Kwalitee Issues

No Core Issues.


If you are using Build.PL define the {requires}{perl} = VERSION field. If you are using MakeMaker (Makefile.PL) you should upgrade ExtUtils::MakeMaker to 6.48 and use MIN_PERL_VERSION parameter. Perl::MinimumVersion can help you determine which version of Perl your module needs.


Add a META.json to the distribution. Your buildtool should be able to autogenerate it.


Split the distribution, or fix the version numbers to make them consistent (use the highest version number to avoid version downgrade).

Error: 1.001000,1.002002


Add all modules contained in this distribution to the META.yml field 'provides'. Module::Build or Dist::Zilla::Plugin::MetaProvides do this automatically for you.


Name Abstract Version View
Test::AutoBuild Automated build engine controller 1.002002 metacpan
Test::AutoBuild::Archive archival of files and metadata metacpan
Test::AutoBuild::Archive::File Archive stored in regular files metacpan
Test::AutoBuild::Archive::Memory Archive stored (transiently) in memory metacpan
Test::AutoBuild::ArchiveManager The base class for managing archive metacpan
Test::AutoBuild::ArchiveManager::File Disk based archive manager metacpan
Test::AutoBuild::ArchiveManager::Memory Disk based archive manager metacpan
Test::AutoBuild::Change Details of change in source control repository metacpan
Test::AutoBuild::Command A locally executed command metacpan
Test::AutoBuild::Command::Local metacpan
Test::AutoBuild::Command::SELocal A locally executed command with mandatory access control metacpan
Test::AutoBuild::Counter The base class for an AutoBuild stage metacpan
Test::AutoBuild::Counter::ChangeList Generates a build counter based on source repository changelist metacpan
Test::AutoBuild::Counter::Time Generates a build counter based on current time metacpan
Test::AutoBuild::Counter::Timestamp Generates a build counter based on current time metacpan
Test::AutoBuild::ErrorReport details of a fatal error condition metacpan
Test::AutoBuild::Group Simple grouping of modules metacpan
Test::AutoBuild::Lib A library of useful routines metacpan
Test::AutoBuild::Lock Manage a lock file to prevent concurrent execution metacpan
Test::AutoBuild::Module represents a code module to be built metacpan
Test::AutoBuild::Monitor Builder progress monitor metacpan
Test::AutoBuild::Monitor::CommandLine Monitor progress from 'ps' metacpan
Test::AutoBuild::Monitor::Log4perl Monitor progress through a log4perl metacpan
Test::AutoBuild::Monitor::Pipe Monitor progress through a pipe metacpan
Test::AutoBuild::Package Generated packages metacpan
Test::AutoBuild::PackageType Package type handling metacpan
Test::AutoBuild::Platform represents a build host's environment metacpan
Test::AutoBuild::Publisher Simple publishering of modules metacpan
Test::AutoBuild::Publisher::Copy Copies build logs to a directory metacpan
Test::AutoBuild::Publisher::XSLTransform Applies an XSL transform to an artifact metacpan
Test::AutoBuild::Repository Source control repository access metacpan
Test::AutoBuild::Repository::Bazaar A repository for Bazaar metacpan
Test::AutoBuild::Repository::CVS A repository for CVS metacpan
Test::AutoBuild::Repository::Darcs A repository for Darcs metacpan
Test::AutoBuild::Repository::Disk Access to source locally on disk metacpan
Test::AutoBuild::Repository::GNUArch A repository for GNU Arch metacpan
Test::AutoBuild::Repository::Git A repository for Git metacpan
Test::AutoBuild::Repository::Mercurial A repository for Mercurial metacpan
Test::AutoBuild::Repository::Monotone A repository for Monotone metacpan
Test::AutoBuild::Repository::Perforce A repository for Perforce metacpan
Test::AutoBuild::Repository::SVK A repository for SVK (Distributed Subversion) metacpan
Test::AutoBuild::Repository::Subversion A repository for Subversion metacpan
Test::AutoBuild::Result represents results of an action metacpan
Test::AutoBuild::Runtime Builder runtime state 1.001000 metacpan
Test::AutoBuild::Stage The base class for an AutoBuild stage metacpan
Test::AutoBuild::Stage::Apt Create index for APT package management tool metacpan
Test::AutoBuild::Stage::ArtifactCopier Copies build artifacts to a directory metacpan
Test::AutoBuild::Stage::Build The base class for an AutoBuild stage metacpan
Test::AutoBuild::Stage::CleanArchive Purge old build archives metacpan
Test::AutoBuild::Stage::CleanBuildRoots Clean up files in build install root metacpan
Test::AutoBuild::Stage::CleanPackages The base class for an AutoBuild stage metacpan
Test::AutoBuild::Stage::Copier Abstract base module for copying files metacpan
Test::AutoBuild::Stage::CreateArchive Initialize a new archive instance metacpan
Test::AutoBuild::Stage::CreateRepo Create an package repository index for package management tools metacpan
Test::AutoBuild::Stage::EmailAlert Send email alerts with build status metacpan
Test::AutoBuild::Stage::GetSource The base class for an AutoBuild stage metacpan
Test::AutoBuild::Stage::Group Groups several stages together metacpan
Test::AutoBuild::Stage::HTMLStatus Generate HTML status pages for build cycle metacpan
Test::AutoBuild::Stage::ISOBuilder creates CD ISO images metacpan
Test::AutoBuild::Stage::Iterator Run a set of stages for each module metacpan
Test::AutoBuild::Stage::LogCopier Copy log files to a distribution site. metacpan
Test::AutoBuild::Stage::PackageCopier Copy generated packages to a distribution site metacpan
Test::AutoBuild::Stage::SetNice Alter the scheduling priority of builder metacpan
Test::AutoBuild::Stage::TemplateGenerator Base class for generating file templates metacpan
Test::AutoBuild::Stage::Test Run module test suites metacpan
Test::AutoBuild::Stage::Yum Create an index for Yum package management tool metacpan

Other Files

MANIFEST metacpan
META.yml metacpan
Makefile.PL metacpan
README metacpan