Perl-ToPerl6 0.01 Deleted
Kwalitee Issues
This is not the latest release. The following issues may have already been fixed in the newer releases.
No Core Issues.
- meta_yml_declares_perl_version
If you are using Build.PL define the {requires}{perl} = VERSION field. If you are using MakeMaker (Makefile.PL) you should upgrade ExtUtils::MakeMaker to 6.48 and use MIN_PERL_VERSION parameter. Perl::MinimumVersion can help you determine which version of Perl your module needs.
- no_unauthorized_packages
Ask the owner of the distribution (the one who released it first, or the one who is designated in x_authority) to give you a (co-)maintainer's permission.
- Perl::ToPerl6
- Perl::ToPerl6::Annotation
- Perl::ToPerl6::Command
- Perl::ToPerl6::Config
- Perl::ToPerl6::Document
- Perl::ToPerl6::Exception
- Perl::ToPerl6::Exception::AggregateConfiguration
- Perl::ToPerl6::Exception::Configuration
- Perl::ToPerl6::Exception::Configuration::Generic
- Perl::ToPerl6::Exception::Configuration::NonExistentTransformer
- Perl::ToPerl6::Exception::Configuration::Option
- Perl::ToPerl6::Exception::Configuration::Option::Global
- Perl::ToPerl6::Exception::Configuration::Option::Global::ExtraParameter
- Perl::ToPerl6::Exception::Configuration::Option::Global::ParameterValue
- Perl::ToPerl6::Exception::Configuration::Option::Transformer
- Perl::ToPerl6::Exception::Configuration::Option::Transformer::ExtraParameter
- Perl::ToPerl6::Exception::Configuration::Option::Transformer::ParameterValue
- Perl::ToPerl6::Exception::Fatal
- Perl::ToPerl6::Exception::Fatal::Generic
- Perl::ToPerl6::Exception::Fatal::Internal
- Perl::ToPerl6::Exception::Fatal::TransformerDefinition
- Perl::ToPerl6::Exception::IO
- Perl::ToPerl6::Exception::Parse
- Perl::ToPerl6::OptionsProcessor
- Perl::ToPerl6::ProfilePrototype
- Perl::ToPerl6::Statistics
- Perl::ToPerl6::TestUtils
- Perl::ToPerl6::Theme
- Perl::ToPerl6::ThemeListing
- Perl::ToPerl6::Transformation
- Perl::ToPerl6::Transformer
- Perl::ToPerl6::Transformer::Arrays::FormatArrayQws
- Perl::ToPerl6::Transformer::BasicTypes::Integers::FormatBinaryLiterals
- Perl::ToPerl6::Transformer::BasicTypes::Integers::FormatHexLiterals
- Perl::ToPerl6::Transformer::BasicTypes::Integers::FormatOctalLiterals
- Perl::ToPerl6::Transformer::BasicTypes::Rationals::FormatRationals
- Perl::ToPerl6::Transformer::BasicTypes::Strings::FormatHereDocs
- Perl::ToPerl6::Transformer::BasicTypes::Strings::FormatRegexp
- Perl::ToPerl6::Transformer::BasicTypes::Strings::FormatShellStrings
- Perl::ToPerl6::Transformer::BasicTypes::Strings::Interpolation
- Perl::ToPerl6::Transformer::Builtins::FormatPrint
- Perl::ToPerl6::Transformer::CompoundStatements::AddWhitespace
- Perl::ToPerl6::Transformer::CompoundStatements::FormatConditionals
- Perl::ToPerl6::Transformer::CompoundStatements::FormatGivenWhens
- Perl::ToPerl6::Transformer::CompoundStatements::FormatLoops
- Perl::ToPerl6::Transformer::CompoundStatements::FormatMapGreps
- Perl::ToPerl6::Transformer::CompoundStatements::FormatUntils
- Perl::ToPerl6::Transformer::CompoundStatements::RenameForeach
- Perl::ToPerl6::Transformer::CompoundStatements::SwapForArguments
- Perl::ToPerl6::Transformer::FormatConstants
- Perl::ToPerl6::Transformer::FormatSpecialLiterals
- Perl::ToPerl6::Transformer::Operators::AddWhitespace
- Perl::ToPerl6::Transformer::Operators::FormatCircumfixOperators
- Perl::ToPerl6::Transformer::Operators::FormatOperators
- Perl::ToPerl6::Transformer::Packages::FormatPackageDeclarations
- Perl::ToPerl6::Transformer::Packages::FormatPackageUsages
- Perl::ToPerl6::Transformer::PostfixExpressions::AddWhitespace
