Kwalitee Issues


Fix MANIFEST.SKIP or use an authoring tool which respects MANIFEST.SKIP. Note that each entry in MANIFEST.SKIP is a regular expression. You may need to add appropriate meta characters not to ignore necessary stuff.



Add 'use warnings' (or its equivalents) to all modules, or convince us that your favorite module is well-known enough and people can easily see the modules warn when something bad happens.

Error: W3C::SOAP::WADL::Document, W3C::SOAP::WADL::Document::Doc, W3C::SOAP::WADL::Document::Grammars, W3C::SOAP::WADL::Document::Link, W3C::SOAP::WADL::Document::Method, W3C::SOAP::WADL::Document::Option, W3C::SOAP::WADL::Document::Param, W3C::SOAP::WADL::Document::Representation, W3C::SOAP::WADL::Document::Request, W3C::SOAP::WADL::Document::Resource, W3C::SOAP::WADL::Document::ResourceType, W3C::SOAP::WADL::Document::Resources, W3C::SOAP::WADL::Document::Response


Split the distribution, or fix the version numbers to make them consistent (use the highest version number to avoid version downgrade).

Error: 0.002,v0.0.7


Name Abstract Version View
W3C::SOAP::WADL The base object for WADL clients. 0.002 metacpan
W3C::SOAP::WADL::Document The representation of the WADL document 0.002 metacpan
W3C::SOAP::WADL::Document::Doc <One-line description of module's purpose> 0.002 metacpan
W3C::SOAP::WADL::Document::Grammars <One-line description of module's purpose> 0.002 metacpan
W3C::SOAP::WADL::Document::Link <One-line description of module's purpose> 0.002 metacpan
W3C::SOAP::WADL::Document::Method <One-line description of module's purpose> 0.002 metacpan
W3C::SOAP::WADL::Document::Option <One-line description of module's purpose> 0.002 metacpan
W3C::SOAP::WADL::Document::Param <One-line description of module's purpose> 0.002 metacpan
W3C::SOAP::WADL::Document::Representation <One-line description of module's purpose> 0.002 metacpan
W3C::SOAP::WADL::Document::Request <One-line description of module's purpose> 0.002 metacpan
W3C::SOAP::WADL::Document::Resource <One-line description of module's purpose> 0.002 metacpan
W3C::SOAP::WADL::Document::ResourceType <One-line description of module's purpose> 0.002 metacpan
W3C::SOAP::WADL::Document::Resources <One-line description of module's purpose> 0.002 metacpan
W3C::SOAP::WADL::Document::Response <One-line description of module's purpose> 0.002 metacpan
W3C::SOAP::WADL::Element Provides ability to map inputted request object to response object. 0.002 metacpan
W3C::SOAP::WADL::Meta::Method Parameters needed for WADL operations. v0.0.7 metacpan
W3C::SOAP::WADL::Parser Parses a WADL file and produces a client for calling the specified webservice. 0.002 metacpan
W3C::SOAP::WADL::Traits Defines the extra attribute parameters for WADL parameters. 0.002 metacpan
W3C::SOAP::WADL::Utils WADL related utilities 0.002 metacpan

Other Files

Build.PL metacpan
Changes metacpan
MANIFEST metacpan
META.json metacpan
META.yml metacpan
Makefile.PL metacpan
README metacpan