Sah-Schemas-Date 0.015 Deleted
Kwalitee Issues
- use_strict
Add 'use strict' (or its equivalents) to all modules, or convince us that your favorite module is well-known enough and people can easily see the modules are strictly written.
Error: Sah::Schema::date::day, Sah::Schema::date::dow_name::en, Sah::Schema::date::dow_num, Sah::Schema::date::dow_nums, Sah::Schema::date::hour, Sah::Schema::date::minute, Sah::Schema::date::month::en, Sah::Schema::date::month_name::en, Sah::Schema::date::month_num, Sah::Schema::date::month_nums, Sah::Schema::date::second, Sah::Schema::date::tz_name, Sah::Schema::date::tz_offset, Sah::Schema::date::tz_offset_lax, Sah::Schema::date::year, Sah::SchemaR::date::day, Sah::SchemaR::date::dow_name::en, Sah::SchemaR::date::dow_num, Sah::SchemaR::date::dow_nums, Sah::SchemaR::date::hour, Sah::SchemaR::date::minute, Sah::SchemaR::date::month::en, Sah::SchemaR::date::month_name::en, Sah::SchemaR::date::month_num, Sah::SchemaR::date::month_nums, Sah::SchemaR::date::second, Sah::SchemaR::date::tz_name, Sah::SchemaR::date::tz_offset, Sah::SchemaR::date::tz_offset_lax, Sah::SchemaR::date::year, Sah::Schemas::Date
- use_warnings
Add 'use warnings' (or its equivalents) to all modules, or convince us that your favorite module is well-known enough and people can easily see the modules warn when something bad happens.
Error: Sah::Schema::date::day, Sah::Schema::date::dow_name::en, Sah::Schema::date::dow_num, Sah::Schema::date::dow_nums, Sah::Schema::date::hour, Sah::Schema::date::minute, Sah::Schema::date::month::en, Sah::Schema::date::month_name::en, Sah::Schema::date::month_num, Sah::Schema::date::month_nums, Sah::Schema::date::second, Sah::Schema::date::tz_name, Sah::Schema::date::tz_offset, Sah::Schema::date::tz_offset_lax, Sah::Schema::date::year, Sah::SchemaR::date::day, Sah::SchemaR::date::dow_name::en, Sah::SchemaR::date::dow_num, Sah::SchemaR::date::dow_nums, Sah::SchemaR::date::hour, Sah::SchemaR::date::minute, Sah::SchemaR::date::month::en, Sah::SchemaR::date::month_name::en, Sah::SchemaR::date::month_num, Sah::SchemaR::date::month_nums, Sah::SchemaR::date::second, Sah::SchemaR::date::tz_name, Sah::SchemaR::date::tz_offset, Sah::SchemaR::date::tz_offset_lax, Sah::SchemaR::date::year, Sah::Schemas::Date
- meta_yml_has_provides
Add all modules contained in this distribution to the META.yml field 'provides'. Module::Build or Dist::Zilla::Plugin::MetaProvides do this automatically for you.