- Perl::ToPerl6::Transformer::Pragmas::FormatPragmas
- Perl::ToPerl6::Transformer::References::FormatDereferences
- Perl::ToPerl6::Transformer::Regexes::StandardizeDelimiters
- Perl::ToPerl6::Transformer::Regexes::SwapModifiers
- Perl::ToPerl6::Transformer::Subroutines::RemovePrototypes
- Perl::ToPerl6::Transformer::Variables::FormatHashKeys
- Perl::ToPerl6::Transformer::Variables::FormatMatchVariables
- Perl::ToPerl6::Transformer::Variables::FormatSigils
- Perl::ToPerl6::Transformer::Variables::FormatSpecialVariables
- Perl::ToPerl6::Transformer::Variables::ReplaceUndef
- Perl::ToPerl6::TransformerConfig
- Perl::ToPerl6::TransformerFactory
- Perl::ToPerl6::TransformerListing
- Perl::ToPerl6::TransformerParameter
- Perl::ToPerl6::TransformerParameter::Behavior
- Perl::ToPerl6::TransformerParameter::Behavior::Boolean
- Perl::ToPerl6::TransformerParameter::Behavior::Enumeration
- Perl::ToPerl6::TransformerParameter::Behavior::Integer
- Perl::ToPerl6::TransformerParameter::Behavior::String
- Perl::ToPerl6::TransformerParameter::Behavior::StringList
- Perl::ToPerl6::UserProfile
- Perl::ToPerl6::Utils
- Perl::ToPerl6::Utils::Constants
- Perl::ToPerl6::Utils::DataConversion
- Perl::ToPerl6::Utils::McCabe
- Perl::ToPerl6::Utils::POD
- Perl::ToPerl6::Utils::PPI
- Perl::ToPerl6::Utils::Perl
- Test::Perl::ToPerl6::Transformer
Name | Abstract | Version | View |
Perl::ToPerl6 | Critique Perl source code for best-practices. | 0.01 | metacpan |
Perl::ToPerl6::Annotation | A "## no mogrify" annotation in a document. | 0.01 | metacpan |
Perl::ToPerl6::Command | Guts of L<perlmogrify|perlmogrify>. | 0.01 | metacpan |
Perl::ToPerl6::Config | The final derived Perl::ToPerl6 configuration, combined from any profile file and command-line parameters. | 0.01 | metacpan |
Perl::ToPerl6::Document | Caching wrapper around a PPI::Document. | 0.01 | metacpan |
Perl::ToPerl6::Exception | A problem identified by L<Perl::ToPerl6|Perl::ToPerl6>. | 0.01 | metacpan |
Perl::ToPerl6::Exception::AggregateConfiguration | A collection of a set of problems found in the configuration and/or command-line options. | 0.01 | metacpan |
Perl::ToPerl6::Exception::Configuration | A problem with L<Perl::ToPerl6|Perl::ToPerl6> configuration. | 0.01 | metacpan |
Perl::ToPerl6::Exception::Configuration::Generic | A problem with L<Perl::ToPerl6|Perl::ToPerl6> configuration that doesn't involve an option. | 0.01 | metacpan |
Perl::ToPerl6::Exception::Configuration::NonExistentTransformer | The configuration referred to a non-existent policy. | 0.01 | metacpan |
Perl::ToPerl6::Exception::Configuration::Option | A problem with an option in the L<Perl::ToPerl6|Perl::ToPerl6> configuration. | 0.01 | metacpan |
Perl::ToPerl6::Exception::Configuration::Option::Global | A problem with L<Perl::ToPerl6|Perl::ToPerl6> global configuration. | 0.01 | metacpan |
Perl::ToPerl6::Exception::Configuration::Option::Global::ExtraParameter | The configuration referred to a non-existent global option. | 0.01 | metacpan |
Perl::ToPerl6::Exception::Configuration::Option::Global::ParameterValue | A problem with the value of a global parameter. | 0.01 | metacpan |
Perl::ToPerl6::Exception::Configuration::Option::Transformer | 0.01 | metacpan | |
Perl::ToPerl6::Exception::Configuration::Option::Transformer::ExtraParameter | The configuration referred to a non-existent parameter for a policy. | 0.01 | metacpan |
Perl::ToPerl6::Exception::Configuration::Option::Transformer::ParameterValue | A problem with the value of a parameter for a policy. | 0.01 | metacpan |
Perl::ToPerl6::Exception::Fatal | A problem that should cause L<Perl::ToPerl6|Perl::ToPerl6> to stop running. | 0.01 | metacpan |
