Catmandu 1.2024 Latest
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Name | Abstract | Version | View |
Catmandu | a data toolkit | 1.2024 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Addable | Base class for all Catmandu modules need to implement add | 1.2024 | metacpan |
Catmandu::ArrayIterator | Convert an arrayref to an Iterable object | 1.2024 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Bag | A Catmandu::Store compartment to persist data | 1.2024 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Bag::IdGenerator | A base role for bag identifier generators | 1.2024 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Bag::IdGenerator::Mock | Generator of increasing identifiers for bags | 1.2024 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Bag::IdGenerator::UUID | Generator of UUID identifiers for bags | 1.2024 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Buffer | A base class for modules that need an array buffer | 1.2024 | metacpan |
Catmandu::CLI | The App::Cmd application class for the catmandu command line script | 1.2024 | metacpan |
Catmandu::CQLSearchable | Optional role for CQL searchable stores | 1.2024 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Cmd | A base class for extending the Catmandu command line | 1.2024 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Cmd::compile | compile a Fix into Perl (for debugging) | 1.2024 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Cmd::config | export the Catmandu config | 1.2024 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Cmd::convert | convert items | 1.2024 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Cmd::copy | copy items from one store to another | 1.2024 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Cmd::count | count the number of items in a bag | 1.2024 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Cmd::delete | delete items from a store | 1.2024 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Cmd::drop | drop a store or one of its bags | 1.2024 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Cmd::export | export items from a store | 1.2024 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Cmd::help | show help | 1.2024 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Cmd::import | import items into a store | 1.2024 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Cmd::info | list installed Catmandu modules | 1.2024 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Cmd::run | run a fix command | 1.2024 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Cmd::touch | add the current datetime to the items in a bag | 1.2024 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Counter | A Base class for modules who need to count things | 1.2024 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Droppable | Optional role for droppable stores or bags | 1.2024 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Emit | Role with helper methods for code emitting | 1.2024 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Env | A catmandu configuration file loader | 1.2024 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Error | Catmandu error hierarchy | 1.2024 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Expander | 1.2024 | metacpan | |
Catmandu::Exporter | Namespace for packages that can export | 1.2024 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Exporter::CSV | a CSV exporter | 1.2024 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Exporter::Count | a exporter that counts things | 1.2024 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Exporter::JSON | a JSON exporter | 1.2024 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Exporter::Mock | a exporter that doesn't export anything | 1.2024 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Exporter::Multi | export you data to multiple exporters | 1.2024 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Exporter::Null | a expoter that doesn't export anything | 1.2024 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Exporter::TSV | a tab-delimited TSV exporter | 1.2024 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Exporter::Text | a Text exporter | 1.2024 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Exporter::YAML | a YAML exporter | 1.2024 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Fix | a Catmandu class used for data transformations | 1.2024 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Fix::Base | Base role for all code emitting Catmandu fixes | 1.2024 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Fix::Bind | a wrapper for Catmandu::Fix-es | 1.2024 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Fix::Bind::Group | a role for a binder that executes all fixes as one group | 1.2024 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Fix::Bind::benchmark | a binder that calculates the execution time of Fix functions | 1.2024 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Fix::Bind::each | a binder that executes fixes for every (key, value) pair in a hash | 1.2024 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Fix::Bind::hashmap | a binder to add key/value pairs to an internal hashmap | 1.2024 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Fix::Bind::identity | a binder that doesn't influence computation | 1.2024 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Fix::Bind::importer | a binder runs fixes on records from an importer | 1.2024 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Fix::Bind::iterate | a binder iterates fixes in a loop | 1.2024 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Fix::Bind::list | a binder that computes Fix-es for every element in a list | 1.2024 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Fix::Bind::maybe | a binder that skips fixes if one returns undef or dies | 1.2024 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Fix::Bind::timeout | run fixes that should run within a time limit | 1.2024 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Fix::Bind::visitor | a binder that computes Fix-es for every element in record | 1.2024 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Fix::Bind::with | a binder that computes Fix-es in the context of a path | 1.2024 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Fix::Builder | Base role for Catmandu fixes | 1.2024 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Fix::Condition | Role for all Catmandu::Fix conditionals | 1.2024 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Fix::Condition::Builder | Helper role to easily write fix conditions | 1.2024 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Fix::Condition::Builder::Simple | Helper role to easily write fix conditions that test a value | 1.2024 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Fix::Condition::SimpleAllTest | Base class to ease the construction of any match conditionals | 1.2024 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Fix::Condition::SimpleAnyTest | 1.2024 | metacpan | |
