Kwalitee Issues


Add 'use strict' (or its equivalents) to all modules, or convince us that your favorite module is well-known enough and people can easily see the modules are strictly written.

Error: PMLTQ::ParserError


If you are using Build.PL define the {requires}{perl} = VERSION field. If you are using MakeMaker (Makefile.PL) you should upgrade ExtUtils::MakeMaker to 6.48 and use MIN_PERL_VERSION parameter. Perl::MinimumVersion can help you determine which version of Perl your module needs.


Add 'use warnings' (or its equivalents) to all modules, or convince us that your favorite module is well-known enough and people can easily see the modules warn when something bad happens.

Error: PMLTQ::ParserError


Name Abstract Version View
PMLTQ Query engine and query language for trees in PML format v2.0.0 metacpan
PMLTQ::BtredEvaluator Pure perl evaluator of PML-TQ queries based on headless implementation of TrEd called Btred v2.0.0 metacpan
PMLTQ::CGI [DEPRECATED] This is html fronted for SQLEvaluator and is currently being replaced by PMLTQ::Server v2.0.0 metacpan
PMLTQ::Common Helper functions mainly for PML manipulations v2.0.0 metacpan
PMLTQ::Grammar Provides L<Parse::RecDescent> grammar for parsing PML-TQ queries v2.0.0 metacpan
PMLTQ::Loader Module loader for L<PMLTQ::Relation|PMLTQ::Relation>s inspired by L<Mojo::Loader> v2.0.0 metacpan
PMLTQ::NG2PMLTQ [DEPRECATED] Conversion functions from NetGraph to PML-TQ v2.0.0 metacpan
PMLTQ::PML2BASE Convert from PML to SQL v2.0.0 metacpan
PMLTQ::ParserError Wrapper for parsing error v2.0.0 metacpan
PMLTQ::Planner Optimalizing search trees for BtredEvaluator v2.0.0 metacpan
PMLTQ::Relation Base class for all Relations standard or user defined v2.0.0 metacpan
PMLTQ::Relation::AncestorIterator Iterates over ancestor nodes v2.0.0 metacpan
PMLTQ::Relation::AncestorIteratorWithBoundedDepth Iterates over ancestor nodes to given bound v2.0.0 metacpan
PMLTQ::Relation::ChildnodeIterator Iterates over child nodes v2.0.0 metacpan
PMLTQ::Relation::CurrentFileIterator Iterates nodes of TredMacro::CurrentFile() v2.0.0 metacpan
PMLTQ::Relation::CurrentFilelistIterator Iterates over files of given file list (calling TredMacro::NextFile()) v2.0.0 metacpan
PMLTQ::Relation::CurrentFilelistTreesIterator Iterates over trees in files of given file list (calling TredMacro::NextFile()) v2.0.0 metacpan
PMLTQ::Relation::CurrentTreeIterator Iterates over nodes of current tree v2.0.0 metacpan
PMLTQ::Relation::DepthFirstFollowsIterator Iterates tree using depth first search calling $node->previous v2.0.0 metacpan
PMLTQ::Relation::DepthFirstPrecedesIterator Iterates tree using depth first search calling $node->following v2.0.0 metacpan
PMLTQ::Relation::DepthFirstRangeIterator Iterates tree using depth first search in given boundaries v2.0.0 metacpan
PMLTQ::Relation::DescendantIterator Iterates over descendant nodes v2.0.0 metacpan
PMLTQ::Relation::DescendantIteratorWithBoundedDepth Iterates over descendant nodes in given boundaries v2.0.0 metacpan
PMLTQ::Relation::FSFileIterator Iterates nodes of given fsfile v2.0.0 metacpan
PMLTQ::Relation::Iterator Base Iterator class v2.0.0 metacpan
PMLTQ::Relation::MemberIterator Iterates over member nodes of given list v2.0.0 metacpan
PMLTQ::Relation::OptionalIterator Creates optional interator branch v2.0.0 metacpan
PMLTQ::Relation::OrderIterator Interates nodes based on their order v2.0.0 metacpan
PMLTQ::Relation::PDT PDT user defined relations v2.0.0 metacpan
PMLTQ::Relation::PDT::AEChildIterator Effective child relation iterator on a-nodes for PDT like treebanks v2.0.0 metacpan
PMLTQ::Relation::PDT::AEParentIterator Effective parent relation iterator on a-nodes for PDT like treebanks v2.0.0 metacpan
PMLTQ::Relation::PDT::ALexOrAuxRFIterator a/lex.rf or a/aux.rf relation iterator for PDT like treebanks v2.0.0 metacpan
PMLTQ::Relation::PDT::TEChildIterator Effective child relation iterator on t-nodes for PDT like treebanks v2.0.0 metacpan
PMLTQ::Relation::PDT::TEParentIterator Effective parent relation iterator on t-nodes for PDT like treebanks v2.0.0 metacpan
PMLTQ::Relation::PMLREFIterator Iterates over PML reference v2.0.0 metacpan
PMLTQ::Relation::ParentIterator Evaluates condition on the parent of start node v2.0.0 metacpan
PMLTQ::Relation::SameTreeIterator Evaluates condition on nodes of current tree v2.0.0 metacpan
PMLTQ::Relation::SiblingIterator Iterates over siblings given node v2.0.0 metacpan
PMLTQ::Relation::SiblingIteratorWithDistance Iterates over siblings given node with boudaries v2.0.0 metacpan
PMLTQ::Relation::SimpleListIterator Base class for all iterators that iterates on a list of nodes v2.0.0 metacpan
PMLTQ::Relation::TransitiveIterator Iterates over nodes that are transitive v2.0.0 metacpan
PMLTQ::Relation::TreeIterator Evaluates condition on the whole tree of given node v2.0.0 metacpan
PMLTQ::Relation::Treex Treex user defined relations v2.0.0 metacpan
PMLTQ::Relation::Treex::AEChildCIterator Different implementation of effective child relation iterator on a-nodes for Treex treebanks v2.0.0 metacpan
PMLTQ::Relation::Treex::AEChildIterator Effective child relation iterator on a-nodes for Treex treebanks v2.0.0 metacpan
PMLTQ::Relation::Treex::AEParentCIterator Different implementation of effective parent relation iterator on a-nodes for Treex treebanks v2.0.0 metacpan
PMLTQ::Relation::Treex::AEParentIterator Effective parent relation iterator on a-nodes for Treex treebanks v2.0.0 metacpan
PMLTQ::Relation::Treex::TEChildIterator Effective child relation iterator on t-nodes for Treex treebanks v2.0.0 metacpan
PMLTQ::Relation::Treex::TEParentIterator Effective parent relation iterator on t-nodes for Treex treebanks v2.0.0 metacpan
PMLTQ::Relation::TreexFileIterator Same as L<PMLTQ::Relation::FileIterator> but for Treex files v2.0.0 metacpan
PMLTQ::Relation::TreexFilelistIterator Same as L<PMLTQ::Relation::FileListIterator> but for Treex files v2.0.0 metacpan
PMLTQ::SQLEvaluator SQL evaluator of PML-TQ queries which can use PostreSQL as a backend v2.0.0 metacpan
PMLTQ::TypeMapper Helper methods for PML::Schema, relations and PML::Node types v2.0.0 metacpan

Other Files

Build.PL metacpan
Changes metacpan
MANIFEST metacpan
META.json metacpan
META.yml metacpan
README metacpan