Kwalitee Issues


List all used modules in META.yml requires


  • Class::Load


If you are using Build.PL define the {requires}{perl} = VERSION field. If you are using MakeMaker (Makefile.PL) you should upgrade ExtUtils::MakeMaker to 6.48 and use MIN_PERL_VERSION parameter. Perl::MinimumVersion can help you determine which version of Perl your module needs.


Add a META.json to the distribution. Your buildtool should be able to autogenerate it.


Add all modules contained in this distribution to the META.yml field 'provides'. Module::Build or Dist::Zilla::Plugin::MetaProvides do this automatically for you.


Name Abstract Version View
App::JESP Just Enough SQL Patches 0.011 metacpan
App::JESP::Cmd Command line interface. 0.011 metacpan
App::JESP::Cmd::Command Super class for all CLI commands. 0.011 metacpan
App::JESP::Cmd::Command::about Simple about command 0.011 metacpan
App::JESP::Cmd::Command::deploy Deploy Database patches in the DB 0.011 metacpan
App::JESP::Cmd::Command::install Install jesp meta data tables in the target database. 0.011 metacpan
App::JESP::Cmd::Command::status Shows the status of patches 0.011 metacpan
App::JESP::Cmd::CommandJESP Superclass for commands in need of a App::JESP instance. 0.011 metacpan
App::JESP::Driver DB Specific stuff superclass. 0.011 metacpan
App::JESP::Driver::Pg Pg (postgresql) driver. Subclasses App::JESP::Driver 0.011 metacpan
App::JESP::Driver::SQLite SQLite driver. Subclasses App::JESP::Driver 0.011 metacpan
App::JESP::Driver::mysql mysql driver. Subclasses App::JESP::Driver 0.011 metacpan
App::JESP::Patch A patch 0.011 metacpan
App::JESP::Plan Represents a patching plan 0.011 metacpan

Other Files

Changes metacpan
MANIFEST metacpan
META.yml metacpan
Makefile.PL metacpan
README metacpan metacpan
cpanfile metacpan
dist.ini metacpan