Catmandu::Fix::Condition::SimpleCompareTest | Base class to ease the construction of compare conditionals | 1.2024 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Fix::Condition::all_equal | Execute fixes when all path values equal a string value | 1.2024 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Fix::Condition::all_match | only execute fixes if all path values match the given regex | 1.2024 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Fix::Condition::any_equal | Execute fixes when at least one of the path values equal a string value | 1.2024 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Fix::Condition::any_match | only execute fixes if any path value matches the given regex | 1.2024 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Fix::Condition::exists | only execute fixes if the path exists | 1.2024 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Fix::Condition::greater_than | Execute fixes when a field is greater than a value | 1.2024 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Fix::Condition::in | only execute fixes the data in one path is contained in another | 1.2024 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Fix::Condition::is_array | only execute fixes if all path values are arrays | 1.2024 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Fix::Condition::is_false | only execute fixes if all path values are the boolean false, 0 or "false" | 1.2024 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Fix::Condition::is_null | only execute fixes if all path values are null | 1.2024 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Fix::Condition::is_number | 1.2024 | metacpan | |
Catmandu::Fix::Condition::is_object | only execute fixes if all path values are objects (unordered sets of name-value pairs) | 1.2024 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Fix::Condition::is_string | only execute fixes if all path values are strings | 1.2024 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Fix::Condition::is_true | only execute fixes if all path values are the boolean true, 1 or "true" | 1.2024 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Fix::Condition::less_than | Excute fixes when a field is less than a value | 1.2024 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Fix::Condition::valid | Execute fixes if the data passes validation | 1.2024 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Fix::Has | helper class for creating Fix-es with (optional) parameters | 1.2024 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Fix::Inlineable | Role for all Catmandu fixes that can be inlined | 1.2024 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Fix::Namespace | 1.2024 | metacpan | |
Catmandu::Fix::Namespace::perl | 1.2024 | metacpan | |
Catmandu::Fix::Parser | the parser of the Catmandu::Fix language | 1.2024 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Fix::SimpleGetValue | helper class for creating emit Fix-es | 1.2024 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Fix::add | shortcut for Catmandu::Fix::add_field | 1.2024 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Fix::add_field | add or change the value of a HASH key or ARRAY index | 1.2024 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Fix::add_to_exporter | Export a record as side effect | 1.2024 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Fix::add_to_store | add matching values to a store as a side effect | 1.2024 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Fix::append | add a suffix to the value of a field | 1.2024 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Fix::array | creates an array out of a hash | 1.2024 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Fix::assoc | associate two values as a hash key and value | 1.2024 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Fix::capitalize | capitalize the value of a key | 1.2024 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Fix::clone | create a clone of the data object | 1.2024 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Fix::code | run arbitrary code as fix | 1.2024 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Fix::collapse | convert nested data into a flat hash using the TT2 dot convention | 1.2024 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Fix::compact | remove undefined values from an array | 1.2024 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Fix::copy | shortcut for Catmandu::Fix::copy_field | 1.2024 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Fix::copy_field | copy the value of one field to a new field | 1.2024 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Fix::count | replace the value of an array or hash field with its count | 1.2024 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Fix::cp | shortcut for Catmandu::Fix::copy_field | 1.2024 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Fix::disassoc | inverse of assoc, transform a hash into an array of key value pairs | metacpan | |
