.mkdn metacpan
cpanfile metacpan
dist.ini metacpan