App-SpreadRevolutionaryDate 0.34
Kwalitee Issues
This is not the latest release. The following issues may have already been fixed in the newer releases.
No Core Issues.
- use_warnings
Add 'use warnings' (or its equivalents) to all modules, or convince us that your favorite module is well-known enough and people can easily see the modules warn when something bad happens.
Error: App::SpreadRevolutionaryDate::BlueskyLite
- has_security_doc
Add SECURITY(.pod|md). See Software::Security::Policy.
- security_doc_contains_contact
Add SECURITY(.pod|md) and add a contact address. See Software::Security::Policy.
Name | Abstract | Version | View |
App::SpreadRevolutionaryDate | Spread date and time from Revolutionary (Republican) Calendar on Bluesky, Twitter, Mastodon, Freenode and Liberachat. | 0.34 | metacpan |
App::SpreadRevolutionaryDate::BlueskyLite | . | 0.34 | metacpan |
App::SpreadRevolutionaryDate::Config | Companion class of L<App::SpreadRevolutionaryDate>, to handle configuration file and command line arguments, subclass of L<AppConfig>. | 0.34 | metacpan |
App::SpreadRevolutionaryDate::MsgMaker | Role providing interface for crafting a message to be spread by L<App::SpreadRevolutionaryDate>. | 0.34 | metacpan |
App::SpreadRevolutionaryDate::MsgMaker::PromptUser | MsgMaker class for L<App::SpreadRevolutionaryDate> to build message by prompting user | 0.34 | metacpan |
App::SpreadRevolutionaryDate::MsgMaker::RevolutionaryDate | MsgMaker class for L<App::SpreadRevolutionaryDate> to build message with revolutionary date | 0.34 | metacpan |
App::SpreadRevolutionaryDate::MsgMaker::RevolutionaryDate::Calendar | Subclass overloading L<DateTime::Calendar::FrenchRevolutionary> to allow language extension | 0.34 | metacpan |
App::SpreadRevolutionaryDate::MsgMaker::RevolutionaryDate::Locale | Role providing interface for localization of revolutionary date built by L<App::SpreadRevolutionaryDate::MsgMaker::RevolutionaryDate>. | 0.34 | metacpan |
App::SpreadRevolutionaryDate::MsgMaker::RevolutionaryDate::Locale::en | English localization of (part of) L<DateTime::Calendar::FrenchRevolutionary::Locale::en> | 0.34 | metacpan |
App::SpreadRevolutionaryDate::MsgMaker::RevolutionaryDate::Locale::es | Spanish localization of (part of) L<DateTime::Calendar::FrenchRevolutionary::Locale::fr> | 0.34 | metacpan |
App::SpreadRevolutionaryDate::MsgMaker::RevolutionaryDate::Locale::fr | French localization of (part of) L<DateTime::Calendar::FrenchRevolutionary::Locale::fr> | 0.34 | metacpan |
App::SpreadRevolutionaryDate::MsgMaker::RevolutionaryDate::Locale::it | Italian localization of (part of) L<DateTime::Calendar::FrenchRevolutionary> | 0.34 | metacpan |
App::SpreadRevolutionaryDate::Target | Role providing interface for targets of L<App::SpreadRevolutionaryDate>. | 0.34 | metacpan |
App::SpreadRevolutionaryDate::Target::Bluesky | Target class for L<App::SpreadRevolutionaryDate> to handle spreading on Bluesky. | 0.34 | metacpan |
App::SpreadRevolutionaryDate::Target::Freenode | Target class for L<App::SpreadRevolutionaryDate> to handle spreading on Freenode. | 0.34 | metacpan |
App::SpreadRevolutionaryDate::Target::Freenode::Bot | Subclass overloading L<Bot::BasicBot> to post a message on some Freenode channels | 0.34 | metacpan |
App::SpreadRevolutionaryDate::Target::Liberachat | Target class for L<App::SpreadRevolutionaryDate> to handle spreading on Liberachat. | 0.34 | metacpan |
App::SpreadRevolutionaryDate::Target::Liberachat::Bot | Subclass overloading L<Bot::BasicBot> to post a message on some Liberachat channels | 0.34 | metacpan |
App::SpreadRevolutionaryDate::Target::Mastodon | Target class for L<App::SpreadRevolutionaryDate> to handle spreading on Mastodon. | 0.34 | metacpan |
App::SpreadRevolutionaryDate::Target::Twitter | Target class for L<App::SpreadRevolutionaryDate> to handle spreading on Twitter. | 0.34 | metacpan |