Catmandu::Fix::downcase | lowercase the value of a field | 1.2024 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Fix::error | die with an error message | 1.2024 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Fix::eval | eval and execute fixes defined in a field | 1.2024 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Fix::expand | convert a flat hash into nested data using the TT2 dot convention | 1.2024 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Fix::expand_date | expand a date field into year, month and date | 1.2024 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Fix::export_to_string | convert the value of field using a named exporter | 1.2024 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Fix::filter | Filter values out of an array based on a regular expression | 1.2024 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Fix::flatten | flatten a nested array field | 1.2024 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Fix::format | replace the value with a formatted (sprintf-like) version | 1.2024 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Fix::from_json | replace a json field with the parsed value | 1.2024 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Fix::hash | creates a hash out of an array | 1.2024 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Fix::import | change the value of a HASH key or ARRAY index by replacing its value with imported data | 1.2024 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Fix::import_from_string | Import data from a string into an array ref, using a named importer. | 1.2024 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Fix::include | include fixes from another file | 1.2024 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Fix::index | Find all positions of a (sub)string in a field | 1.2024 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Fix::int | convert a value to an integer | 1.2024 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Fix::join | shortcut for Catmandu::Fix::join_field | 1.2024 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Fix::join_field | join the ARRAY values of a field into a string | 1.2024 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Fix::log | Log::Any logger as fix | 1.2024 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Fix::lookup | change the value of a HASH key or ARRAY index by looking up its value in a dictionary | 1.2024 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Fix::lookup_in_store | change the value of a HASH key or ARRAY index by looking up its value in a store | 1.2024 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Fix::mapping | move several fields by a lookup table | metacpan | |
Catmandu::Fix::move | shortcut for Catmandu::Fix::move_field | 1.2024 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Fix::move_field | move a field to another place in the data structure | 1.2024 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Fix::mv | shortcut for Catmandu::Fix::move_field | 1.2024 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Fix::nothing | does nothing (for testing) | 1.2024 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Fix::parse_text | parses a text into an array or hash of values | 1.2024 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Fix::paste | concatenate path values | 1.2024 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Fix::perlcode | execute Perl code as fix function | 1.2024 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Fix::prepend | add a prefix to the value of a field | 1.2024 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Fix::random | create an random number in a field | 1.2024 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Fix::reject | remove a record form the data | 1.2024 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Fix::remove | shortcut for Catmandu::Fix::remove_field | 1.2024 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Fix::remove_field | remove a field form the data | 1.2024 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Fix::rename | rename fields with a regex | 1.2024 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Fix::replace_all | search and replace using regex expressions | 1.2024 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Fix::retain | delete everything except the paths given | 1.2024 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Fix::retain_field | delete everything from a field except | 1.2024 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Fix::reverse | reverse a string or an array | 1.2024 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Fix::rm | shortcut for Catmandu::Fix::remove_field | 1.2024 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Fix::search_in_store | use the value as query, and replace it by a search object | metacpan | |
Catmandu::Fix::set | shortcut for Catmandu::Fix::set_field | 1.2024 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Fix::set_array | add or change the value of a HASH key or ARRAY index to an array | 1.2024 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Fix::set_field | add or change the value of a HASH key or ARRAY index | 1.2024 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Fix::set_hash | add or change the value of a HASH key or ARRAY index to a hash | 1.2024 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Fix::sleep | Do nothing for a specified amount of time | 1.2024 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Fix::sort | shortcut for Catmandu::Fix::sort_field | 1.2024 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Fix::sort_field | sort the values of an array | 1.2024 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Fix::split | shortcut for Catmandu::Fix::split_field | 1.2024 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Fix::split_field | split a string value in a field into an ARRAY | 1.2024 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Fix::string | convert a value to a string | 1.2024 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Fix::substring | extract a substring out of the value of a field | 1.2024 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Fix::sum | replace the value of an array field with the sum of its elements | 1.2024 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Fix::to_json | convert the value of a field to json | 1.2024 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Fix::trim | trim leading and ending junk from the value of a field | 1.2024 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Fix::uniq | strip duplicate values from an array | 1.2024 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Fix::upcase | uppercase the value of a field | 1.2024 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Fix::uri_decode | percent decode a URI | 1.2024 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Fix::uri_encode | percent encode a URI | 1.2024 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Fix::vacuum | delete all empty fields from your data | 1.2024 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Fix::validate | validate data and keep errors | 1.2024 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Fixable | a Catmandu role to apply fixes | 1.2024 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Flushable | Optional role for flushable bags | 1.2024 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Hits | Iterable object that wraps Catmandu::Store search hits | 1.2024 | metacpan |
