Kwalitee Issues


Remove the POD errors. You can check for POD errors automatically by including Test::Pod to your test suite.

Error: DDC-Concordance-0.44/lib/DDC/ -- Around line 141: Non-ASCII character seen before =encoding in '§)'. Assuming CP1252


Add 'use warnings' (or its equivalents) to all modules, or convince us that your favorite module is well-known enough and people can easily see the modules warn when something bad happens.

Error: DDC::Any, DDC::Client, DDC::Client::Distributed, DDC::Concordance, DDC::Filter, DDC::Format, DDC::Format::Dumper, DDC::Format::JSON, DDC::Format::Kwic, DDC::Format::Raw, DDC::Format::Template, DDC::Format::Text, DDC::Format::YAML, DDC::Hit, DDC::HitList, DDC::PP, DDC::PP::CQCount, DDC::PP::CQFilter, DDC::PP::CQuery, DDC::PP::CQueryCompiler, DDC::PP::CQueryOptions, DDC::PP::Constants, DDC::PP::Object, DDC::PP::yyqlexer, DDC::PP::yyqparser, DDC::Utils


Fix the version numbers so that version::is_lax($version) returns true.


  • lib/DDC/ HASH(0x55607bc344d8)
  • lib/DDC/ HASH(0x55607bc5b810)


Add all modules contained in this distribution to the META.yml field 'provides'. Module::Build or Dist::Zilla::Plugin::MetaProvides do this automatically for you.


This is not a critical issue. Currently mainly informative for the CPANTS authors. It might be removed later.


Name Abstract Version View
DDC::Any abstract wrapper for DDC::XS or DDC::PP metacpan
DDC::Client Client socket object and utilities for DDC::Concordance metacpan
DDC::Client::Distributed compatibility alias for DDC::Client metacpan
DDC::Concordance Query and wrapper utilities for DDC search engine 0.44 metacpan
DDC::Filter DDC Query utilities: server filters (wrapper sockets) metacpan
DDC::Format Abstract output formatting API for DDC hits metacpan
DDC::Format::Dumper Data::Dumper formatting for DDC hits metacpan
DDC::Format::JSON JSON formatting for DDC hits metacpan
DDC::Format::Kwic Keyword-in-context (KWIC) formatting for DDC hits metacpan
DDC::Format::Raw raw formatting for DDC hits metacpan
DDC::Format::Template Template-based formatting for DDC hits metacpan
DDC::Format::Text human-readable text formatting for DDC hits metacpan
DDC::Format::YAML YAML::XS formatting for DDC hits metacpan
DDC::Hit Hit structure for DDC query utilities metacpan
DDC::HitList query response structure for DDC query utilities metacpan
DDC::PP pure-perl drop-in replacements for DDC::XS module metacpan
DDC::PP::CQCount pure-perl implementation of DDC::XS::CQCount metacpan
DDC::PP::CQFilter pure-perl implementation of DDC::XS::CQFilter metacpan
DDC::PP::CQuery pure-perl implementation of DDC::XS::CQueryCompiler metacpan
DDC::PP::CQueryCompiler metacpan
DDC::PP::CQueryOptions pure-perl implementation of DDC::XS::CQueryOptions metacpan
DDC::PP::Constants pure-perl DDC::XS clone: constants metacpan
DDC::PP::Object common perl base class for DDC::PP objects metacpan
DDC::PP::yyqlexer query lexer (low-level) metacpan
DDC::PP::yyqparser low-level Parse::Yapp parser for DDC::Query::Parser [DEPRECATED] metacpan
DDC::Utils various utilities for DDC::Concordance bindings metacpan


