
Name Abstract Version View
Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Run Run external commands and code at specific phases of Dist::Zilla 0.050 metacpan
Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Run::AfterBuild execute a command of the distribution after build 0.050 metacpan
Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Run::AfterMint Execute a command after a new distribution is minted 0.050 metacpan
Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Run::AfterRelease execute a command of the distribution after release 0.050 metacpan
Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Run::BeforeArchive execute a command of the distribution before creating the archive 0.050 metacpan
Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Run::BeforeBuild execute a command of the distribution before build 0.050 metacpan
Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Run::BeforeRelease execute a command of the distribution before release 0.050 metacpan
Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Run::Clean execute a command of the distribution on 'dzil clean' 0.050 metacpan
Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Run::Release execute a command of the distribution on release 0.050 metacpan
Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Run::Role::Runner 0.050 metacpan
Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Run::Test execute a command of the distribution after build 0.050 metacpan

Other Files

Build.PL metacpan
Changes metacpan
MANIFEST metacpan
META.json metacpan
META.yml metacpan
Makefile.PL metacpan
README metacpan
dist.ini metacpan