Kwalitee Issues


List all used modules in META.yml requires


  • parent


Remove the POD errors. You can check for POD errors automatically by including Test::Pod to your test suite.

Error: App-bif-0.1.5_3/lib/App/bif/ -- Around line 51: '=item' outside of any '=over' App-bif-0.1.5_3/lib/App/bif/push/ -- Around line 58: =cut found outside a pod block. Skipping to next block. Around line 96: =cut found outside a pod block. Skipping to next block. App-bif-0.1.5_3/lib/Bif/ -- Around line 197: =cut found outside a pod block. Skipping to next block. Around line 245: =cut found outside a pod block. Skipping to next block.


Add all modules contained in this distribution to the META.yml field 'provides'. Module::Build or Dist::Zilla::Plugin::MetaProvides do this automatically for you.


This is not a critical issue. Currently mainly informative for the CPANTS authors. It might be removed later.


Name Abstract Version View
App::bif 0.1.5_3 metacpan
App::bif::Build build-time constants for App-bif 0.1.5_3 metacpan
App::bif::Editor metacpan
App::bif::LAA 0.1.5_3 metacpan
App::bif::OptArgs 0.1.5_3 metacpan
App::bif::Pager metacpan
App::bif::check 0.1.5_3 metacpan
App::bif::drop 0.1.5_3 metacpan
App::bif::drop::change 0.1.5_3 metacpan
App::bif::drop::hub 0.1.5_3 metacpan
App::bif::drop::issue 0.1.5_3 metacpan
App::bif::drop::project 0.1.5_3 metacpan
App::bif::drop::task 0.1.5_3 metacpan
App::bif::init 0.1.5_3 metacpan
App::bif::list::entities 0.1.5_3 metacpan
App::bif::list::hosts 0.1.5_3 metacpan
App::bif::list::hubs 0.1.5_3 metacpan
App::bif::list::identities 0.1.5_3 metacpan
App::bif::list::issue_status 0.1.5_3 metacpan
App::bif::list::issues 0.1.5_3 metacpan
App::bif::list::plans 0.1.5_3 metacpan
App::bif::list::project_status 0.1.5_3 metacpan
App::bif::list::projects 0.1.5_3 metacpan
App::bif::list::providers 0.1.5_3 metacpan
App::bif::list::tables 0.1.5_3 metacpan
App::bif::list::task_status 0.1.5_3 metacpan
App::bif::list::tasks 0.1.5_3 metacpan
App::bif::list::topics 0.1.5_3 metacpan
App::bif::log 0.1.5_3 metacpan
App::bif::log::hub 0.1.5_3 metacpan
App::bif::log::identity 0.1.5_3 metacpan
App::bif::log::issue 0.1.5_3 metacpan
App::bif::log::project 0.1.5_3 metacpan
App::bif::log::task 0.1.5_3 metacpan
App::bif::new::hub 0.1.5_3 metacpan
App::bif::new::identity 0.1.5_3 metacpan
App::bif::new::issue 0.1.5_3 metacpan
App::bif::new::project 0.1.5_3 metacpan
App::bif::new::repo 0.1.5_3 metacpan
App::bif::new::task 0.1.5_3 metacpan
App::bif::pull::hub 0.1.5_3 metacpan
App::bif::pull::identity 0.1.5_3 metacpan
App::bif::pull::project 0.1.5_3 metacpan
App::bif::push::issue 0.1.5_3 metacpan
App::bif::push::project 0.1.5_3 metacpan
App::bif::show 0.1.5_3 metacpan
App::bif::show::change 0.1.5_3 metacpan
App::bif::show::entity 0.1.5_3 metacpan
App::bif::show::hub 0.1.5_3 metacpan
App::bif::show::identity 0.1.5_3 metacpan
App::bif::show::issue 0.1.5_3 metacpan
App::bif::show::plan 0.1.5_3 metacpan
App::bif::show::project 0.1.5_3 metacpan
App::bif::show::table 0.1.5_3 metacpan
App::bif::show::task 0.1.5_3 metacpan
App::bif::show::timesheet 0.1.5_3 metacpan
App::bif::show::version 0.1.5_3 metacpan
App::bif::sql 0.1.5_3 metacpan
App::bif::sync 0.1.5_3 metacpan
App::bif::update 0.1.5_3 metacpan
App::bif::update::hub 0.1.5_3 metacpan
App::bif::update::identity 0.1.5_3 metacpan
App::bif::update::issue 0.1.5_3 metacpan
App::bif::update::project 0.1.5_3 metacpan
App::bif::update::task 0.1.5_3 metacpan
App::bif::upgrade 0.1.5_3 metacpan
App::bif::wlog 0.1.5_3 metacpan
App::bif::work 0.1.5_3 metacpan
App::bifsync Bifax synchronisation server 0.1.5_3 metacpan
Bif::DB 0.1.5_3 metacpan
Bif::DB::Plugin::ChangeIDv1 0.1.5_3 metacpan
Bif::DB::Plugin::ChangeUUIDv1 0.1.5_3 metacpan
Bif::DBW 0.1.5_3 metacpan
Bif::Mo metacpan
Bif::Sync 0.1.5_3 metacpan
Bif::Sync::Client 0.1.5_3 metacpan
Bif::Sync::Plugin::Identity 0.1.5_3 metacpan
Bif::Sync::Plugin::Project 0.1.5_3 metacpan
Bif::Sync::Plugin::Repo 0.1.5_3 metacpan
Bif::Sync::Server 0.1.5_3 metacpan

Other Files

Changes metacpan
MANIFEST metacpan
META.json metacpan
META.yml metacpan
Makefile.PL metacpan
README metacpan
cpanfile metacpan