Name File View
DDC::Any::Object lib/DDC/ metacpan
DDC::PP::CQAnd lib/DDC/PP/ metacpan
DDC::PP::CQAndImplicit lib/DDC/PP/ metacpan
DDC::PP::CQAtomic lib/DDC/PP/ metacpan
DDC::PP::CQBinOp lib/DDC/PP/ metacpan
DDC::PP::CQCountKeyExpr lib/DDC/PP/ metacpan
DDC::PP::CQCountKeyExprBibl lib/DDC/PP/ metacpan
DDC::PP::CQCountKeyExprConstant lib/DDC/PP/ metacpan
DDC::PP::CQCountKeyExprDate lib/DDC/PP/ metacpan
DDC::PP::CQCountKeyExprDateSlice lib/DDC/PP/ metacpan
DDC::PP::CQCountKeyExprFileId lib/DDC/PP/ metacpan
DDC::PP::CQCountKeyExprFileName lib/DDC/PP/ metacpan
DDC::PP::CQCountKeyExprIndexed lib/DDC/PP/ metacpan
DDC::PP::CQCountKeyExprList lib/DDC/PP/ metacpan
DDC::PP::CQCountKeyExprMeta lib/DDC/PP/ metacpan
DDC::PP::CQCountKeyExprRegex lib/DDC/PP/ metacpan
DDC::PP::CQCountKeyExprToken lib/DDC/PP/ metacpan
DDC::PP::CQFBiblSort lib/DDC/PP/ metacpan
DDC::PP::CQFContextSort lib/DDC/PP/ metacpan
DDC::PP::CQFDateSort lib/DDC/PP/ metacpan
DDC::PP::CQFHasField lib/DDC/PP/ metacpan
DDC::PP::CQFHasFieldInfix lib/DDC/PP/ metacpan
DDC::PP::CQFHasFieldPrefix lib/DDC/PP/ metacpan
DDC::PP::CQFHasFieldRegex lib/DDC/PP/ metacpan
DDC::PP::CQFHasFieldSet lib/DDC/PP/ metacpan
DDC::PP::CQFHasFieldSuffix lib/DDC/PP/ metacpan
DDC::PP::CQFHasFieldValue lib/DDC/PP/ metacpan
DDC::PP::CQFRandomSort lib/DDC/PP/ metacpan
DDC::PP::CQFRankSort lib/DDC/PP/ metacpan
DDC::PP::CQFSizeSort lib/DDC/PP/ metacpan
DDC::PP::CQFSort lib/DDC/PP/ metacpan
DDC::PP::CQKeys lib/DDC/PP/ metacpan
DDC::PP::CQNear lib/DDC/PP/ metacpan
DDC::PP::CQNegatable lib/DDC/PP/ metacpan
DDC::PP::CQOr lib/DDC/PP/ metacpan
DDC::PP::CQSeq lib/DDC/PP/ metacpan
DDC::PP::CQTokAnchor lib/DDC/PP/ metacpan
DDC::PP::CQTokAny lib/DDC/PP/ metacpan
DDC::PP::CQTokChunk lib/DDC/PP/ metacpan
DDC::PP::CQTokExact lib/DDC/PP/ metacpan
DDC::PP::CQTokFile lib/DDC/PP/ metacpan
DDC::PP::CQTokInfix lib/DDC/PP/ metacpan
DDC::PP::CQTokInfixSet lib/DDC/PP/ metacpan
DDC::PP::CQTokInfl lib/DDC/PP/ metacpan
DDC::PP::CQTokLemma lib/DDC/PP/ metacpan
DDC::PP::CQTokMorph lib/DDC/PP/ metacpan
DDC::PP::CQTokPrefix lib/DDC/PP/ metacpan
DDC::PP::CQTokPrefixSet lib/DDC/PP/ metacpan
DDC::PP::CQTokRegex lib/DDC/PP/ metacpan
DDC::PP::CQTokSet lib/DDC/PP/ metacpan
DDC::PP::CQTokSetInfl lib/DDC/PP/ metacpan
DDC::PP::CQTokSuffix lib/DDC/PP/ metacpan
DDC::PP::CQTokSuffixSet lib/DDC/PP/ metacpan
DDC::PP::CQTokThes lib/DDC/PP/ metacpan
DDC::PP::CQToken lib/DDC/PP/ metacpan
DDC::PP::CQWith lib/DDC/PP/ metacpan
DDC::PP::CQWithor lib/DDC/PP/ metacpan
DDC::PP::CQWithout lib/DDC/PP/ metacpan

Other Files

Changes metacpan
MANIFEST metacpan
META.json metacpan
META.yml metacpan
Makefile.PL metacpan
README.txt metacpan