Stancer 1.0.1-TRIAL
Kwalitee Issues
This is not the latest release. The following issues may have already been fixed in the newer releases.
- prereq_matches_use
List all used modules in META.yml requires
- DateTime::TimeZone
- HTTP::Status
- has_meta_json
Add a META.json to the distribution. Your buildtool should be able to autogenerate it.
- meta_yml_has_provides
Add all modules contained in this distribution to the META.yml field 'provides'. Module::Build or Dist::Zilla::Plugin::MetaProvides do this automatically for you.
Name | Abstract | Version | View |
Stancer | Stancer Perl library | 1.000001 | metacpan |
Stancer::Auth | Authentication configuration | 1.000001 | metacpan |
Stancer::Auth::Status | Auth status values | 1.000001 | metacpan |
Stancer::Card | Card representation | 1.000001 | metacpan |
Stancer::Config | API configuration | 1.000001 | metacpan |
Stancer::Core::Iterator | Abstract API object iterator | 1.000001 | metacpan |
Stancer::Core::Iterator::Dispute | Iterate through disputes | 1.000001 | metacpan |
Stancer::Core::Iterator::Payment | Iterate through payments | 1.000001 | metacpan |
Stancer::Core::Object | Basic API object | 1.000001 | metacpan |
Stancer::Core::Request | Handle API request | 1.000001 | metacpan |
Stancer::Core::Request::Call | Register API call | 1.000001 | metacpan |
Stancer::Core::Types | Internal types | 1.000001 | metacpan |
Stancer::Core::Types::ApiKeys | Internal ApiKeys types | 1.000001 | metacpan |
Stancer::Core::Types::Bank | Internal Bank types | 1.000001 | metacpan |
Stancer::Core::Types::Bases | Internal bases types | 1.000001 | metacpan |
Stancer::Core::Types::Dates | Internal dates types | 1.000001 | metacpan |
Stancer::Core::Types::Helper | Internal types helpers | 1.000001 | metacpan |
Stancer::Core::Types::Network | Internal network types | 1.000001 | metacpan |
Stancer::Core::Types::Object | Internal object types | 1.000001 | metacpan |
Stancer::Core::Types::String | Internal strings types | 1.000001 | metacpan |
Stancer::Customer | Customer representation | 1.000001 | metacpan |
Stancer::Device | Device representation | 1.000001 | metacpan |
Stancer::Dispute | Dispute representation | 1.000001 | metacpan |
Stancer::Exceptions::BadMethodCall | Invalid method call exception | 1.000001 | metacpan |
Stancer::Exceptions::Http | Abstract exception for every HTTP errors | 1.000001 | metacpan |
Stancer::Exceptions::Http::BadRequest | HTTP 400 - Bad request error | 1.000001 | metacpan |
Stancer::Exceptions::Http::ClientSide | HTTP 4xx - Client side error | 1.000001 | metacpan |
Stancer::Exceptions::Http::Conflict | HTTP 409 - Conflict error | 1.000001 | metacpan |
Stancer::Exceptions::Http::InternalServerError | HTTP 500 - Internal Server Error | 1.000001 | metacpan |
Stancer::Exceptions::Http::NotFound | HTTP 404 - Not found error | 1.000001 | metacpan |
Stancer::Exceptions::Http::ServerSide | HTTP 5xx - Server side error | 1.000001 | metacpan |
Stancer::Exceptions::Http::Unauthorized | HTTP 401 - Not authorized error | 1.000001 | metacpan |
Stancer::Exceptions::InvalidAmount | Invalid amount exception | 1.000001 | metacpan |
Stancer::Exceptions::InvalidArgument | Invalid argument exception | 1.000001 | metacpan |
Stancer::Exceptions::InvalidAuthInstance | Invalid Auth instance | 1.000001 | metacpan |
Stancer::Exceptions::InvalidBic | Invalid BIC | 1.000001 | metacpan |
Stancer::Exceptions::InvalidCardExpiration | Exception thrown on miss-validation with card expiration. | 1.000001 | metacpan |
Stancer::Exceptions::InvalidCardInstance | Invalid Card instance | 1.000001 | metacpan |
Stancer::Exceptions::InvalidCardNumber | Invalid card number | 1.000001 | metacpan |
Stancer::Exceptions::InvalidCardVerificationCode | Invalid CVC | 1.000001 | metacpan |
Stancer::Exceptions::InvalidCurrency | Invalid currency exception | 1.000001 | metacpan |
Stancer::Exceptions::InvalidCustomerInstance | Invalid Customer instance | 1.000001 | metacpan |
