App::CSVUtils |
CLI utilities related to CSV |
1.034 |
metacpan |
App::CSVUtils::csv2paras |
Convert CSV to paragraphs |
1.034 |
metacpan |
App::CSVUtils::csv2td |
Return an enveloped aoaos table data from CSV data |
1.034 |
metacpan |
App::CSVUtils::csv2vcf |
Create a VCF from selected fields of the CSV |
1.034 |
metacpan |
App::CSVUtils::csv_add_fields |
Add one or more fields to CSV file |
1.034 |
metacpan |
App::CSVUtils::csv_avg |
Output a summary row which are arithmetic averages of data rows |
1.034 |
metacpan |
App::CSVUtils::csv_check_cell_values |
Check the value of single cells of CSV against code/schema/regex |
1.034 |
metacpan |
App::CSVUtils::csv_check_field_names |
Check field names |
1.034 |
metacpan |
App::CSVUtils::csv_check_field_values |
Check the values of whole fields against code/schema |
1.034 |
metacpan |
App::CSVUtils::csv_check_rows |
Check CSV rows |
1.034 |
metacpan |
App::CSVUtils::csv_cmp |
Compare two CSV files value by value |
1.034 |
metacpan |
App::CSVUtils::csv_concat |
Concatenate several CSV files together, collecting all the fields |
1.034 |
metacpan |
App::CSVUtils::csv_convert_to_hash |
Return a hash of field names as keys and first data row as values |
1.034 |
metacpan |
App::CSVUtils::csv_csv |
Convert CSV to CSV |
1.034 |
metacpan |
App::CSVUtils::csv_delete_fields |
Delete one or more fields from CSV file |
1.034 |
metacpan |
App::CSVUtils::csv_dump |
Dump CSV as data structure (array of array/hash) |
1.034 |
metacpan |
App::CSVUtils::csv_each_row |
Run Perl code for every data row |
1.034 |
metacpan |
App::CSVUtils::csv_fill_cells |
Create a CSV and fill its cells from supplied values (a 1-column CSV) |
1.034 |
metacpan |
App::CSVUtils::csv_fill_template |
Substitute template values in a text file with fields from CSV rows |
1.034 |
metacpan |
App::CSVUtils::csv_find_values |
Find specified values in a CSV field |
1.034 |
metacpan |
App::CSVUtils::csv_freqtable |
Output a frequency table of values of a specified field in CSV |
1.034 |
metacpan |
App::CSVUtils::csv_gen |
Generate CSV data using Perl code |
1.034 |
metacpan |
App::CSVUtils::csv_get_cells |
Get one or more cells from CSV |
1.034 |
metacpan |
App::CSVUtils::csv_grep |
Select (only output) row(s) where Perl expression returns true |
1.034 |
metacpan |
App::CSVUtils::csv_info |
Show information about CSV file (number of rows, fields, etc) |
1.034 |
metacpan |
App::CSVUtils::csv_intrange |
Output a summary row which are range notation of numbers |
1.034 |
metacpan |
App::CSVUtils::csv_list_field_names |
List field names of CSV file |
1.034 |
metacpan |
App::CSVUtils::csv_lookup_fields |
Fill fields of a CSV file from another |
1.034 |
metacpan |
App::CSVUtils::csv_ltrim |
Left-trim (remove leading whitespace) values and/or fields in CSV |
1.034 |
metacpan |
App::CSVUtils::csv_map |
Return result of Perl code for every row |
1.034 |
metacpan |
App::CSVUtils::csv_munge_field |
Munge a field in every row of CSV file with Perl code |
1.034 |
metacpan |
App::CSVUtils::csv_munge_rows |
Modify CSV data rows using Perl code |
1.034 |
metacpan |
App::CSVUtils::csv_pick_cells |
Get one or more random cells from CSV |
1.034 |
metacpan |
App::CSVUtils::csv_pick_fields |
Select one or more random fields from CSV |
1.034 |
metacpan |
App::CSVUtils::csv_pick_rows |
Return one or more random rows from CSV |
1.034 |
metacpan |
App::CSVUtils::csv_quote |
Make sure values of CSV are quoted |
1.034 |
metacpan |
App::CSVUtils::csv_replace_newline |
Replace newlines in CSV values |
1.034 |
metacpan |
App::CSVUtils::csv_rtrim |
Right-trim (remove trailing whitespace) values and/or fields in CSV |
1.034 |
metacpan |
App::CSVUtils::csv_select_fields |
Select (only output) field(s) using a combination of excludes/includes, including by regex |
1.034 |
metacpan |
App::CSVUtils::csv_select_rows |
Select (only output) rows based on a specification of row numbers (e.g. 2-5,7) |
1.034 |
metacpan |
App::CSVUtils::csv_setop |
Set operation (union/unique concatenation of rows, intersection/common rows, difference of rows) against several CSV files |
1.034 |
metacpan |
App::CSVUtils::csv_shuf_fields |
Shuffle CSV fields |
1.034 |
metacpan |
App::CSVUtils::csv_shuf_rows |
Shuffle CSV rows |
1.034 |
metacpan |
App::CSVUtils::csv_sort_fields |
Sort CSV fields |
1.034 |
metacpan |
App::CSVUtils::csv_sort_fields_by_example |
Sort CSV fields by example |
1.034 |
metacpan |
App::CSVUtils::csv_sort_fields_by_spec |
Sort CSV fields by spec |
1.034 |
metacpan |
App::CSVUtils::csv_sort_rows |
Sort CSV rows |
1.034 |
metacpan |
App::CSVUtils::csv_sorted_fields |
Check that CSV fields are sorted |
1.034 |
metacpan |
App::CSVUtils::csv_sorted_rows |
Check that CSV rows are sorted |
1.034 |
metacpan |
App::CSVUtils::csv_split |
Split CSV file into several files |
1.034 |
metacpan |
App::CSVUtils::csv_sum |
Output a summary row which are arithmetic sum of data rows |
1.034 |
metacpan |
App::CSVUtils::csv_transpose |
Transpose a CSV |
1.034 |
metacpan |
App::CSVUtils::csv_trim |
Trim (remove leading & trailing whitespace) values and/or fields in CSV |
1.034 |
metacpan |
App::CSVUtils::csv_uniq |
Report or omit duplicated values in CSV |
1.034 |
metacpan |
App::CSVUtils::csv_unquote |
Make sure values of CSV are unquoted unless when necessary |
1.034 |
metacpan |
App::CSVUtils::paras2csv |
Convert paragraphs to CSV |
1.034 |
metacpan |