Kwalitee Issues

No Core Issues.


Sign the dist as the last step before creating the archive. Take care not to modify/regenerate dist meta files or the manifest.

Error: Old SIGNATURE detected. Please inform the module author to regenerate SIGNATURE using Module::Signature version 0.82 or newer. gpg: Signature made Sat 16 Jun 2012 12:04:32 AM JST gpg: using DSA key 58CA219610F54327 gpg: Can't check signature: No public key ==> BAD/TAMPERED signature detected! <==


Name Abstract Version View
Carp::Fix::1_25 Smooth over incompatible changes in Carp 1.25 1.000000 metacpan
Carp::Fix::1_25::Fixed 0 metacpan

Other Files

Build.PL metacpan
Changes metacpan
MANIFEST metacpan
META.json metacpan
META.yml metacpan
README metacpan