Name | Abstract | Version | View |
Data::Sah::Coerce::perl::To_int::From_str::convert_en_dow_name_to_num | Convert English day-of-week name (e.g. su, MON, Tuesday) to number (1-7, 1=Monday) | 0.015 | metacpan |
Data::Sah::Coerce::perl::To_int::From_str::convert_en_month_name_to_num | Convert English month name (e.g. Dec, april) to number (1-12) | 0.015 | metacpan |
Data::Sah::Coerce::perl::To_int::From_str::tz_offset_strings | Convert timezone offset strings like UTC-500, UTC, or UTC+12:30 to number of offset seconds from UTC | 0.015 | metacpan |
Perinci::Sub::XCompletion::date_dow_num | Generate completion for date::dow_num | 0.015 | metacpan |
Perinci::Sub::XCompletion::date_dow_nums | Generate completion for date::dow_nums | 0.015 | metacpan |
Perinci::Sub::XCompletion::date_month_num | Generate completion for date::month_num | 0.015 | metacpan |
Perinci::Sub::XCompletion::date_month_nums | Generate completion for date::month_nums | 0.015 | metacpan |
Sah::Schema::date::day | Day of month (1-31) | 0.015 | metacpan |
Sah::Schema::date::dow_name::en | Day-of-week name (abbreviated or full, in English) | 0.015 | metacpan |
Sah::Schema::date::dow_num | Day-of-week number (1-7, 1=Monday, like DateTime), coercible from English day-of-week name (Mo/mon/MONDAY) | 0.015 | metacpan |
Sah::Schema::date::dow_nums | Array of required date::dow_num (day-of-week, 1-7, 1=Monday, like DateTime, with coercions) | 0.015 | metacpan |
Sah::Schema::date::hour | Hour of day (0-23) | 0.015 | metacpan |
Sah::Schema::date::minute | Minute of hour (0-59) | 0.015 | metacpan |
Sah::Schema::date::month::en | Month number/name (abbreviated or full, in English) | 0.015 | metacpan |
Sah::Schema::date::month_name::en | Month name (abbreviated or full, in English) | 0.015 | metacpan |
Sah::Schema::date::month_num | Month number, coercible from English month names (Dec/DECEMBER) | 0.015 | metacpan |
Sah::Schema::date::month_nums | Array of required month numbers (1-12, with coercions) | 0.015 | metacpan |
Sah::Schema::date::second | Second of minute (0-60) | 0.015 | metacpan |
Sah::Schema::date::tz_name | Timezone name, e.g. Asia/Jakarta | 0.015 | metacpan |
Sah::Schema::date::tz_offset | Timezone offset in seconds from UTC | 0.015 | metacpan |
Sah::Schema::date::tz_offset_lax | Timezone offset in seconds from UTC | 0.015 | metacpan |
Sah::Schema::date::year | Year number (AD, starting from 1) | 0.015 | metacpan |
Sah::SchemaR::date::day | Day of month (1-31) | 0.015 | metacpan |
Sah::SchemaR::date::dow_name::en | Day-of-week name (abbreviated or full, in English) | 0.015 | metacpan |
Sah::SchemaR::date::dow_num | Day-of-week number (1-7, 1=Monday, like DateTime), coercible from English day-of-week name (Mo/mon/MONDAY) | 0.015 | metacpan |
Sah::SchemaR::date::dow_nums | Array of required date::dow_num (day-of-week, 1-7, 1=Monday, like DateTime, with coercions) | 0.015 | metacpan |
Sah::SchemaR::date::hour | Hour of day (0-23) | 0.015 | metacpan |
Sah::SchemaR::date::minute | Minute of hour (0-59) | 0.015 | metacpan |
Sah::SchemaR::date::month::en | Month number/name (abbreviated or full, in English) | 0.015 | metacpan |
Sah::SchemaR::date::month_name::en | Month name (abbreviated or full, in English) | 0.015 | metacpan |
Sah::SchemaR::date::month_num | Month number, coercible from English month names (Dec/DECEMBER) | 0.015 | metacpan |
Sah::SchemaR::date::month_nums | Array of required month numbers (1-12, with coercions) | 0.015 | metacpan |
Sah::SchemaR::date::second | Second of minute (0-60) | 0.015 | metacpan |
Sah::SchemaR::date::tz_name | Timezone name, e.g. Asia/Jakarta | 0.015 | metacpan |
Sah::SchemaR::date::tz_offset | Timezone offset in seconds from UTC | 0.015 | metacpan |
Sah::SchemaR::date::tz_offset_lax | Timezone offset in seconds from UTC | 0.015 | metacpan |
Sah::SchemaR::date::year | Year number (AD, starting from 1) | 0.015 | metacpan |
Sah::Schemas::Date | Sah schemas related to date | 0.015 | metacpan |