Perl::ToPerl6::Exception::Fatal::Generic | A problem for which there is no specialized information. | 0.01 | metacpan |
Perl::ToPerl6::Exception::Fatal::Internal | A problem with the L<Perl::ToPerl6|Perl::ToPerl6> implementation, i.e. a bug. | 0.01 | metacpan |
Perl::ToPerl6::Exception::Fatal::TransformerDefinition | A bug in a policy. | 0.01 | metacpan |
Perl::ToPerl6::Exception::IO | A problem with input or output. | 0.01 | metacpan |
Perl::ToPerl6::Exception::Parse | The code doesn't look like code. | 0.01 | metacpan |
Perl::ToPerl6::OptionsProcessor | The global configuration default values, combined with command-line values. | 0.01 | metacpan |
Perl::ToPerl6::ProfilePrototype | Generate an initial Perl::ToPerl6 profile. | 0.01 | metacpan |
Perl::ToPerl6::Statistics | Compile stats on Perl::ToPerl6 transformations. | 0.01 | metacpan |
Perl::ToPerl6::TestUtils | Utility functions for testing new Policies. | 0.01 | metacpan |
Perl::ToPerl6::Theme | Construct thematic sets of transformers. | 0.01 | metacpan |
Perl::ToPerl6::ThemeListing | List the themes of the installed Policies. | 0.01 | metacpan |
Perl::ToPerl6::Transformation | A transformation of a Transformer found in some source code. | 0.01 | metacpan |
Perl::ToPerl6::Transformer | Base class for all Transformer modules. | 0.01 | metacpan |
Perl::ToPerl6::Transformer::Arrays::FormatArrayQws | 0.01 | metacpan | |
Perl::ToPerl6::Transformer::BasicTypes::Integers::FormatBinaryLiterals | Format 0b0101 properly | 0.01 | metacpan |
Perl::ToPerl6::Transformer::BasicTypes::Integers::FormatHexLiterals | Format 0x1234 properly | 0.01 | metacpan |
Perl::ToPerl6::Transformer::BasicTypes::Integers::FormatOctalLiterals | Format 0o0123 properly | 0.01 | metacpan |
Perl::ToPerl6::Transformer::BasicTypes::Rationals::FormatRationals | Format 1.0, .1, 1. correctly | 0.01 | metacpan |
Perl::ToPerl6::Transformer::BasicTypes::Strings::FormatHereDocs | Format <<EOF constructs correctly | 0.01 | metacpan |
Perl::ToPerl6::Transformer::BasicTypes::Strings::FormatRegexp | Format regexps correctly | 0.01 | metacpan |
Perl::ToPerl6::Transformer::BasicTypes::Strings::FormatShellStrings | Format qx{} | 0.01 | metacpan |
Perl::ToPerl6::Transformer::BasicTypes::Strings::Interpolation | Format C<${x}> correctly | 0.01 | metacpan |
Perl::ToPerl6::Transformer::Builtins::FormatPrint | Format 'print $fh "expr"' | 0.01 | metacpan |
Perl::ToPerl6::Transformer::CompoundStatements::AddWhitespace | Add whitespace between conditionals 'if', 'unless' &c and () | 0.01 | metacpan |
Perl::ToPerl6::Transformer::CompoundStatements::FormatConditionals | Format if(), elsif(), unless() | 0.01 | metacpan |
Perl::ToPerl6::Transformer::CompoundStatements::FormatGivenWhens | Format given(), when() | 0.01 | metacpan |
Perl::ToPerl6::Transformer::CompoundStatements::FormatLoops | Format for(;;) loops | 0.01 | metacpan |
Perl::ToPerl6::Transformer::CompoundStatements::FormatMapGreps | Format map{}, grep{} | 0.01 | metacpan |
Perl::ToPerl6::Transformer::CompoundStatements::FormatUntils | Format until() | 0.01 | metacpan |
Perl::ToPerl6::Transformer::CompoundStatements::RenameForeach | Rename 'foreach' to 'for' | 0.01 | metacpan |
Perl::ToPerl6::Transformer::CompoundStatements::SwapForArguments | Swap C<for my $x ( @x ) { }> --> C<<for ( @x ) -> $x { }>> | 0.01 | metacpan |
Perl::ToPerl6::Transformer::FormatConstants | Transform Readonly and constant | 0.01 | metacpan |
Perl::ToPerl6::Transformer::FormatSpecialLiterals | Format __END__, __LINE__ &c | 0.01 | metacpan |
Perl::ToPerl6::Transformer::Operators::AddWhitespace | 0.01 | metacpan | |
