Kwalitee Issues

No Core Issues.


Add 'use warnings' (or its equivalents) to all modules, or convince us that your favorite module is well-known enough and people can easily see the modules warn when something bad happens.

Error: MyCPAN::App::BackPAN::Indexer


Add all modules contained in this distribution to the META.yml field 'provides'. Module::Build or Dist::Zilla::Plugin::MetaProvides do this automatically for you.


Add SECURITY(.pod|md). See Software::Security::Policy.


Add SECURITY(.pod|md) and add a contact address. See Software::Security::Policy.


Name Abstract Version View
MyCPAN::App::BackPAN::Indexer The BackPAN indexer application 1.282 metacpan
MyCPAN::Indexer Index a Perl distribution 1.282 metacpan
MyCPAN::Indexer::CPANMiniInject Do the indexing, and put the dists in a MiniCPAN 1.282 metacpan
MyCPAN::Indexer::Collator::Null A No-op reports processor 1.282 metacpan
MyCPAN::Indexer::Component base class for MyCPAN components 1.282 metacpan
MyCPAN::Indexer::Coordinator Provide a way for the various components to communicate 1.282 metacpan
MyCPAN::Indexer::Dispatcher::Parallel Pass out work to sub-processes 1.282 metacpan
MyCPAN::Indexer::Dispatcher::Serial Pass out work in the same process 1.282 metacpan
MyCPAN::Indexer::Interface::ANSIText Present the run info as colored text 1.282 metacpan
MyCPAN::Indexer::Interface::Curses Present the run info in a terminal 1.282 metacpan
MyCPAN::Indexer::Interface::Null Don't show anything 1.282 metacpan
MyCPAN::Indexer::Interface::ShowDist Show dists as MyCPAN processes them 1.282 metacpan
MyCPAN::Indexer::Interface::Text Present the run info as plain text 1.282 metacpan
MyCPAN::Indexer::Interface::Tk Index a Perl distribution 1.282 metacpan
MyCPAN::Indexer::Notes Tiny class for MyCPAN component note passing 1.282 metacpan
MyCPAN::Indexer::NullTester Do nothing components 1.282 metacpan
MyCPAN::Indexer::Queue Find distributions to index 1.282 metacpan
MyCPAN::Indexer::Queue::ErrorReports Try to index distributions with error reports 1.282 metacpan
MyCPAN::Indexer::Queue::FromList Try to index distributions listed in a file 1.282 metacpan
MyCPAN::Indexer::Reporter::AsYAML Save the result as a YAML file 1.282 metacpan
MyCPAN::Indexer::Reporter::Base Common bits for MyCPAN reporter classes 1.282 metacpan
MyCPAN::Indexer::Tutorial How the pieces fit together 1.282 metacpan
MyCPAN::Indexer::Worker Do the indexing 1.282 metacpan
MyCPAN::Indexer::Worker::JustShowDist Do nothing except show what the task is 1.282 metacpan


Name File View
MyCPAN::Indexer::BackPANstats lib/MyCPAN/ metacpan
MyCPAN::Indexer::NullTester::Dispatcher lib/MyCPAN/Indexer/ metacpan
MyCPAN::Indexer::Queue::ModifiedSince lib/MyCPAN/Indexer/Queue/ metacpan
MyCPAN::Indexer::TestCensus lib/MyCPAN/ metacpan

Other Files metacpan
Changes metacpan
MANIFEST metacpan
META.json metacpan
META.yml metacpan
Makefile.PL metacpan
README.pod metacpan