Kwalitee Issues

No Core Issues.


Add 'use warnings' (or its equivalents) to all modules, or convince us that your favorite module is well-known enough and people can easily see the modules warn when something bad happens.

Error: Mail::DMARC::Report::Aggregate::Record::Auth_Results::DKIM, Mail::DMARC::Report::Aggregate::Record::Auth_Results::SPF


Add SECURITY(.pod|md). See Software::Security::Policy.


Add SECURITY(.pod|md) and add a contact address. See Software::Security::Policy.


Add CONTRIBUTING(.pod|md). See


Name Abstract Version View
Mail::DMARC Perl implementation of DMARC 1.20240314 metacpan
Mail::DMARC::Base DMARC utility functions 1.20240314 metacpan
Mail::DMARC::HTTP view stored reports via HTTP 1.20240314 metacpan
Mail::DMARC::Policy a DMARC policy in object format 1.20240314 metacpan
Mail::DMARC::PurePerl Pure Perl implementation of DMARC 1.20240314 metacpan
Mail::DMARC::Report A DMARC report interface 1.20240314 metacpan
Mail::DMARC::Report::Aggregate aggregate report object 1.20240314 metacpan
Mail::DMARC::Report::Aggregate::Metadata metadata section of aggregate report 1.20240314 metacpan
Mail::DMARC::Report::Aggregate::Record record section of aggregate report 1.20240314 metacpan
Mail::DMARC::Report::Aggregate::Record::Auth_Results auth_results section of a DMARC aggregate record 1.20240314 metacpan
Mail::DMARC::Report::Aggregate::Record::Auth_Results::DKIM auth_results/dkim section of a DMARC aggregate record 1.20240314 metacpan
Mail::DMARC::Report::Aggregate::Record::Auth_Results::SPF auth_results/spf section of a DMARC aggregate record 1.20240314 metacpan
Mail::DMARC::Report::Aggregate::Record::Identifiers identifiers section of a DMARC aggregate record 1.20240314 metacpan
Mail::DMARC::Report::Aggregate::Record::Row row section of a DMARC aggregate record 1.20240314 metacpan
Mail::DMARC::Report::Aggregate::Record::Row::Policy_Evaluated row/policy_evaluated section of a DMARC aggregate record 1.20240314 metacpan
Mail::DMARC::Report::Receive process incoming DMARC reports 1.20240314 metacpan
Mail::DMARC::Report::Send report sending dispatch class 1.20240314 metacpan
Mail::DMARC::Report::Send::HTTP utility methods to send reports by HTTP 1.20240314 metacpan
Mail::DMARC::Report::Send::SMTP utility methods for sending reports via SMTP 1.20240314 metacpan
Mail::DMARC::Report::Sender metacpan
Mail::DMARC::Report::Store persistent storage broker for reports 1.20240314 metacpan
Mail::DMARC::Report::Store::SQL store and retrieve reports from a SQL RDBMS 1.20240314 metacpan
Mail::DMARC::Report::Store::SQL::Grammars::MySQL Grammar for working with mysql databases. 1.20240314 metacpan
Mail::DMARC::Report::Store::SQL::Grammars::PostgreSQL Grammar for working with pgsql databases. 1.20240314 metacpan
Mail::DMARC::Report::Store::SQL::Grammars::SQLite Grammar for working with sqlite databases. 1.20240314 metacpan
Mail::DMARC::Report::URI a DMARC report URI 1.20240314 metacpan
Mail::DMARC::Result an aggregate report result object 1.20240314 metacpan
Mail::DMARC::Result::Reason policy override reason 1.20240314 metacpan
Mail::DMARC::Test::Transport metacpan

Other Files

Build.PL metacpan metacpan
MANIFEST metacpan
META.json metacpan
META.yml metacpan
Makefile.PL metacpan metacpan