Perl::ToPerl6::Transformer::Operators::FormatCircumfixOperators | Format the {}, [], () operators | 0.01 | metacpan |
Perl::ToPerl6::Transformer::Operators::FormatOperators | Transform '->', '!" &c to their Perl6 equivalents | 0.01 | metacpan |
Perl::ToPerl6::Transformer::Packages::FormatPackageDeclarations | Format 'package Foo;' declarations | 0.01 | metacpan |
Perl::ToPerl6::Transformer::Packages::FormatPackageUsages | Format 'use Foo;' to 'use Foo:from<Perl5>;' | 0.01 | metacpan |
Perl::ToPerl6::Transformer::PostfixExpressions::AddWhitespace | 0.01 | metacpan | |
Perl::ToPerl6::Transformer::Pragmas::FormatPragmas | 0.01 | metacpan | |
Perl::ToPerl6::Transformer::References::FormatDereferences | Transform %{$foo} to %($foo) | 0.01 | metacpan |
Perl::ToPerl6::Transformer::Regexes::StandardizeDelimiters | 0.01 | metacpan | |
Perl::ToPerl6::Transformer::Regexes::SwapModifiers | 0.01 | metacpan | |
Perl::ToPerl6::Transformer::Subroutines::RemovePrototypes | Remove ($)-style prototypes on subroutines. | 0.01 | metacpan |
Perl::ToPerl6::Transformer::Variables::FormatHashKeys | Transform bareword hash keys into quoted hash keys | 0.01 | metacpan |
Perl::ToPerl6::Transformer::Variables::FormatMatchVariables | 0.01 | metacpan | |
Perl::ToPerl6::Transformer::Variables::FormatSigils | Give variables their proper sigils. | 0.01 | metacpan |
Perl::ToPerl6::Transformer::Variables::FormatSpecialVariables | Format special variables such as @ARGV | 0.01 | metacpan |
Perl::ToPerl6::Transformer::Variables::ReplaceUndef | 0.01 | metacpan | |
Perl::ToPerl6::TransformerConfig | Configuration data for a Transformer. | 0.01 | metacpan |
Perl::ToPerl6::TransformerFactory | Instantiates Transformer objects. | 0.01 | metacpan |
Perl::ToPerl6::TransformerListing | Display minimal information about Policies. | 0.01 | metacpan |
Perl::ToPerl6::TransformerParameter | Metadata about a parameter for a Transformer. | 0.01 | metacpan |
Perl::ToPerl6::TransformerParameter::Behavior | Default type-specific actions for a parameter. | 0.01 | metacpan |
Perl::ToPerl6::TransformerParameter::Behavior::Boolean | Actions appropriate for a boolean parameter. | 0.01 | metacpan |
Perl::ToPerl6::TransformerParameter::Behavior::Enumeration | Actions appropriate for an enumerated value. | 0.01 | metacpan |
Perl::ToPerl6::TransformerParameter::Behavior::Integer | Actions appropriate for an integer parameter. | 0.01 | metacpan |
Perl::ToPerl6::TransformerParameter::Behavior::String | Actions appropriate for a simple string parameter. | 0.01 | metacpan |
Perl::ToPerl6::TransformerParameter::Behavior::StringList | Actions appropriate for a parameter that is a list of strings. | 0.01 | metacpan |
Perl::ToPerl6::UserProfile | The contents of the user's profile, often F<.perlmogrifyrc>. | 0.01 | metacpan |
Perl::ToPerl6::Utils | General utility subroutines and constants for Perl::ToPerl6 and derivative distributions. | 0.01 | metacpan |
Perl::ToPerl6::Utils::Constants | Global constants. | 0.01 | metacpan |
Perl::ToPerl6::Utils::DataConversion | Utilities for converting from one type of data to another. | 0.01 | metacpan |
Perl::ToPerl6::Utils::McCabe | Functions that calculate the McCabe score of source code. | 0.01 | metacpan |
Perl::ToPerl6::Utils::POD | Utility functions for dealing with POD. | 0.01 | metacpan |
Perl::ToPerl6::Utils::PPI | Utility functions for dealing with PPI objects. | 0.01 | metacpan |
Perl::ToPerl6::Utils::Perl | Utility functions for dealing with Perl language issues. | 0.01 | metacpan |
Test::Perl::ToPerl6::Transformer | A framework for testing your custom Policies | 0.01 | metacpan |