Catmandu::IdGenerator | A base role for identifier generators | 1.2024 | metacpan |
Catmandu::IdGenerator::Mock | Generator of increasing identifiers | 1.2024 | metacpan |
Catmandu::IdGenerator::UUID | Generator of UUID identifiers | 1.2024 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Importer | Namespace for packages that can import | 1.2024 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Importer::CSV | Package that imports CSV data | 1.2024 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Importer::DKVP | Delimited key-value pairs importer | 1.2024 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Importer::JSON | Package that imports JSON data | 1.2024 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Importer::Mock | Mock importer used for testing purposes | 1.2024 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Importer::Modules | list installed perl modules in a given namespace | 1.2024 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Importer::Multi | Chain multiple importers together | 1.2024 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Importer::Null | Null importer used for testing purposes | 1.2024 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Importer::TSV | Package that imports tab-separated values | 1.2024 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Importer::Text | Package that imports textual data | 1.2024 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Importer::YAML | Package that imports YAML data | 1.2024 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Interactive | An interactive command line interpreter of the Fix language | 1.2024 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Iterable | Base role for all iterable Catmandu classes | 1.2024 | metacpan |
Catmandu::IterableOnce | Role for iterable classes that can only iterate once | metacpan | |
Catmandu::Iterator | Base class for all Catmandu iterators | 1.2024 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Logger | A role for classes that need logging capabilities | 1.2024 | metacpan |
Catmandu::MultiIterator | chain multiple iterators together | 1.2024 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Paged | Base class for packages that need paging result sets | 1.2024 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Path | Base role for Catmandu path implementations | 1.2024 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Path::simple | The default Catmandu path syntax | 1.2024 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Pluggable | A role for classes that need plugin capabilities | 1.2024 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Plugin::Datestamps | Automatically add datestamps to Catmandu::Store records | 1.2024 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Plugin::Readonly | Make stores or bags read-only | 1.2024 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Plugin::Readonly::Droppable | metacpan | ||
Catmandu::Plugin::Readonly::Searchable | metacpan | ||
Catmandu::Plugin::Versioning | Automatically adds versioning to Catmandu::Store records | 1.2024 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Sane | Package boilerplate | 1.2024 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Searchable | Optional role for searchable stores | 1.2024 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Serializer | A (de)serializer from and to json | 1.2024 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Serializer::json | 1.2024 | metacpan | |
Catmandu::Store | Namespace for packages that can make data persistent | 1.2024 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Store::Hash | An in-memory store | 1.2024 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Store::Hash::Bag | Bag implementation for the Hash store | 1.2024 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Store::Multi | A store that adds data to multiple stores | 1.2024 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Store::Multi::Bag | Bag implementation for the Multi store | 1.2024 | metacpan |
Catmandu::TabularExporter | base role for tabular exporters like CSV | 1.2024 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Transactional | Optional role for transactional stores | 1.2024 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Util | A collection of utility functions | 1.2024 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Util::Path | Path related utility functions | 1.2024 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Util::Regex | Regex related utility functions | 1.2024 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Validator | Namespace for packages that can validate items in Catmandu | 1.2024 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Validator::Mock | Validate items based on a flag | 1.2024 | metacpan |
Catmandu::Validator::Simple | Simple Validator for Catmandu | 1.2024 | metacpan |
Name | File | View |
Catmandu::BadArg | lib/Catmandu/ | metacpan |
Catmandu::BadFixArg | lib/Catmandu/ | metacpan |
Catmandu::BadVal | lib/Catmandu/ | metacpan |
Catmandu::Error::Source | lib/Catmandu/ | metacpan |
Catmandu::FixError | lib/Catmandu/ | metacpan |
Catmandu::FixParseError | lib/Catmandu/ | metacpan |
Catmandu::HTTPError | lib/Catmandu/ | metacpan |
Catmandu::NoSuchFixPackage | lib/Catmandu/ | metacpan |
Catmandu::NoSuchPackage | lib/Catmandu/ | metacpan |
Catmandu::NotImplemented | lib/Catmandu/ | metacpan |