
Name Abstract Version View
Constructor::Sugar export constructor syntax sugar 0.152700 metacpan
Constructor::SugarLibrary build a library of generic constructor syntax sugar 0.152700 metacpan
MooX::BuildClass build a Moo class at runtime 0.152700 metacpan
MooX::BuildClass::Utils methods for MooX::BuildClass and MooX::BuildRole 0.152700 metacpan
MooX::BuildRole build a Moo role at runtime 0.152700 metacpan
MooX::SugarFactory build a library of syntax-sugared Moo classes 0.152700 metacpan
Throwable::SugarFactory build a library of syntax-sugared Throwable-based exceptions 0.152700 metacpan
Throwable::SugarFactory::Hashable role provides a generic to_hash function for Throwable exceptions 0.152700 metacpan
Throwable::SugarFactory::Utils provide utility functions for Throwable::SugarFactory and friends 0.152700 metacpan

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