Stancer::Exceptions::InvalidDescription | Invalid description | 1.000001 | metacpan |
Stancer::Exceptions::InvalidDeviceInstance | Invalid Device instance | 1.000001 | metacpan |
Stancer::Exceptions::InvalidEmail | Invalid email address | 1.000001 | metacpan |
Stancer::Exceptions::InvalidExpirationMonth | Exception thrown on miss-validation with expiration month. | 1.000001 | metacpan |
Stancer::Exceptions::InvalidExpirationYear | Exception thrown on miss-validation with expiration year. | 1.000001 | metacpan |
Stancer::Exceptions::InvalidExternalId | Invalid external ID | 1.000001 | metacpan |
Stancer::Exceptions::InvalidIban | Invalid IBAN | 1.000001 | metacpan |
Stancer::Exceptions::InvalidIpAddress | Exception thrown on miss-validation with an IP address. | 1.000001 | metacpan |
Stancer::Exceptions::InvalidMethod | Invalid method | 1.000001 | metacpan |
Stancer::Exceptions::InvalidMobile | Invalid mobile phone number | 1.000001 | metacpan |
Stancer::Exceptions::InvalidName | Invalid name | 1.000001 | metacpan |
Stancer::Exceptions::InvalidOrderId | Invalid order ID | 1.000001 | metacpan |
Stancer::Exceptions::InvalidPaymentInstance | Invalid Payment instance | 1.000001 | metacpan |
Stancer::Exceptions::InvalidPort | Exception thrown on miss-validation with a port. | 1.000001 | metacpan |
Stancer::Exceptions::InvalidRefundInstance | Invalid Refund instance | 1.000001 | metacpan |
Stancer::Exceptions::InvalidSearchCreation | Invalid search creation date | 1.000001 | metacpan |
Stancer::Exceptions::InvalidSearchFilter | Invalid search filters | 1.000001 | metacpan |
Stancer::Exceptions::InvalidSearchLimit | Invalid search limit | 1.000001 | metacpan |
Stancer::Exceptions::InvalidSearchOrderId | Invalid search order ID | 1.000001 | metacpan |
Stancer::Exceptions::InvalidSearchStart | Invalid search start | 1.000001 | metacpan |
Stancer::Exceptions::InvalidSearchUniqueId | Invalid search unique ID | 1.000001 | metacpan |
Stancer::Exceptions::InvalidSearchUntilCreation | Invalid search until creation date | 1.000001 | metacpan |
Stancer::Exceptions::InvalidSepaCheckInstance | Invalid Sepa check instance | 1.000001 | metacpan |
Stancer::Exceptions::InvalidSepaInstance | Invalid Sepa instance | 1.000001 | metacpan |
Stancer::Exceptions::InvalidUniqueId | Invalid unique ID | 1.000001 | metacpan |
Stancer::Exceptions::InvalidUrl | Invalid URL | 1.000001 | metacpan |
Stancer::Exceptions::MissingApiKey | Missing API key exception | 1.000001 | metacpan |
Stancer::Exceptions::MissingPaymentId | Missing payment ID exception | 1.000001 | metacpan |
Stancer::Exceptions::MissingPaymentMethod | Missing payment method exception | 1.000001 | metacpan |
Stancer::Exceptions::MissingReturnUrl | Missing return URL exception | 1.000001 | metacpan |
Stancer::Exceptions::Throwable | Base exception | 1.000001 | metacpan |
Stancer::Payment | Stancer Perl library | 1.000001 | metacpan |
Stancer::Payment::Status | Payment status values | 1.000001 | metacpan |
Stancer::Refund | Representation of a refund | 1.000001 | metacpan |
Stancer::Refund::Status | Refund status values | 1.000001 | metacpan |
Stancer::Role::Amount::Read | Amount read-only role | 1.000001 | metacpan |
Stancer::Role::Amount::Write | Amount read/write role | 1.000001 | metacpan |
Stancer::Role::Country | Country role | 1.000001 | metacpan |
Stancer::Role::Name | Name role | 1.000001 | metacpan |
Stancer::Role::Payment::Auth | Payment authentication relative role | 1.000001 | metacpan |
Stancer::Role::Payment::Methods | Payment's methods relative role | 1.000001 | metacpan |
Stancer::Role::Payment::Page | Payment page relative role | 1.000001 | metacpan |
Stancer::Role::Payment::Refund | Payment refund relative role | 1.000001 | metacpan |
Stancer::Sepa | Representation of a SEPA account | 1.000001 | metacpan |
Stancer::Sepa::Check | This will SEPAmail, a french service allowing to verify bank details on SEPA. | 1.000001 | metacpan |
Stancer::Sepa::Check::Status | Sepa check status values | 1.000001 | metacpan |