Kwalitee Issues


Add 'use strict' (or its equivalents) to all modules, or convince us that your favorite module is well-known enough and people can easily see the modules are strictly written.

Error: TableData::Test::Source::AOA, TableData::Test::Source::AOH, TableData::Test::Source::DBI, TableDataRoles::Standard


Add 'use warnings' (or its equivalents) to all modules, or convince us that your favorite module is well-known enough and people can easily see the modules warn when something bad happens.

Error: TableData::Test::Source::AOA, TableData::Test::Source::AOH, TableData::Test::Source::DBI, TableDataRoles::Standard


Name Abstract Version View
TableData::AOA Get table data from array of arrays 0.014 metacpan
TableData::AOH Get table data from array of hashes 0.014 metacpan
TableData::DBI Get table data from DBI 0.014 metacpan
TableData::Munge::Concat Access a series of other tabledata instances 0.014 metacpan
TableData::Munge::Filter Filter rows of another tabledata 0.014 metacpan
TableData::Munge::Reverse Reverse the order of rows of another tabledata 0.014 metacpan
TableData::Sample::DeNiro Rotten Tomato ratings of movies with Robert De Niro 0.014 metacpan
TableData::Test::Source::AOA Alias package for TableData::AOA 0.014 metacpan
TableData::Test::Source::AOH Alias package for TableData::AOH 0.014 metacpan
TableData::Test::Source::CSVInDATA Number from 1-5 with English and Indonesian text 0.014 metacpan
TableData::Test::Source::CSVInFile 0.014 metacpan
TableData::Test::Source::CSVInFile::Select 0.014 metacpan
TableData::Test::Source::CSVInFiles 0.014 metacpan
TableData::Test::Source::DBI Alias package for TableData::DBI 0.014 metacpan
TableData::Test::Source::Iterator A test table 0.014 metacpan
TableDataRole::Munge::Concat Role to access a series of other tabledata instances 0.014 metacpan
TableDataRole::Munge::Filter Role to filter rows from another tabledata 0.014 metacpan
TableDataRole::Munge::Reverse Reverse the rows of another tabledata 0.014 metacpan
TableDataRole::Source::AOA Get table data from an array of arrays 0.014 metacpan
TableDataRole::Source::AOH Get table data from an array of hashes 0.014 metacpan
TableDataRole::Source::CSVInDATA Role to access table data from CSV in DATA section 0.014 metacpan
TableDataRole::Source::CSVInFile Role to access table data from CSV in a file/filehandle 0.014 metacpan
TableDataRole::Source::CSVInFiles Role to access table data from CSV in a set of files/filehandles 0.014 metacpan
TableDataRole::Source::DBI Role to access table data from DBI 0.014 metacpan
TableDataRole::Source::Iterator Get table data from an iterator 0.014 metacpan
TableDataRole::Util::CSV Provide as_csv() and other CSV-related methods 0.014 metacpan
TableDataRoles::Standard Standard set of roles for TableData 0.014 metacpan

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