App-DuckPAN 1010
Kwalitee Issues
- use_strict
Add 'use strict' (or its equivalents) to all modules, or convince us that your favorite module is well-known enough and people can easily see the modules are strictly written.
Error: App::DuckPAN::Cmd::Query, App::DuckPAN::Cmd::Test
- prereq_matches_use
List all used modules in META.yml requires
- DDG::Meta::Data
- DDG::Request
- DDG::Test::Language
- DDG::Test::Location
- meta_yml_declares_perl_version
If you are using Build.PL define the {requires}{perl} = VERSION field. If you are using MakeMaker (Makefile.PL) you should upgrade ExtUtils::MakeMaker to 6.48 and use MIN_PERL_VERSION parameter. Perl::MinimumVersion can help you determine which version of Perl your module needs.
- use_warnings
Add 'use warnings' (or its equivalents) to all modules, or convince us that your favorite module is well-known enough and people can easily see the modules warn when something bad happens.
Error: App::DuckPAN::Cmd::Query, App::DuckPAN::Cmd::Test
- meta_yml_has_provides
Add all modules contained in this distribution to the META.yml field 'provides'. Module::Build or Dist::Zilla::Plugin::MetaProvides do this automatically for you.
Name | Abstract | Version | View |
App::DuckPAN | The DuckDuckGo DuckPAN client | 1010 | metacpan |
App::DuckPAN::Cmd | Base class for commands of DuckPAN | 1010 | metacpan |
App::DuckPAN::Cmd::Check | Command for checking the requirements | 1010 | metacpan |
App::DuckPAN::Cmd::Env | Env command class | 1010 | metacpan |
App::DuckPAN::Cmd::Env::Cmd | Base class for Env commands | 1010 | metacpan |
App::DuckPAN::Cmd::Env::Cmd::Get | Gets the specified env variable | 1010 | metacpan |
App::DuckPAN::Cmd::Env::Cmd::Help | List commands and usage | 1010 | metacpan |
App::DuckPAN::Cmd::Env::Cmd::List | List all env variables | 1010 | metacpan |
App::DuckPAN::Cmd::Env::Cmd::Rm | Removes the specified env variable | 1010 | metacpan |
App::DuckPAN::Cmd::Env::Cmd::Set | Sets the specified env variable value | 1010 | metacpan |
App::DuckPAN::Cmd::Help | Launch help page | 1010 | metacpan |
App::DuckPAN::Cmd::Install | Install the distribution in current directory | 1010 | metacpan |
App::DuckPAN::Cmd::Installdeps | Regular way to install requirements with tests | 1010 | metacpan |
App::DuckPAN::Cmd::New | Take a name as input and generates a new, named Goodie or Spice instant answer skeleton | 1010 | metacpan |
App::DuckPAN::Cmd::Publisher | Starting up the publisher test webserver | 1010 | metacpan |
App::DuckPAN::Cmd::Query | Command line tool for testing queries and see triggered instant answers | 1010 | metacpan |
App::DuckPAN::Cmd::Roadrunner | Install requirements as fast as possible | 1010 | metacpan |
App::DuckPAN::Cmd::Server | Starting up the web server to test instant answers | 1010 | metacpan |
App::DuckPAN::Cmd::Test | Command for running the tests of this library | 1010 | metacpan |
App::DuckPAN::Config | Configuration class of the duckpan client | 1010 | metacpan |
App::DuckPAN::DDG | DDG related functionality of duckpan | 1010 | metacpan |
App::DuckPAN::Fathead | Searches a given output.txt file for a query match | 1010 | metacpan |
App::DuckPAN::HasApp | Simple role for classes which carry an object of App::DuckPAN | 1010 | metacpan |
App::DuckPAN::Option::Global | Commands that can be run from anywhere. | 1010 | metacpan |
App::DuckPAN::Perl | Perl related functionality for duckpan | 1010 | metacpan |
App::DuckPAN::Query | Main application/loop for duckpan query | 1010 | metacpan |
App::DuckPAN::Restart | Automatic restarting of application on file change | 1010 | metacpan |
App::DuckPAN::Template | Template to generate one file of an Instant Answer | 1010 | metacpan |
App::DuckPAN::TemplateDefinitions | Parse the template definitions file to create templates and template sets | 1010 | metacpan |
App::DuckPAN::TemplateSet | Set of templates an Instant Answer | 1010 | metacpan |
App::DuckPAN::Web | Webserver for duckpan server | 1010 | metacpan |
App::DuckPAN::WebPublisher | Webserver for duckpan publisher | 1010 | metacpan |
App::DuckPAN::WebStatic | Webserver for duckpan static | 1010 | metacpan |